SID:  Hello, Sid Roth, your investigative reporter here with Bill Kent. Quadriplegic, God tells him to go to a church he’s never heard of, in a city where he knows no one. He goes to Columbus, Ohio, with his wheelchair, with his dog, he gets into the church. But he called before hand and someone in the church prays for him, and for the first time in fifteen and a half years he has feeling in his feet.  He gets into the service, and they make an announcement.  What do they say, Bill? 

BILL:  They say that it was going to be a miracle faith and healing service.   

SID:  You went to the right service, and then what? 

BILL:  Yes, yes. The worship leader comes out and he makes an announcement and he you know, basically says, you know if you don’t believe that you don’t belong here and he asked them to leave. And I saw a few people leave. The majority of the people stayed. The service started, Pastor Parsley comes out and makes an announcement that God had spoken to him in the wee hours of the morning and told him that someone was coming from far away on the promise that he was going to be healed.   And my spirit jumped. 

SID:  You knew it was you. 

BILL:  I knew it was me because I had come from far away on a promise that I would be healed.   But I didn’t know what I was going to be healed of. So the service starts, and there are a couple of things that take place, and then he calls the diabetics down front. And with that you know I go down front with my dog.

SID:  Because you’re a diabetic. 

BILL:  Because I’m a diabetic. 

SID:  You’ve got everything wrong with you, quadriplegic, diabetic. 

BILL:  Right.  When I got to the church I hadn’t had my insulin in three days, because I had run out.  My blood sugar was 470. The service started you know, he called the diabetics, I went down front and the church came together in unity like nothing I ever experienced before. Talk about power in numbers, its like – but I didn’t feel anything, I didn’t feel anything. So it’s like the service went on and on and on and I was seeing all these miracles take place, and I was sitting there in my chair crying out to God, you know you told me to come to Columbus, Ohio and you told me that you’d heal me, and I know that you’re not a liar, and so it’s like – I need to see something.  And I went to adjust myself in my chair and one of the ushers said to me, he says are you trying to get out of that chair. And I wanted to say no; I’m just adjusting myself.   But before I could say anything, words came out of my mouth; I’m going to jump out of this chair in thirty seconds. 

SID:  Where did they come from? 

BILL:  They came from God. 

SID:  Did you get that?  I’m going to jump!  I mean he’s paralyzed; you get this, out of this chair in thirty seconds.   So, thirty seconds come, then what? 

BILL:  I stood up for the first time in fifteen and a half years.  The usher on my left –   

SID:  How did you get – I mean, did you just push yourself up?   How did you stand? 

BILL:  I just stood up.    

SID:  Like that, okay. 

BILL:  I just stood up.  And the usher on my left, he about lost it, he almost fell, and the only reason he didn’t hit the floor is because there was a knee wall behind him. 

SID:  I have something better than Bill Kent standing right now.  I want to take you into that service and see for your own eyes what happened. Let’s roll it in.  Pastor Parsley:  We about plum forgot about you. Sorry. How long you been in that wheel chair? 

BILL:  Since 1985.  Pastor Parsley:  Since nineteen… 

BILL:  Monday, the thirteenth of May 1985 at 8:05 in the morning.  Pastor Parsley:  You got hit by a train. 

BILL:  Yes.  Pastor Parsley:  And you’ve been in that wheelchair ever since. 

BILL:  Yes.  Pastor Parsley:  Come here. I’m just crazy enough to ask who’s that?   Oh that’s his dog. It assisted him getting around. Will it bite me if I pet him? What’s his name?   What’s his name? 

BILL:  His name is Baron.   Pastor Parsley:  Hey Baron. I’m glad you’re his friend because if it was just for a job, you’d be out of a job Baron.   

SID:  I don’t know about you, but I could literally feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.    When you saw that again Bill Kent I have to believe that you felt that presence. 

BILL:  Oh yes. 

SID:  Now kind of bottom line, help me out.   What went down with your diabetes afterwards? 

BILL:  After the service I went back to my wheelchair and I had my glucometer with me so I tested my blood sugar. 

SID:  You didn’t go back into the wheelchair? 

BILL:  Oh, no, no, no.    

SID:  Oh, okay. 

BILL:  I went back to it. 

SID:  All right, I’m with you. 

BILL:  I went back to it.  And I got my glucometer out and I tested my blood sugar in the presence of an usher and it was 128.  My blood sugar fell from 470 to 128 during that service with no insulin. 

SID:  My goodness. 

BILL:  Back to within normal ranges.   Normal range is 80 to 140. 

SID:  Okay, you were taking how many medications at the time? 

BILL:  Thirty-nine. 

SID:  And after that service how many did you have to take? 

BILL:  None. 

SID:  None? 

BILL:  None. 

SID:  Now I understand your dog even got a healing.  Tell me about it? 

BILL:  Yes, he most certainly did.   As you just saw in that segment, you know Pastor Parsley went over and patted my dog, and you know Baron was allergic to twenty-three different things. But after that service, and I had to give him shots, you know twice a week prior to that service, but after the service he was completely healed and I never had to give him another shot.    

SID:  Let me ask you something. I’ve done investigative reporting as you know for many years. 

BILL:  Yes. 

SID:  I have never seen a medical report like this one here and this is Doctor –   

BILL:  Arthur Horn. 

SID:  Arthur Horn. 

BILL:  Yes. 

SID:  Now I’m going to read from this report of Dr. Horn.  I’ve never seen a report, I mean, when I was flying into the studio, there just happened to be a doctor next to me on the plane, I gave this to him and he couldn’t believe what he read, because it lists what this doctors’ observation was after the healing. And this is what the doctor said.  Mr. Kent has been supernaturally healed and there is no medical or scientific explanation for what has taken place.  It’s about time doctors recognized the power of God. And you had another doctor’s report. Tell me about that? 

BILL:  Yes.  It was Doctor Dino J. Delaportis, also from Hagerstown, Maryland, and after I was healed, you know Dr. Delaportis was my treating physician, he was my primary physician, and I went back to his office and he wrote on a prescription pad, you know, after he saw me, and after he witnessed this, you know, he wrote on a prescription pad, I rejoice in awe of you and the miracles the Lord has preformed, and put my name on it, signed it, and dated it. 

SID:  But there’s a problem. 

BILL:  Yes. 

SID:  You can’t participate in the paraplegic Olympics. 

BILL:  Well, glory, hallelujah. 

SID:  Now, I’m going to tell you what.  I want you to look in the camera and I want you to pray for someone that is a paraplegic, a quadriplegic, and I want you to pray that the same thing that happened to you will happen to them.   And have you ever prayed for someone that got out of a wheelchair? 

BILL:  Oh, absolutely, positively.  I went to a, in fact I opened a camp meeting for a pastor in Baltimore, Maryland, Pastor Michael Brewer. And during that service there was a woman that had been in a motor vehicle accident on the Baltimore Washington Parkway, seventeen years before that, and had spent seventeen years in a wheelchair and the people in the church knew her for nineteen years. So they knew her before she had her accident. She came back to that service and the Lord moved on her that evening and she got up and walked out of her chair with her husband there. 

SID:  Now, you listen to me.   There is power, there is supernatural power in the testimony.  You have just heard two. Bill, very quickly pray, now. 

BILL:  Father we just come to you in the name of Jesus right now and standing and believing in unity and agreement that you are in the midst of us right now Lord and I just thank you for this miraculous touch that you are providing for all those out there as your word says, that you have come to heal us, that you have come to make us whole and that the blood shed on the cross at Calvary was not only shed that we have eternal life, but that we have life in wholeness, and that we are made whole in the image of you.   And we just praise you, and we honor you and we thank you for this miraculous touch that you are providing in all those people’s bodies right now that they are healed by the stripes of Jesus. 

SID:  Listen, when the Bible says all things are possible, what you have just seen, what you have just witnessed with your very eyes, there is nothing going on in your life right now that God can’t solve, that God can’t change. Get in touch with God, develop true intimacy with God, there is no other name given unto men in which we must come to know God, and that is the name of Jesus. And if you will repent of your sins and believe Jesus died for your sins and make him your Lord, I tell you all things are possible. 

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