Lonnie Lane

Sid: My guest right here in the studio is Lonnie Lane. Lonnie is our International Prayer co-Coordinator in fact, she does our newsletter for intercessors. If you would like to pray for all of the activities of Messianic Vision from our distribution of books in the Russian language, and many other languages to unsaved Jewish people. Do you know we’re systematically mailing to Jewish households throughout the former Soviet Union. We are concentrating now in the Siberia area. There is no way Lonnie that these Jewish people would probably ever hear the gospel, but in their language, we have a list of Jewish people and as I’m speaking to you God is healing people. For instance, I know as a fact that if you have a back pain, if you’re driving stop your car, if you’re in your kitchen or somewhere else bend over and you will see that you are totally healed. I know as a fact that someone that has a pain in their neck, if you will move your head you will that that pain is gone. Once God starts moving this way with me I have noticed that pains of any kind if you will by faith, whether I say the condition or not because without faith, or without a corresponding action you cannot please God. So it’s… I’m telling you the window has been opened for healing right now.

Lonnie: Sid, I’m just seeing somebody with a left eye that’s all kind of oozing and infected. I believe God’s healing that left eye.

Sid: Guess what just happened Mishpochah, there was an outpouring it was almost a blast of healing has just gone through the airwaves; it’s not pain anymore it’s gone to a higher level. It’s anything, ANY-THING. So anyway this Jewish woman, Lonnie Lane, she walks up to a statue by Rodin. It’s a statue of John the Baptist and she doesn’t know much about John the Baptist all she knows is she went to Israel and she can’t get the name Yeshua out of her head. It’s almost like He’s following her, and people aren’t telling her about Yeshua, Yeshua is telling… you know Christians, she was raised in Christian America and how many people told you about Jesus growing up?

Lonnie: Not one.

Sid: And do you know what my story is, for the first 30 years of my life raised in Christian America; how many people told me about Jesus? Not one. Unbelievable.

Lonnie: Well I’ll you one story about a woman who thought she was telling me about the Lord. Our daughters used to play together, and she had mentioned to me that she was going to a Bible study and studying the Old Testament. After I got saved I went to her church, not knowing it was her church and ran into her in the church after the first service. I said to her “Barbara what are you doing here?” She said “What am I doing here, this is my church how come you’re here?” I said “The Lord just saved me and I had to come to church.” I said “Why didn’t you tell me, you knew I was going through a…” I was going through a very difficult time in my life. I said “How come you didn’t tell me about the Lord?” She said “I thought I was telling you when I told you I was going to an Old Testament Bible study.” I said “You never told me it was anything for me.” She said after the next day she called me after that, she was driving down the street the next day, and she turned her radio on heard “Shalom Mishpochah.” She heard your voice and had to pull the car over to the side of the road and she just wept and wept, and called and asked me to forgive her for not having told me.

Sid: Well you know Lonnie. I’m reminded I was a stock broker at Merrill Lynch. When I became a believer in the Messiah a Jewish reporter that did not know the Messiah decided they were to interview people that were business people that came to the Lord. There was a group of business men they were called by the press “White collar Jesus freaks.” So this reporter interviews me and it made the front page of a major Washington D.C. newspaper before most of my family knew I was a believer in Jesus. I’m on the front page of the newspaper. So I get a phone call from one of my clients at Merrill Lynch, I was his stock broker. He said “Sid I want you to know I’m a born again Christian too. I’m so glad you believe in Jesus.” I thought to myself “I almost died in the New Age and now you’re telling me this.” I mean give me a break! Lonnie as I said on yesterday’s broadcast “This is the set time to have favor on Zion,” this is the set time to have mercy because we read in the Bible one of the worst persecutions, a group of people called the Jewish people will ever have in history is ahead of us when we see the headlines in the newspapers that the whole world is turning anti-Israel and anti-Jewish. I don’t understand all the things God is up to right now, I’m not meant to, but the one thing I understand this is God’s moment to have mercy on Israel; the one thing I understand is that there are people listening to us, that the reason you are listening to us is because God wants you to open your mouth to people like Lonnie Lane, and Sid Roth before we knew the Messiah. So Lonnie, you become a believer in the Messiah and would you say, by today’s “Christian Standards” radical in your faith, or very subdued in your faith? Because today I know you’re radical. I’m just curious.

Lonnie: I think radical is normal.

Sid: Of course radical is normal, so are you normal?

Lonnie: Oh, well normal from God’s perspective I mean when you’ve got the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob speak to you; incidentally what I heard in that voice was all the unchallengeable authority possible, and at the same time the tenderness and the comfort as if He was saying “Shh I can make it all okay and I have the power to do it.” That wasn’t just for my life that was for the world. I mean I heard the same voice that Abraham heard, and Moses heard, so I understood why they went. Were they radical? I mean you can’t not be called out to God.

Sid: I’m reminded of this young Jewish housewife that goes into her synagogue and says “Rabbi how come we don’t hear the voice of God today?” Now if someone said to you “Lonnie you can’t hear the voice of God today, that’s mashugah, you’d have to be crazy.” What would you say to that?

Lonnie: Well I actually had my first church tell me that.

Sid: The synagogue told you, the church told you. I mean if you didn’t have an encounter living God how could you have survived?

Lonnie: Probably that’s why He gave those things to me. The traditions of man… Jesus said “The traditions of man nullify the word of God.” So the traditions… in fact, to go back to what you were saying about the move of God that’s about to happen with the Jewish people. You folks who are listening you need to abandon the traditions that say for one thing the church has been somewhat anti-Semitic, but also that the church may be finished with the Jewish people, or that the Jews aren’t going to accept what you have to say. Those are traditions those are not what God has to say. You need to read the Bible for what it is, and know that “All Israel will be saved” at some point. To speak to them as if we expect with faith that they’re going to hear what we are saying.

Sid: Lonnie you had a vision of a fossilized man. I want you to share that.

Lonnie: This was at a time when as I’m in the church and I know what things are going on from my own perspective, my own Jewish heart. I look at the church around me and I know that they have perspectives on the Jewish people; much of what… like I just said, there are traditions that are anti-Jewish. God showed me a… I saw a life size statue and it was all encrusted, it was calcified like a boat that would be in the water with barnacles it was rather unappealing looking statue. It was an open vision so I could interact with it, and I reached down and touched it and as I touched it with my finger a piece flaked off of the arm and I saw what looked like live flesh underneath. I put my finger into that place and found it was warm and that there was somebody in there. At that very moment the Lord gave me the revelation that what I was seeing was Yeshua and calcified with traditions. That He is immobilized and He can’t respond and react as He really is; we’re not seeing Him for who He really is because of so many of the traditions that keep Him almost mummified, you know He can’t move as He would. That had to do with gifts, with the move of the Holy Spirit, it has to do with…

Sid: You know one of the sad things to me Lonnie is we have the most popular churches today are seeker sensitive. Then we have charismatic and Pentecostal churches that are so bogged down in tradition that there’s not a whole lot of difference between the two except they have more worship. There has got be a platform of people that are red hot for Jesus that are normal.  Red hot is normal; lukewarm is, or conservative, or Sunday Christians or Saturday Messianic Jews that’s just religion. You’re calcified and don’t even know it.

Lonnie: And don’t know it because if we knew Yeshua for who He really is… even a little part of who He really is exceeds what we know now.

Sid: I’m reminded of what Paul had to say “If it was a blessing the Jewish people rejected their Messiah” and it was “so that the Gentiles could be grafted in to the Jewish olive tree,” how much greater blessing when the Jewish people receive their Messiah. It’ll be literally life from the dead. In other words, there is going to be a radicalness that’ll go into the seeker sensitive churches, a radicalness that’ll go into the charismatic Pentecostal type churches, a radicalness that’ll go into the denominational churches when these Jewish people come in they’re going to be on fire just like Lonnie Lane is, and just like I am. We’re not going to be satisfied for manmade traditions, we’re only going to be satisfied for greater and greater intimacy with God. I have never in my entire walk with the Lord been hungrier than I am right now for a greater intimacy with God. If you’re not so hungry for a greater intimacy with God you’re backslidden and you’re a candidate for salvation.

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