Henry Wright 1 of 2

Sid: My guest by way of telephone is Henry right I’m speaking to him at his church Pleasant Valley Church in Thomaston, Georgia.  I have his updated manual called “A More Excellent Way – Spiritual Roots of Disease Pathways to Wholeness.”  He has found over the years that there are actually roots to every major disease.  When you deal with those roots the healing is easy. Now we were talking on yesterday’s broadcast, and unfortunately we ran out of time about a young man that had a learning disability. Unfortunately so many people listening to us right now… Henry people in single parent homes, especially without a father, is there a high pertinacity of learning disabilities?

Henry: Well there can be there are other diseases that come out of that type of breakup.    

Sid:  Out of curiosity what other diseases come to mind?

Henry:  Well, there’s fibromyalgia is a big one; a lot of anxiety disorders come out of that breakup.  We have diseases such as diabetes 1, Hodgkin disease, leukemia or diseases that come from the breakup of those families.  There can be a number of diseases that come autoimmune diseases, most autoimmune disease have their root in the failure of a man to properly represent God as a father and as a husband.

Sid: Okay let’s go back to that story of that young man with a learning disability.

Henry: Well, as remembering our conversation the mother surfaced and said that she wanted to deal with the generational issues of ungodly order in the home and didn’t want the child on Ritalin.  So we brought both of them into ministry and I went to the meeting with the school psychologist with the mother and on behalf of the child. I brought with me a program called “Focusing.”  What happens in hyperactivity it’s called random scattered thought where they can’t seem to focus.  And there’s nothing wrong with their brains; and by the way in learning disabilities there is not one thing wrong with that person and their ability to learn.  Something invisible is causing the pathways of thought to be changed and aberrated and that’s a whole subject that we won’t get into at the moment.  To make a long story short the program “focusing” was very simple; the child would check in with the parent and with the teacher and there would be a page given for one week for Monday – Friday. If the child began to conform to teaching and education and behaving in the school room he’d get a smiley face – he’d come home with a smiley face.  He would get $2.00 because we asked him what do you want.  He wanted a video game; fine you’re going to earn it that’s called “Focusing” and he got $2.00.  If he misbehaved he’d get a frowny face and get a dollar taken away.  If it was a marginal day he’d get a straight line face and he’d wouldn’t lose money or get any.  And when this is their four 9 week grade period at this school.  The first nine is when they surfaced wanting to put the child on Ritalin.  We began the program of “Focusing” with the teacher and the parent participating with the child” and this next 9 weeks were rough.  It was up and down but the child began to improve.  After Christmas they went into the 3rd 9 week period and the child began to really focus; to make a long story short I have in my files by the way Sid I’ll show to you sometime.  I have in my files from the local newspaper involving the A-B Honor Roll of a school system involving in that child.  That child at the end of 4 grade periods with ministry and focusing went from straight F’s; faced against the wall, hyperactive to student of the year, teachers first assistant and A-B Honor Roll in actually 3 grade periods.  It cost the parents a total of $40 to support this program.  The next part of the story is this, the next year when the child was 10 they brought the child to the office and I said “How did you like your year? Oh he loved it because it got attention, he was student of the year you know he got A-B Honor Roll.” You see there was nothing wrong with his ability to learn it was something interfering.  So we said “You liked it huh?”  And he said “Yes.”  And I said “What are you going to do this year, you need to have focusing or are you motivated now that you like the success and the ….that are happening to you.  He said “I can do this.”  That next year he was straight A in that school system.  Long story short Sid is this 3 years ago that child was offered a 4 year scholarship and over $40,000 in US dollars for a college education and was straight college prep all the way through and he never had a problem with ADD ever again.

Sid:  Henry out of curiosity I see in your manual “A More Excellent Way” a number of doctors, medical doctors, dentist that endorse what you’re doing; are you finding even though you use Biblical spiritual principals that the secular medical community and scientific community are interested in the results you’re getting?

Henry:  I say more of the Christian medical community are more interested than the secular because the secular community is not really interested in spiritual things they’re not trained that way. You know the Bible says “Spiritual things are spiritually” discerned I must say you must be born again to understand spiritual things that is elementary to really understand God and all those things that are invisible about Him.  But in the Christian community doctors and psychiatrists and nurses around the world are beginning to awaken.  The problem that I’m having with them is this Sid; they ask me one quick question “Now that you’ve ruined me forever in my profession what are you going to do with me?”  Because most doctors and most physicians and psychiatrists and counselors cannot minister to people at the level that we do to produce change because of laws that prevent it.  And this is a sad situation because you cannot remove the spirituality of man and apart from God most sciences and all training in biology and psychology for the most part deny the existence of the spirituality of man. And this is a tragic part of our separation from God.

Sid: Let me ask you about something that’s becoming almost epidemic in our society; diabetes.  What experience do you have with that disease?

Henry:  Oh, it’s good there’s two kinds Diabetes I, Diabetes II.  Diabetes I is autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the pancreatic tissue and destroys it causing Diabetes I.  That’s a self-hatred disease; people get diabetes I many times have not been loved perfectly by their fathers there’s been performance and perfectionism and driveness.   It is a fear of failure disease.  It is a disease in which people do not feel complete or whole in who they are in life so it’s an autoimmune disease.  Diabetes II however is an anxiety disorder and involves an imbalance of synthetic nervous system affecting pancreatic tissue function. In this particular case it is a stress disease and rooted deeply in Diabetes II is fear of failure; people who get Diabetes II are driven to perform to get it all right because they don’t want to fail anybody in what they do that is the root problem behind Diabetes II.

Sid: Does one come to mind that was healed and what was done?

Henry: Well there’s a number of people that have been healed; I have one in mind of an individual that had Diabetes II that when they finally got to ministry around the fear of failure and fear of man because they put their whole value system in who they were as to how they did it.  You know Sid today even in Christianity in the world you know what you are, who you are, is what you do. We are such a performance and competition orientated society.  Even in Christianity if you’re not successful then you can’t hear God correct.  I mean the whole thing is based on performance, success and everybody’s falling through the cracks because there’s no allowance made for failure and weakness, or for people even to have God join them.  The Bible says this “Out of our weakness He is made strong.”  The word says this “So the righteous fall seven times the Lord with His hand shall lift them up.”  I think the disease is coming because there’s been no allowance for weakness and failure provided. If you want to keep your job you got do things right; you want to become a deacon in the church God forbid you have a sin issue.  And the whole thing is this Sid is that we are now becoming gods to our self and it is producing a plague of diseases.

Sid: Speaking of a plague of diseases one of the problems in society increasingly is a sleeplessness, having sleep deprivation.

Henry:  Insomnia.

Sid: Yes.

Henry:  Insomnia in the Journal of American Medicine insomnia is considered to be a stress disorder. In our investigation of insomnia is the result of the imbalance of the nervous system ophthalmic intervention.  Because what happens when you have a stress or you have a worry or you have a fear in your life and it’s time to go to bed; lay your head down and go to sleep the hypothalamus which is a brain of the endocrine system senses that you are not at peace upstairs in your mind and your thinking.  And says you haven’t defeated this enemy; you cannot go to sleep because you have not defeated your enemy.  And actually insomnia is a result of your hypothalamus keeping you awake because you are in fear, anxiety…

Sid: Oh, we’re out of time.

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