SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Nasir Sidiki and what happens if your brother, who is an ardent Moslem coming from a very high Moslem family, same last name, Siddiq(i), that most Muslims are familiar with. The first Caliph of all of Islam had that last name, and that was one of his ancestors. What happens when you’re healed of MS, you’re healed of life-threatening shingles, and both come back? The MS to his wife, the shingles to Nasir. What do you do? Do you say, I guess it didn’t work? I don’t know. What do you do?

NASIR: That would have been the normal reaction. The difference was that with Anita, she listened to the Word for two straight years, and I listened with her to the Word for two straight years. And when you have that much Word in you, you realize that Jesus carried every sickness and every disease. So when that tingling feeling started to come back on me with shingles, I realized immediately, wait a minute, is this shingles coming back or is this a tingling feeling? And the response was it was a tingling feeling. It was a symptom; the same thing with my wife.

SID: Now I want you to get this very, very clear. There is a difference between a symptom and a sickness, and if you don’t understand this, the devil could take advantage of you. So explain this,

NASIR: Well with her, the same thing happened. The symptoms of MS tried to come back. The doctors told me that shingles will be in my body for the rest of my life. The little bit of stress and it will erupt again. Well I had 10 times more stress and it’s never been able to erupt because I’ve been able to deal with the symptoms. Same with MS, oh yes, she’s okay now, but MS will be in her body for the rest of her life. Well no. The symptoms have come back. But we’ve been able to identify the difference between the symptom and the sickness. The average Christian, what happens is that the symptom comes back and immediately the response is, “Well I didn’t get healed, or I got healed and I lost it.”

SID: Now I remember many years ago, a young Jewish believer came to me and he didn’t need his glasses any more. He prayed and his eyes were normal. The next day, he needed his glasses. He said, “Sid, what happened?” And I said, “I don’t know.” Today, I know. But at that time I said, I don’t know. So what did you do when the symptom came back yourself?

NASIR: First, we had to identify it was a symptom. Second, we had to deal with it with the name of Jesus, and the authority that has been given to us by the Lord, Jesus Christ. And using the name and using the authority, we started to rebuke the symptom, and not open our mouth and acknowledge the sickness. Because the moment you open your mouth and acknowledge the sickness, you open the door for it to come back. And so we said, no, we’re not going there. This is a symptom and we’re going to deal with it as a symptom. Sometimes people get a headache and they think, well my sickness is a headache. Usually, it isn’t. The headache is a result of something else that is going on, and they never deal with the root. Well we had already dealt with the root, which was the sickness. We’re not going to deal with that again. Jesus carried that one. Now we’re going to deal with the symptom. And every time a symptom came, we were able to take that thought captive to the obedience of Christ, number one. Number two, we were able to use the authority of the believer that Jesus gave us and the name that is above every name, and rebuke every symptom.

SID: You know that is so wonderful. I wish everyone understood this. But what happens when your brother, who you love, who is a Moslem, dies and is in the morgue, in another country? What happened to you, Nasir?

NASIR: My brother, he died in Westminster Hospital in London, England. They took his body to the morgue. I got the phone call. My wife and I, we started praying, because we know where he’s going. We know exactly where he’s going. And we started praying, praying, praying. And after several hours of prayer, I got the call that he came back to life in the morgue.

SID: I wonder what they thought. Can you picture that scene? I mean, I can picture it.

NASIR: And they brought him back to the intensive care unit. And I flew to England, prayed and laid hands on him. And he came out of the coma, gave his life to Jesus, and described what he saw. Heaven is real, but Sid, Hell is real, too.

SID: What did he see?

NASIR: He saw himself looking down on his body and he saw the doctors trying to revive his heart, because his heart had stopped beating. Then he saw them give up and cover him with a sheet. He saw them looking down. They took his body into an elevator down to the basement, to the morgue. Then he found himself falling in a very dark place. And there were creatures there, ugly creatures. He was hard to describe because he was frightened with them. And then finally as he was falling in this dark hole, he looked up and he saw a crucifix. This is what he described to me. I said, “You saw Jesus on the cross.” He said, “No, no. I saw myself on the cross.” I said what? He said, “It was the most horrific thing I’d ever seen in my life. I don’t ever want to see that again.” I said, “You deserve to be on the cross because the wages of sin are death unless you accept that Jesus went to the cross for your sins.” And he gave his life to Christ.

SID: Now what did he think when he saw these creatures in this pit?

NASIR: He was petrified. He was absolutely petrified, terrified. He was full of fear. He didn’t even want to talk about it, Sid. When he talked about it, his eye just grew big and it was like, “I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to think about this.” Hell is real.

SID: Now I love the freshness you have when you teach about healing. Answer this question. I pray for many people. I put my hands on them. I feel the presence of God going out of me into them, and I say you are healed. And a few weeks later, they come back and they say, “I’m not healed.” What happened? It went into them. I know it went into them.

NASIR: There are several issues that could stop it. Number one, anointing can be on you and you can still stay sick if you don’t believe that the anointing is on you. Many times we pray for people in healing lines and they don’t fall down. Well they say, well I didn’t fall, so I didn’t get it, or I didn’t feel and I didn’t get it. There’s no record that anybody felt anything. Even the woman with the issue of blood only felt the blood dry up. It doesn’t say she felt the anointing. Jesus felt the anointing go out, but it doesn’t say she felt the anointing. So didn’t they feel anything? Or here’s the most common one. They came with the sickness and it was still on them when they left. And so they say, “I didn’t get.” No, no. Some people were healed instantly in the Bible. But some people were healed as they walked. Some people are healed within the hour. So there is progressive healings and there’s instant healings. Mine was instant. My wife took two years. It didn’t matter whether it was instant or progressive. She’s healed. And so you can have the healing anointing in you, which is what you did when you laid hands on them, and they didn’t acknowledge that the anointing was in them and they were being healed.

SID: You know, Nasir said something very important. It doesn’t matter whether you feel it or not. His brother saw Hell. He saw this pit, these horrible monsters, and he made Jesus his Messiah. If this Moslem with such a substantial background could believe in Jesus, you could do that right now. If you will believe that Jesus died for your sins, every bad thing you’ve ever done, he died for. And tell him you’re sorry for the bad things you’ve done. It’s washed away and you ask Jesus to come and live inside of you, and be Lord of your life. If you’ll do that now, you will know that you’re going to Heaven. You won’t hope. You won’t think. You will know. Knowing is much better than where you are.

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