
Sid: Now there are many mysteries that the scriptures refer to but there’s one mystery that’s not supposed to be a mystery for believers.  And that mystery has to do with healing.  But with most Christians, be they evangelical, charismatic they come up with what my wife’s grandmother used to say all the time, “God works in mysterious ways.”  Well, that’s the all American copout; there should not be a mystery of healing.  I believe that we are coming into the greatest move of God’s Spirit on healing that planet earth ever seen because we’re coming into the greatest move of God’s Spirit of evangelism that this world has ever seen.  Because God’s going to have one last outpouring of mercy before He just wraps the whole thing up.  And I can’t think of a better person for me to be interviewing than Don Gossett; I’m speaking to him at his home in Blaine, Washington.  Don was mentored, discipled and knew some of the greatest healing evangelists in history. You see in the 1940’s and 50’s and you see what God did and He’s going to do it different this time but back then what He did is He picked individuals and His Spirit just came on them and miracles just started happening.  The problem is that many of these men and women didn’t have the character; they had the gifts and they fell.  But what God’s going to do in this last great outpouring He’s going to pour His Spirit on you.  You’re going to be walking in supernatural signs and wonders and so if you will I’m going to have Don Gossett mentor you this week.  Now Don has 20 books that are Christian worldwide best sellers. Of all of his books the one that means the most to me it’s something that is a mystery and is not supposed to be a mystery to most believer’s it’s called “The Power of Your Words.”  Now Don there must have been a point in your life where you would pray for the sick and be the most frustrated person on the face of this earth because you saw very few people healed. Is that true?

Don: That’s correct.

Sid: How did you get from the point of someone praying and not seeing results and most people who pray and don’t see results they’re pragmatic and they just stop praying? What caused you to persevere and to see that your words don’t have to fall to the ground?

Don:  Well, when I began to read the writings of Dr. E.W. Kenyan when I was a very young man I was given a copy by… it was a person copy by William Brenham, the famous evangelist.  That book was passed on to me way back in the 1950’s. When I read that book by Dr. Kenyan I mean it really ministered to me.  Now the Holy Spirit in His own sovereign working has given me a visitation from Philippians 2:9-11.  Where the scriptures says that God gave Jesus the Name above every name in Heaven, Earth and Hell.  And so this revelation of the power of the name of Jesus had become a personal experience in my own life.  Then when I read the book on “The Name” it just exploded in my Spirit and I began for the first time in my own life began to pray and see mighty results.  And it was just simply acting on the words of Jesus in a way of what I call authority, boldness, and compassion that was a new experience for me.  Now I must back up a bit and say that God gave me the privilege of being associated with some of the great evangelism whom He raised up in that generation I know a pastor that came to me some time ago and said “Don you’re one of the few men that are still alive who was a part of that great worldwide revival that came upon the earth in the 1950’s.”  And he said “You owe it to us who are 2 and 3 generations later to tell us about that revival that visitation of God what happened.”  And I had been endeavoring to do that, as a matter of fact I had been working on a book for many months to explain my own particular experience of what I call these people my heroes of faith.

Sid: Could we take a few of them and I’d like for you to tell some of the things you saw with your own eyes and some of the secrets you learned from them?

Don: Oh yes I would.  The first one that I was invited to work with was William Freeman.  Now he’s not real known of this day but back in the 1940’s and 50’s he was very famous used by the Lord of a prayer life that impacted Heaven and impacted my life personally.  William Freeman had been a railroad brakeman until he was age 23 when he accepted Christ and his life was radically changed of course.  Then he was called to the ministry; he gave up his career on the railroad to become a full-time pastor of a small church.  Something he didn’t relate publicly but he did share with me privately many times was since he decided since he no longer worked 8 hours a day on the railroad he would devote those 8 hours to prayer.  And for many months he gave himself daily to 8 yours of prayer.  The results were quite wonderful and the result was a closer walk with the Lord and understanding of the Bible, and an anointing to preach that led people into the presence of God.  And in a climax of that advanced prayer life of 8 hours of prayer a day it was a personal visitation of an angel of the Lord.  The angel simply said to him “I’m an angel of the Lord sent by God to give you a gift of healing. You are to go and stretch fourth your hands and bring healing to the people; if you could get them to believe that not one thing would stand before you not even cancer.  There was a great sleeping and slumbering in the land there must be awakening because Jesus is coming soon.”  Now I can relate that so completely right out of my heart because traveling with this man for about 5 years I heard him relate that many times.

Sid:  Now I have to ask you do you have any idea; now you said he prayed 8 hours a day but do you have any idea how he would pray?  Would he pray primarily in unknown tongues or do you not know.

Don:  It was a combination; when I began to travel with him way back when I was just 19 years of age he invited me to become his associate to become an editor of his national magazine.  He had previously worked with Gordon Lindsey, a well-known man in the charismatic movement.  His prayer life was what impacted me; when we would stay in various hotels he would call me into his room several times a day and when I would knock at his door he would respond by saying “Don, before we do anything else let’s stop and pray for fifteen minutes.”  Instantly we would go to our knees almost always the glory and the presence of God would fill that room.  It as an awesome experience and for instance one the way to various…

Sid: Excuse me when you make a statement like that I have to question.  “The glory of God would fill the room.”  Are you talking about a tangible presence?

Don:  I’m talking about a tangible presence; you know earlier memories are quite vivid and you know sometimes over emphasized perhaps, but to me I never have experienced in all these years anything to compare to the manifestation of the presence of God I would call His glory would fill the room, that’s what I mean.

Sid: So if we were looking for a common denominator that catapulted him into this great healing ministry I think we could say that it was his prayer life.

Don:  That was it exactly; and here was a man of all the visitation of the angel; the gifting’s of God.

Sid: Do you think that this would have happened if he didn’t have a prayer life; do you think he might have missed it?

Don:  I think that he would have I think that the prayer life was the key to the visitation of the angel to the manifestation of God’s power.   And for instance when we would travel the man had the awesome gifting’s of God, but he had the fear sometimes of flying an airplane any more than when he had to.  It was sort of a private thing his hesitation to want to fly.  So to go across America for a great crusade we would drive a lot. But very often as we would approach a city where he was going to conduct a crusade or a ministry he would stop and rent a hotel room so we could devote 2 or 3 hours to fervent prayer.  I mean to this man prayer was a priority and I always felt that it was a good investment of God’s money to engage a hotel room solely for the purpose of prayer.  And he’d say to me “Don I must meet God in deep prayer before we go into the service tonight and that’s the way the history of my involvement with the man was…”

Sid:  Now out of curiosity did he ever have visions of what might happen in the service during his prayer?

Don:  He did maybe not as the same parallel of my friend William Branham had.

Sid: Wow, he’s in a whole different ballgame.  I’ll tell you if there was any man of God of all the ones or woman that I have studied he’d be the one whose gifting I’d like.

Don:  Well, when I talk about having heroes of faith and they’re all people that God chose to use in a great way.  I’ve been asked that same question if you could hand pick your own gifting from God that you would want God to bestow upon you I would have to say the gifting’s that God chose to give William Branham.  It was always absolutely mind blowing.

Sid: Now for those that aren’t familiar with William Branham now I only know about him you saw him minister.  Tell me what you would see with your own eyes.

Don:  Right, you would see the way the Holy Spirit flowed through him and giving him insight.  Well it usually happened is as he has shared in his different testimonies it would happen in the day time before the service he would see what was going to happen.  And then when he was in the service he was just carrying out very often what God had already revealed to him and showed to him what would happen.  For instance my particular association with him was when I was with working with TL Osborn; I was editor of TL Osborn of TL Osborn’s magazine “Faith Digest” for some time back in Tulsa.  And when William Branham came to Tulsa for our great crusade in March 1960, Brother Osborn brought him to my personal office and it was one of the great experiences of my life to say “I want you to meet “William Branham.”  I mean to me it was almost like meeting the Lord Himself because I had such great respect for the way God clothed this man.  He was genuinely humble.

Sid: Don is it true that he would know peoples name, he would know things about them.  And everyone that he prayed for that he chose to pray for was healed.

Don:  I knew two of his coworkers Gordon Lindsey and F.F. Bosworth.  They both traveled with him for more than 5 years and they told me that whenever God gave him that majestic word of knowledge or ability to see the hearts and needs of people that he was never wrong.

Sid: Ah we’re out of time.

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