SID: Hello. Sid here with Tony Kemp. Tony is a friend. He’s a board member. He’s a graduate of school of theology. He’s a man who is in ministry for something like 26 years. How many miracles did you see in that 26 years?

TONY: I saw maybe 10 healings in that entire time, Sid. In fact, I gave up praying for people that were sick because nothing happened.

SID: You’re very pragmatic, practical.

TONY: That’s exactly the truth.

SID: Okay. So he gets so frustrated he “accidentally” finds It’s Supernatural. What happened?

TONY: Well I began to study the program and listen to the words of God, the keys, the revelations that were coming through you and through the guests, and I began to learn how to move in the supernatural. And this is what I want to say, Sid. Anyone who knows Jesus and loves Jesus, and pursues Jesus can move in the supernatural.

SID: So you spent six to eight hours a day on our TV show, on the archives of our radio, all these archives all of this time. And you come out actually believing that God is not a respecter of persons, actually believing what God does for any of our guests He would do for you. And there were a bunch of deaf people at this first meeting. Tell me about it.

TONY: Well I had never seen the death healed up until that moment. You see, Sid, when I watched the program there were several things that I saw. Number one, I saw that somebody cried out to God. Number two, I saw that somebody heard God. Number three, I saw that somebody obeyed God and then the miracles happened. So I decided to take a rest. And faith is spelled R-I-S-K. And I thought if it worked for these other people, your guests, maybe it might work for me. And so I just stepped out by faith. I prayed for each deaf person, there were seven of them, and every single one of them heard.

SID: Did you hear that? Seven deaf people and every single person heard. Well I’ve got a report of pages of just your last three meetings. These must have been unusual. There were so many people healed. Tell me some of the things that people are healed of your meetings.

TONY: Oh my. We see the deaf hear, the blind see. People get up out of wheelchairs and walk. There are dental miracles. Teeth are removed so they don’t have to go to the dentist. People grow teeth. People get gold fillings, silver feelings, regular feelings, cancer is healed, sugar diabetes is healed, supernatural weight loss. We even have persons who have metal or plastic or titanium in their body where it disappears and pain is gone. And we have cases where even the doctor couldn’t find the metal.

SID: Now does this type of thing happen just at the last few meetings or every meeting?

TONY: These kinds of things happen all the time, Sid. I mean, all the time. It is regular.

SID: How about he went to Heaven and he met some angels that may be here right now. When we come back, I want to hear about his visit to Heaven. How about you?

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