
SID: Hello Sid Roth here with Dr. Andrew Moyo and Andrew is from Uganda, a nation that has literally dedicated the entire nation to God, in fact you told me that your President appointed a new board member, and what was that called?

ANDREW: the Ministry of Ethics and Integrity.

SID: Could you picture a Ministry of Ethics and Integrity being set up in the United States? I mean the ambassador in charge of that, I mean whatever country you are watching us right now I think you have just been given a vision for your country, don’t look at the bad news, look at what could be. Andrew, your mother was a pastor, was praying for you but you wanted to become a brain surgeon and make lots of money, but one moment changed your life, tell me about that.

ANDREW: Basically when I was young I wanted to be a brain surgeon, go to medical school, and have all the nine yards and make lots of money and marry a pretty wife but Jesus, one day after, two days after I got saved, Jesus appeared to me, not a vision, not in a trance, appeared in front of me and began to speak with me and told me my call, and he said “Andrew, I want you to go to the nations and preach the gospel and raise me an army of revivalists, people who will walk in the power and demonstrate the power of the Kingdom of God in the earth.”

SID: So you decided that you needed a skill to make some money so you went to a trade school, the only problem is that you didn’t have any money for the tuition, tell me about that.

ANDREW: Yes, because I said to myself and to my pastor that everybody I read in the scriptures had something they did, they had a profession, so just in case it failed, I would have something to fall back on, so I went to a trade school, and while in the trade school, there was this blind girl by the name of Lydia, and I was praying that God would give me that campus because I made a vow Lord you get me into that school I will preach the gospel and I will start a fellowship. So I was in forty days and forty nights in prayer and fasting and the Lord said to me, “Arise, and receive this campus, I have given it to you.” I said, “Lord how?” And he said, “The blind girl, go and pray for her.” So I called the assembly and told everybody that…

SID ROTH: You called all these students together; did you have the right to do that?

ANDREW: I didn’t have the right to do it but I went and rung the bell anyway, called an assembly and everybody gathered together with the principals, the teachers and the students and I told them that I wanted them to witness God performing miracles right before their eyes of healing, opening the eyes of blind Lydia.

SID: Now this wasn’t a Christian College?

ANDREW: This wasn’t a Christian, actually a private school, it is not Christian at all, most of the students were Muslims pagans and Catholics of course.

SID: So what did they think about your challenge?

ANDREW: As I spoke they began to call me names, scream at me, and they said, “What if they don’t open, we are going to stone you to death.” And I replied, “If they open then you all give your life to the Lord.” And they agreed to that, so I just reached over Lydia’s eyes and I laid my hands on her and the spirit of God…

SID: How afraid were you that it wouldn’t happen? I mean you are just a man.

ANDREW: Absolutely.

SID ROTH: I mean you told me this was life threatening, was it really?

ANDREW: Yeah it was life threatening because when people, when you come up with an idea like that and say, “God is going to do this,” and you put God on it, and the people they say they will stone you to death, for sure, here it is probably not the case, but in Africa people stone you to death and you will die and there won’t be even an investigation, so I was putting my life on the line for the Lord and I was shaking so bad and as I reached out the Spirit of God spoke to me and said, “What ever you say that’s what I will do.” So whatever I said that’s what God did. I rebuked the spirit of blindness off Lydia, and that is exactly what God did, he opened those eyes. For the first time Lydia could see. And there was also another miracle; Lydia had never been able to see.

SID: So she was born blind?

ANDREW: She was born blind.

SID: Well you know that is a Messianic sign, that is a sign to prove that Jesus is the Messiah because the Talmud tells us that there are signs the Messiah will do and one is to open the eyes of someone that’s never seen before.

ANDREW: Absolutely and so she was born blind so she had never seen anything so I took her through a series of exercises to show me if she really could see and she told me the color of my shirt, my pants, how many fingers.

SID: How did she know the color of your shirt if she has never seen before?

ANDREW: Absolutely, and that brings us to the second miracle, because God gave her the ability to recognize and understand colors before she had ever seen anything.

SID: and so what reaction did the other students have?

ANDREW: The students that were looking forward to stoning me to death went down on their knees and I led the entire campus to the Lord. And remember before the principal had given me that week to pay my tuition otherwise I would be cast out of school, well he came to me and said, “Come to my office.” And he said, “The Lord spoke to me to pay for your tuition, your books and everything you will need until you graduate.” That’s why I said that the Lord Jesus sent me to school.

SID: Andrew, when you saw that that blind woman got her sight back, I know the effect on everyone that watched, what effect did it have on you?

ANDREW: Oh boy, my faith was elevated.

SID: You know this book, “Working the Works of God”? That’s what happened to me when I read it; my faith got elevated.

ANDREW: Yes, it elevates faith; it charges you up, it shows you who you are and what Jesus says you can do.

SID: Well you know what is so amazing to me Andrew, is when Andrew prayed for a woman with AIDS that just literally had minutes or hours to live, how much did she weigh?

ANDREW: About twenty, twenty pounds.

SID: and a great miracle occurred, and a great miracle is going to occur in your life because the African anointing is going to come right through your screen. Don’t go away, we will be right back after this word.

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