
Sid: I have to tell you I’m holding one red hot book in my hands; what makes it red hot?  The presence of God; what makes it significant?  Because something you never thought about before.  The book of Esther has a pattern; a protocol on how you can have one night with the King.  How you can have supernatural favor with the King. And I have the author of the book “Finding Favor With the King.”  You’re familiar with him because of his bestselling series called “The God Chasers.” And soon to be motion picture “One Night with the King” will be out in October” by faith.  No, I think that it will be there by reality.  And his name of Tommy Tenney; I’m speaking to him in his office in Pineville, Louisiana.  And Tommy you and I are having fun and we’re going to have everyone else to have fun with us.  We were talking about one of my favorite subjects yesterday Tommy.

Tommy:  Here’s what we’re doing Sid we’re soaking in the oil.  

Sid: Oh, it’s wonderful.  How do I… when I finish this book and in all candor I have notes on the book and I’ve read about 1/3 of the book myself.  When I finish with the book and when I follow what is written in this book or not me, if anyone reads this book and follows…

Tommy: Yes you and anybody in a simple way this is a recipe for finding favor with the King using the backdrop of how Esther found favor with an earthly king.  And the protocol is you must learn; if we picked people up and deposited them in a palace. Most people would not know how to act; what to look like; what the wear; where to go.  Esther was trained and prepared so thoroughly Sid she spent 12 months preparing for 1 night.  Six months soaking in oil of myrrh and 6 months with other spices.  You could smell Esther before you could see Esther.  She smelled wonderful; she learned how to walk to present herself.

Sid: You talk in the book about how saturated she was and why it was so important.

Tommy:  It’s because the anointing; we don’t understand the anointing and I think God gave me a little insight here.  The anointing is not for us it’s for the King.  The real purpose of the anointing Sid is to camouflage the stench of our human flesh so the King can stand to be in the same room with us.

Sid: You know most believers that have been around awhile take our Heavenly Father for granted and they don’t realize how good He is to put up with us.  Even those that are walking “Quote godly lives,” we still are human.

Tommy:  And He even spritzes us with a little bit of the essence of Himself so that it camouflages the stenches of our humanity.  We’re humans and we’re full of failures and short coming.  Esther was a pheasant who spent months soaking in the fragrant oils of myrrh and other spices so that when she had her date with the king that she no longer smelled like the… she didn’t smell earthy she smelled Heavenly.  And some of us want to rush straight in.  I don’t know I’ve got kids and I remember when they were growing up they’d come in from playing outside and it’s time to eat and the first thing. “You need a bath.”  “Why?” “Well, you just smell like the outside.”  And inside the palace, protocol you didn’t smell like outside the palace atmosphere.” And there are people who refuse to change; they don’t want to soak in the aroma or the presence of God to even learn how to approach him. And some people say “I don’t like that aroma.”  And it’s almost like… have you ever been around someone and you were allergic to some perfume?  God is allergic to some perfumes; some people spritz themselves with the aroma of the arrogance and wonder why God vacated the room every time they walk in.  He’s allergic to that aroma

Sid: Some people have the perfume of gossip.

Tommy:  (Laughing) Well, we could go down a lot of paths.

Sid: Alright, let’s go back to the book of Esther; you do a teaching that I’ve not seen before on frankincense.  The line I’m referring to is frankincense only release its fragrance in the heat of the fire.  Tell me about that.

Tommy: All of these aroma’s that were used there is a breaking process; there is a crushing process or a heating process that releases these aromas.  In our lives we often run from brokenness; when God actually runs to brokenness.

Sid: Some of the greatest men and woman of God I know did not become great men and woman of God until they went through that refining process.

Tommy:  Well, it was that way in my life; many major ministries that are personal friends of mine people think that their Genesis was in a sermon that they preached that sort of resonated.  But if you asked them they’ll track it back to an experience where they were broken.  And the sermon may or the book may have been birthed out of that; it is always a beginning.  And Esther the brokenness of being pulled up away from her home, her family.  Spending 12 months in this; it may have been a palace but it was isolation and separation non-the less. Sometimes, Sid here’s a really… I feel that someone needs to hear what I’m about to say right now.  Sometimes the King makes you wait just to purify the outcome.

Sid: Listen; I’m Jewish and grew up in an instant self-gratification culture.  And what you are saying is so foreign to my basic makeup.  Yet what you are saying is so true.

Tommy:  Why did it take 12 months for preparation?  Why not 12 days or maybe 12 weeks and I asked the Lord that?  And it’s very simple Sid; if any of those had walked into that palace pregnant 12 months would have made it show up.  And the last thing the king wanted is to be blamed for something he had nothing to do with.

Sid: Hmm.

Tommy:  And so when this young girl was brought in as a potential bride and queen for the king if there’s going to be something birthed out of their encounter; if there is going to be something in their future the way that he purified the outcome to make sure if there’s going to be a child; if there’s going to be an offspring; if there’s going to be a future that it’s from God.  And sometimes we want to walk in pregnant with our own ideas and then blame them on God.  His way of purifying that is they spent 12 months in isolation; purification and beauty process so if there’s anything in them that’s not from the King it would show up.  And God will often do that, He did that with Lazarus. Lazarus was sick; he was dying; he expected Jesus to come. Jesus did not come and he finally died and Jesus came after the death.  And you’d say Jesus, you’re too late.  He said “No, I waited to purify the outcome.”  It’s as if He’s saying “If I’d have come when Lazarus was just sick you would have said ‘He’d have gotten better anyway.’”  So He said “I waited until he was dead, deader and deadest so that when I do what I’m about to do everybody has to say ‘God did that.’”  Many people want God to show up before there’s a death process in their life.  But what that does it taints the outcome because society will say “You would have recovered anyway; you would have made a financial comeback anyway.”   So God waits until it’s too late and so when he does step in everybody has to say “God did that.”

Sid: Tommy, I’m puzzled over this; as I read your book as I sense the presence of the Holy Spirit on the teaching in the book.  As I realize every born again Christian should want their night with the King to change their life.  The appointment with destiny; but the truth of the matter is most Christians don’t want to pay the price.  Why?

Tommy:  Well, they don’t want to wait for it; they all want the outcome of favor but they don’t want to spend the time preparing.

Sid: We want to go to a meeting and have Tommy Tenney lay his hands on us and it’s finished.

Tommy: Yeah, but it’s not about my hand on your head.  It’s about one nod from God.  It’s about finding favor with the King.  We spend incredible amounts of energy pursuing favor from people or things that cannot affect our destiny.  Only the King controls our destiny.  Esther when she soaked in the oil she smelled good.  She could have walked through the corridors of that palace and flirted with every young man in that palace.  But she refused; one of my protocols that I teach people in this book is don’t flirt with lower lovers; save yourself for the King.  That’s exactly what people try to do, they try to find favor with everyone and everybody else or they want a short cut to favor.  Esther spent 12 months. It may take a long time coming but listen to this Sid.  Favor can restore in a day what was stolen over a lifetime.

Sid: Stop, say that again someone might have missed it.

Tommy:  Favor can restore in a day what was stolen over a lifetime.  So time spent preparing is not time wasted.

Sid: Tommy, when you wrote this whole series on Esther how strong was the impression by the Holy Spirit you were supposed to do this?

Tommy:  So strong that I have spent over 3 years living out what He spoke to me in one moment.  Not just this book but other books birthed out of this. All of these protocols its actually has become the road map for my life.  And I will tell you this; every time I learned these secrets; who would have thought that Tommy Tenney, charismatic preacher whatever you call me would be making a movie in Hollywood that’s literally rattling Hollywood right now. All I can say is once I learned the secrets of finding favor with the King; favor came into my life in such unprecedented ways I don’t have time to tell you nor your listeners. But it’s not about whether I make a movie or not; it’s if I find favor with the King and continue to do the things that bring favor with King towards me.  He doesn’t care whether I make movies; whether I live in palaces.  Whatever you do although it’s not about finances; I don’t care about the palace I want to live with the King!

Sid: Tommy, we’re out of time; you want to live with the King.

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