Sid:  One of the ways that you will be red hot for the Messiah is to experience the Messiah.  And one of the portals of moving into God’s peace and love and literally having his peace and his love flow from heaven to earth that’s literally a portal.  I believe that’s this music that I’ve been featuring all this week by Julie True it’s called “Healing Love” and it really is, but it is and interactive healing experience.  Now Julie one of your favorite things to do, and you actually did this on the CD because it was done live at James Goll’s “Angelic Encounters Conference” which then resulted in his book.  And you love to sing over people, why is this so effective singing over people.  I mean I know that it is, but why is it?

Julie:  Well, I have been learning a lot about how that we are spirit beings and when we are in the spirit we are communing with God and we’re ministering to other people’s spirits.  That’s what I do when I’m singing over people. I’m very much about ministering to the soul realm where we feel pain and we feel hurt and we have a lot of people come to the Healing Rooms that need physical healing.  And when you sing over somebody it bypasses their mind it’s like it goes right to the spirit and it just touches places that can’t be touched. I don’t think in other ways and so it is a real tool I think of God to be able to bless people and bring healing comfort.

Sid:  Well your music is used in the Healing Rooms in Tennessee, tell me some experiences when you’ve sung over people, or your music has been played.

Julie:  Well, one night we had a lady come from Arkansas who had been diagnosed the week before with breast cancer.  She came as a desperate person and she actually came from a background where there was not an openness to God through music in worship.  And she came and just sat where I was playing in this living room.  And she literally sat for an hour and a half with her hands in the air and tears streaming down her face worshipping God while I sang over her.  And it was a holy moment, it was just a really precious moment and we found out later that she was healed of breast cancer. She is now singing over people in her own home and sort of having a healing room in her own home.  So that was a really awesome testimony.

Sid:  You have a great deal of compassion for those that are really hurting don’t you.

Julie:  Yes, I do. I just I believe that we should be able to speak to sickness and say go, and I know that God is big and He’s the healer.

Sid:  I know but for you to be like that woman with breast cancer to sing over her that length of time.  I mean normally most Christian’s prayers are thirty seconds for an individual.

Julie:  Well listen it’s, it is so effortless for me I literally use to sing for hours after our church services over people they would have to ask me to stop because of the sound equipment.

So that has never been a problem for me I just, it’s such a joy you know and it’s just what I was made to do.  So I love it.

Sid:  Tell me a few more testimonies.

Julie:  Well, one man came that had told God before he came that night that he actually loaded a gun at his house he told us later and came to the Healing Rooms that night and said, “God if you don’t do something to change my life tonight and to reveal Yourself to me then I’m done.  And he said, “I was serious, I was really serious.”  And so anyway he came to the Healing Rooms that night, and we ministered to his spirit and I’m saying we as Doris Clarke is the Director of the Healing Rooms here in Franklin, Tennessee.  And she read a blessing your spirit excerpt from Arthur Burke and Silva Gunter’s book and I sang over him, God showed up and He changed this man’s life.  And this man is now ministering in the Healing Rooms with us and helping other people, and we loved to see that; just to pass it forward you know.

Sid:  Your music really touches people deep in their spirit, in their emotions.  Tell me about this song we’re about ready to play a little bit of its called “More of You.”  And that’s my prayer; I want more and more and more and more of God.  Tell me about that.

Julie:  Well that, it’s kind of it was during that ministry time at the “Angelic Encounters Class” when I had already sung “I Want More of You” a little bit earlier.  And then God just took me back to that place of just no, I want to go, I want more, I want a deeper place of love, I want to know you more, I want to taste You, I want to smell You, I want to feel You, I want to hear You, I want to see.  It was just like God was opening up all of my senses to His presence and just had given me a desire and a thirst to know Him.

Sid:  Well, let’s hear this selection from “Healing Love, More of You.”

Julie Worship excerpt:  “Healing Love, More of You.”

Sid:  That was “More of You” by Julie True.  Julie you’ve had a number of prophetic words of your music.  There was a prophet by the name of Rae Hughes that prophesied over you.  Tell me the circumstances and what he prophesied.

Julie:  Well, it was at a meeting in Nashville a few years ago and the reason that it was so meaningful to me is that I had always wished that I could sing with more of a strong voice, and that I could do powerful awesome songs. I just always had a soft voice when I sang.  Anyway he didn’t know me at all and he called me out of a crowd and he said, “God has called you to be a whisperer and not a fog horn.”  And that was like one of the those words that will just be forever be with me because it was a moment where I embraced the way that God had made me to be and I still thought, “Well, I wish I could do this or do that.”  But I think it’s really important that we embrace the way that God made us, and that we take what we have in our hands and pour it out.  And my music is so incredibly simple and so not music business like it took me a very long time to be able to let it go, to let it out.

Sid:  Well, I’m going to have you let it out on tomorrow’s broadcast to believe that people’s lives are so impacted.  But real quickly tell me about that young person with autism.

Julie:  We’ve had several different situations that have been real encouraging to us that how God has used the healing rooms to minister to people and to bring some healing and one of them was a little boy with autism. He was very young it had not been able to be at peace and really reckless and he came to the healing rooms and was prayed for.  We bless his spirit which is different, it’s where you really bypass the flesh and you just look into the spirit of that person and we blessed him and sang over him and God really brought healing to him.  And I don’t know what the full measure of it was, but that night he was instantly changed in terms of being peaceful when he had been restless, and his parents were amazed.  So that was one testimony and we’ve had several different children come in and receive healing.

 Sid:  Well, you know demons can’t stand your whispers, I mean you’ve had more reports of being set free from the demonic.

Julie:  Yes, a girl today that I was talking with, the one that lived in the house that I told about some time ago about how she, they had a lot of demons in their house.  She said “Demons hate this music, they hate it.”

Sid:  Okay, if you hate demons you don’t have to be a mental giant to figure what I’m going to tell you to do…

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