Sid:  My guest is red hot for the Messiah, his name is Corey Russell and he has found the transformation benefit of praying in tongues.  He’s not quite where Paul is, he doesn’t pray more than any man, but he’s pushing it; am I right Corey?

Corey:  I’m trying to Sid.

Sid:  Now I want you to speak to someone that loves God with all of their heart and they have been prayed for to speak in unknown tongues and it’s never happened, or other’s that have never been prayed for even to speak in unknown tongues.  I want you to teach them for a few minutes, and then pray for them right here on the air.

Corey: Oh, you got it.  First thing I want you to understand is that you are loved by God and that you are born again, you will never die and that you’re going to live forever with Him.  And it’s His desire for you to have everything that He’s given you.  Right now you have all of the life of God living on the inside of you and as we come before the Lord to seek Him and to ask Him for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the evidence of Speaking in Tongues, what I love to tell people is just to take a deep breath, chill out, calm down and just lean back.  Many people get into a striving mode when it comes to receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit we get into striving or thinking that we can work it or that we got to do something.  I want you to know right now that you don’t have to work for gifts.  It’s called the gift of the Holy Spirit, and you don’t work for gifts you receive gifts.  So even right now; I want you to even just take a posture, a deep breath and begin to say “Lord I want to receive this gift.” You don’t have to earn it or strive for it and there’s another group out there that says, “Well, I only want the real thing, I’m going to set down here shut my mouth and wait for God to descend down upon me, open up my mouth and begin to move my tongue.”  Well, nothing in the Kingdom works that way, everything in the Kingdom moves by faith.  God starts, you step out and He increases, it’s the same way it is with prophesy, is that He’ll give you a picture, you share the picture and many times He’ll give you more once you share the picture.  So it is with receiving our prayer languages, receiving the gift of tongues.  What’s going to happen here in a little bit is we’re going to ask the Holy Spirit to come; You’re going to ask Him to come, and when He does you’re going to begin to feel a rising up of the Holy Spirit within you like a rushing river within. As He begins to move on the inside of you it’s at that moment when you begin to step out and speak as He gives you utterance.  Begin to speak, it may sound dumb, it may sound little, it may not sound like much but I promise you that if you’re faithful just to speak what comes out I promise you the floodgates will open up over your life and He will transfer your life.  So that’s the two big things that I hit and many times we want to take that posture and say “Lord I want all that you have.”  Luke 11, “If you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those that ask Him.”  And we’re going to ask Him right, we’re going to ask Him to fill us with the Holy Spirit; we’re going to ask for all that He has in the Holy Spirit.  If you ever stood against the move of the Holy Spirit and called the things of the Holy Spirit the devil, ask Him to forgive you right now.  If you ever had a father or a grandfather in your down line that have said that the Holy Spirit and that the move of the Holy Spirit is of the devil forgive them; bless them and cut off that generational curse that maybe coming on your life and ask God.  Say, “Lord, I love Holy Spirit, I want all that Holy Spirit has for me and I want to speak in tongues, I want to glorify You through this glorious language.” I even invite you right now if that’s you to go ahead and do that right now before we ask.  And as you release that speak a blessing over your line the power of God will flood into you.  So this is what I want us to do right now even as you’ve heard this it is the gift, it doesn’t mean, you don’t have to speak in tongues to be saved, but it is a gift that He wants every believer to have.  I’m talking about that personal prayer language between your spirit and the Spirit of the living God; those divine mysteries coming out of you, that is your inheritance.  So I want you to open up your hands where ever you’re sitting at right now like you are receiving a gift, just close your eyes and I want you to repeat this prayer right after me, I want you to speak it right to your Father in heaven and believe that you’ve received when you say it, repeat after me just say, “Father I ask you in the name of Jesus that You would fill me with the Holy Spirit from the top of my head to bottom of my feet; I want to speak in tongues, I want to prophesy, I want the life in the Holy Spirit to rush out of me; I want everything that you have Father and in the name of Jesus I receive the Holy Spirit.” Now Father right now just release the Holy Spirit to every listener right now, those that are listening I just say, right now in the name of Jesus be filled with the Holy Spirit, be filled with the Holy Spirit; release life of God into your bedroom, into your car, into your living room, wherever you’re at right now I speak be filled with the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus be filled right now.  Now we want to just wait for a moment or two in the Holy Spirit, I love to wait because you just soak; just keep your eyes and you begin to feel Him just rising up within you just step out and just step out.  It maybe one syllable, it may be a whole bunch of phrases, just begin to speak what comes out of you and don’t stop, the devil will tell you it’s dumb or it doesn’t make any sense tell him that he’s a liar and keep doing it.  As you keep doing it and do it bolder and louder, I’d encourage you if you are getting filled right now, do it louder.  Do it where you can hear yourself and where there’s ownership.  The devil is a liar and I bind all of this lies in Jesus name; just continue to do it even more, louder right now, just begin to speak it right now to the throne, just lift your hands right now unto Him and begin to praise Him.  Acts 2 they were declaring the marvelous works of God.  And right now out of your spirit I say release that river in the mighty name of Jesus.  This is what I’d encourage you to do is keep doing that and just stay in this posture as we keep doing this and I’d encourage you that you just get into your room, get alone in those alone times and just keep building this reality, building this reality and asking him.  It’s not a onetime filling, Ephesians 1:5 says “Keep on being filled with the Holy Spirit.”  We don’t want badges, we don’t want dried up memorials, we want fresh rivers of God flowing in us and through us until the day that we see Him.

Sid: Well, let’s pray in tongues right now Corey.  (Corey and Sid praying in unknown tongues)  You know what I find Corey?  That many times when something is finished by the Spirit in a good way I’ll start laughing in tongues, my tongues is literally laughter.  Have you ever heard of that before?

Corey:  Oh I experienced the same thing Sid, it’s amazing.

Sid:  I mean that’s how I know that I’ve accomplished what God wants us to do.  Now you call praying in tongues, you equate it almost to Jacob’s ladder.

Corey:  Oh yeah, because it’s about building.  It says “Building yourself.”  The famous verse Jude 20.  “Building yourself.”  When we pray in tongues we’re actually building ourselves into a holy house into that divine gate.  And I always think of and I’ve found it in my experience; Genesis 28 “Jacob’s ladder from earth to heaven.”  And that we found that in Christ that Jesus is Jacob’s ladder, and that what happens when we pray in tongues is that we connect into Christ and what we begin to see is the atmosphere of heaven will open up over our lives and we being to experience that Jacob’s ladder of the angels, of the supernatural, of the realm of faith and that’s what I experience.  And you can feel it, you will learn to discern that open heaven reality over your lives.

Sid:  Well, I find in my early days as a believer I prayed hours and hours in tongues and what I believe is I was prophesying my future.  And what I’m experiencing today was because of the hours and hours I prayed in supernatural languages.

Corey:  Yeah, I found the same thing, I believe that I’m literally that mystery realm when a man speaks in tongues he speaks mysteries.  I believe that I actually declaring my prophetic destiny over my life.  It’s the revelation of Him, God and the revelation of who I am in Him, and I’m calling forth those things that are not as though they are and I’m calling them into manifestation.

Sid:  Well, what do you mean by mysteries?

Corey:  Mysteries, I would call them hidden truths, truths about God, truths about ourselves; truths about people that are in need.  And as the Spirit is praying through us I believe revelation like a fire hydrant is coming out of us and saturating the atmosphere around us.  And meaning that we’re actually preparing atmospheres of revelation around us and that we actually step into them.  We take the word of God and we take those whispers, and that’s the mysteries, the mysteries aren’t hidden from us they’re hidden for us.

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