SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Janie Duvall. And we’re talking about the supernatural quality that God puts on music, and that’s what you’ve just heard.

JANIE: I’ve actually seen Jesus conducting a symphony and people, when you’re joining in with worship, when you’re reading his word, which is actually worship, too, you’re actually then part of that symphony. And that’s why you get healed. That’s why your life changes. Every promise comes to pass.

SID: When people sit under your music, you recently had it at our prayer meeting, what happened?

JANIE: I’ve had people say that they’ve felt angels. And just today, someone had said to me they actually felt being lifted up into the throne room, being seated in heavenly places. And you know, as it is on Earth as it is in Heaven, when you’re seated up there you can get every promise of God.

SID: Well you know, I was thinking about the real purpose for our television show. It says in Scripture, “He who wins souls is wise.” And I have found the law of evangelism. You see, there’s laws of healing, there’s laws of prosperity and they’re all proclaimed very boldly and rightfully so. But who’s going to proclaim the law of evangelism? You see, when God wanted to reach the world, he started with the first Jew, Abraham. When Jesus wanted to reach the world, he said, “I go only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.” And when Paul wanted to reach the world he said, “I go to the Jew first.” It says, if the Jew’s commission was to be a light to the nations, or evangelize the gentiles, the gentiles’ commission is the reverse, the flipside. Romans 11:11: “Salvation has come to the gentile to provoke the Jew to jealousy.” And when these two spiritual DNAs come together, not one better than the other, but an incomplete, it says in Ephesians that the reason Jesus came was to break down the middle wall of separation to form one new man, something that never existed before, the Jew and the gentile, one in Messiah, one in Yeshua. And then Ephesians 2 goes on to say, “This makes a dwelling place of God by His spirit. It makes a complete dwelling place of God by His spirit.” And we’re coming into the next move of God’s spirit, and I prophesy to you that those that do not know God’s understand for the Jew and the Nation of Israel will not enter this next move. And I say to you, as you reach out to Jewish people it opens up a greater supernatural door to reach gentiles than if you go to gentiles first. That’s why I say to you, and I boldly proclaim to you the Jewish person that has crossed your path is not an accident. God wants you to demonstrate His kingdom through signs and wonders, because the Jew requires a sign, and love that Jewish person to Jesus. Janie, if you would go to the music set right now, get ready for your faith to soar to the heavens.


SID: Faith is always now. It’s not yesterday. It’s not tomorrow. It’s now. Why? Because if you reverse the letters of NOW, N-O-W, what do you get? W-O-N, because the victory, the battle as already been won. Faith is now because it’s won for us by Jesus. It is the children’s bread. Get it?

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