Fred Stone

Sid: My special guest is Fred Stone; many of you are familiar with his son Petty Stone, Jr. but Fred Stone had an encounter with the power of God and moves in the miraculous. And has secrets to tell us; when I talk to Fred Stone last he told me a secret; a hidden secret that to a degree I understood but I can’t say I really did. And in a little bit we’ll get to that. But on yesterday’s broadcast I started talking to you about 1948 when you were a heathen and you’re brother got saved and he dragged you off to a meeting because revival had broken out in your area and you saw miracles unbelievable. But tell me the circumstances of how you became a believer.

Fred: Well, Sid when I attended this revival and I met there was a lady preacher by the name of Mildred Collins. And it was in English, West Virginia and I told my brother I said “Morgan, if you come back to talk to me I’m going to leave, I’m going to walk out of the church; don’t do that.” So he said “Well, I’ll not; I’ll try not.” But during the lady preached a simple salvation message and gave an altar call and asked everyone to stand. She was inviting people to accept Jesus Christ. And out of her mouth brother, now she said. Now I want to tell you what I heard. I heard it twice but she said “She didn’t say it.” She did make a statement about eternity but she didn’t call my name. But I heard this come out of Mildred Collins mouth. She said “Fred, if you should die at midnight tonight where would you spend your eternity?” Well, I was amazed because I had never met the woman; I had never been introduced to her. I had no knowledge of who she was; didn’t even know that she was preaching. So in a about a minute or I say a minute or 2 minutes again out of her mouth came the words, “Fred, if you should die at midnight tonight where would you spend your eternity?” Well, this was really I didn’t know at the time was a supernatural movement of God that seemed to flow out of her mouth. Now she was talking about eternity and people giving their life to God; but she didn’t call anybody’s name Fred. Because I talked to her later about it; but that shook me up and convicted me. And when my brother Morgan came back and he came twice and when he came the second time I stepped out and went to the front and they knelt at the altar and the old Saints of God Holy Ghost filled men and woman were speaking in supernatural tongues and praising God and laying hands on me. And God delivered me from everything brother, every spirit that was there. I had a spirit to shoot at my brother, the one that won me to God; I started to kill him one time I was so mad at him. And now the love of God was there; all that hate and stuff was just instantly taken out of my life and a great love for my brother. He and I are just great people; we’re just great friends today. And God just changed me in every way in the world.

Sid: You know Fred we have what are called Seeker Sensitive Churches in America. They’re the hottest thing in America and then even what are called Charismatic or Pentecostal Churches are moving more towards Seeker Sensitive. Than what you’ve described; what you’ve described is wonderful. Where a man comes forward because he’s supernaturally God calls him by name. You radically get saved; he radically gets delivered. He radically gets filled with the Holy Spirit. Now I don’t know if you know this or not but a major Charismatic denomination just came out with their statistics that almost a 1/3 of their members don’t even speak in unknown tongues. They shouldn’t call themselves Charismatic anymore.

Fred: Yes, well I’ve heard of that Sid too. There are Pentecostal churches where the majority of the people do not have the baptism of the Holy Ghost. They do not have the supernatural gift from God. Now I don’t understand that unless maybe the clergy are laying back and working more into a social gospel and away from the supernatural gospel of Christ. But Sid I would like to say to your radio audience that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to those that believe to the Jew and to the Gentile. And that the gospel is more than socialism. The gospel is far beyond anything that most people know anything about. It has power whether it’s preached or read on a personal basis or the pulpit. The gospel will bring miraculous results if a person preaches it and listeners will believe it. It will bring miracles into their life.

Sid: And you know our peanut brain says “Well, the people we talk to they won’t even believe what we say. But our job is not to decide what they’re going to believe; our job is to proclaim. God’s job is to back it up.

Fred: Yes.

Sid: Now, let me tell you something that happened last time we met. Perry Stone and his Dad flew into my office to do some television work with me and when…I don’t even know if you meant to say this but just by talking with you you were talking you pray in unknown tongues all the time. And I grabbed a hold of that and this is what I’ve been doing since I’ve met you. Wherever I go I pray in tongues, people can’t hear me doing it but this was the revelation I had. In the Bible it says “Paul prayed in tongues more than any man. It also says, he prayed without ceasing. I believe that Paul the apostle wherever he went, what ever he was doing, he was driving his car, he was working, he was at a social event. He was praying in unknown tongues under his breath. And I have to tell you I believe I am moving miles in the spirit as a result of this.

Fred: Yes, I believe that too Sid. Let me bring something up that might be edifying to your audience here is this; see see some ministry has taken scripture out of it’s context and out it’s original meaning and not search for a deeper meaning. And when Paul said that “He would rather speak five words with his understanding; then 10,000 words in an unknown tongue.” They take that and they rule supernatural tongues out. But that’s not what Paul was saying, he was not talking about his personal prayer life at all. He was talking about ministering publicly in a sanctuary where people were there to believe and receive. There’s two different things Paul was dealing with there. And I believe that the more a person prays in the Spirit. You know when Paul said “If there be no interpreter let the speaker in tongues speak to himself and to God.” You don’t quit speaking in tongues in the sanctuary; you just lower your voice and quiet your voice down where you’re speaking it’s you and God speaking in a quiet tongue.   So you’re right on target there; that’s exactly what you do and you continue to minister in supernatural tongues. This is what pulls the blessing and the supernatural power of God into our life and into the flow of the Spirit in the church.

Sid: Now you had a relative by the name of Rufus was it Delford?

Fred: Yes.

Sid: And how was he related to you?

Fred: He was an uncle.

Sid: Okay, Uncle Rufus he had an amazing healing but what is even more amazing than that then was the ministry that God gave him. But tell me about what happened to Uncle Rufus.

Fred: Alright, I’ll try to be brief Sid as I can. He had a brain tumor and was pronounced incurable. They sent him to John Hopkins about 1932 in Baltimore. They told him after all of the examinations that the very best they could hope for would be a wheelchair patient. And the worse scenario would be he would be paralyzed the rest of his life. Couldn’t have no control over bodily functions and so on. So he asked for his clothes and he dressed and he went back to West Virginia to the farm in Berkeley, West Virginia. And brother he was out in the field he was disabled he couldn’t even work. There was 4 or 5 men out working the corn fields and all. And Grandma Dumford asked him to take a bucket and a hoe and dig a bucket of potatoes for supper. They were feeding about 8 or 10 adults besides children. He’s praying and seeking God an d here’s his own words out of his own mouth. He said “God, I don’t know whether you’re out there or not; I don’t know whether there is a God.” But he said “If there is a God anywhere and You can hear prayer if You can heal me I don’t want to leave my wife and 2 children; and if You’ll heal me I’ll live for You the rest of my life.” Well, as he was praying the prayer the power of God the Holy Ghost struck him down; hit him in the top of his head. He fell on his back starting shaking and quivering on the power of God and instantly baptized with the Holy Ghost; began to speak in other tongues. God gave him the entire 16th chapter of St. Mark read like ABC in his mind.

Sid: Wait a second; He gave him the 16th Chapter. Had he memorized it; had he read it before?

Fred: No, he knew nothing about the Bible.

Sid: Well, as I understand it he didn’t even know how to read.

Fred: Well, he went to school brother but they would only let him go to school for 2 or 3 months in the winter. When it got so you could work the fields the parents took him out. So he probably didn’t have more than a first or second grade education.

Sid: So, how did he know this Chapter of Mark?

Fred:   Well, the Holy Ghost quoted it to him. And when he…and then the Lord told him said “I’m giving you the gift of divers kinds of tongues; when you arise and stand to your feet you will be able to witness and preach and testify to every nation, nationality of man that I send you to.

Sid: Fred, we’re out of time we’ll pick up right here on tomorrows. And I mean you don’t know what miracles are until you find out about what Uncle Rufus was able to do.

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