Sid:  We want everyone everywhere to be so intimate with God. There’s an outpouring coming it’s coming next week but it’s going to happen on this broadcast because God has got an appointment with you. Next week is a special God appointment it’s Shavuot, or Pentecost, and most of know the story of Pentecost we spoke about it yesterday. But we don’t know that it’s God’s appointed time according to scripture to meet with man, to have intimacy with man and God’s got a secret weapon.

Now next week is Pentecost. Those that are near the St. Simons Island, Georgia area on Saturday night 7pm June 2nd we are going to have a One New Man Pentecost celebration at Epworth By the Sea, the conference center on St. Simons Island. If you’re anywhere close come on by.

I’m believing that we’re going to see the fire and the glory of God but we’re going to see that fire and glory right on this broadcast because God’s got a secret weapon. Most of you don’t know who that secret weapon is but I got 3 letters from intercessors all in the same period of time.

Now I also got an email that states in Israel on March 22nd of this year it says, they call themselves the Great Ones of Israel and these are the Chasidic and the Orthodox Jewish leaders signed a proclamation claiming that we have started the times of Jacob’s trouble.

Now for those of you not familiar with Jacob’s trouble Jeremiah talks about it. It’s a time in history… here I have it in Jeremiah chapter 30 verses 6-7. Ask now and see whether a man is ever in labor with a child? So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor and all faces turned pale? Alas for that day is great so that none is like it and it is the time of Jacob’s trouble. Then Jeremiah goes on in chapter 16 verse 14-16. I mean first he shows you a picture that I’ve just described of a man is just in so much agony it is almost like a woman giving birth to a child. This agony is called Jacob’s trouble it’s the worst time that has ever come on the face of this earth for Jewish people. And the orthodox rabbis in Israel on March 22nd of this year signed a proclamation claiming that we’ve actually started the time of Jacob’s trouble.

Then Jeremiah goes on in chapter 16 verse 14-16 is first he’s going to send for the fishermen, now Jesus redefined the definition of a fisherman. Those that fish for the souls of man, first the fishermen will go to the Jewish people and then right behind them will be the hunters. It’ll start in the former Soviet Union and rapidly spread throughout the whole earth.

If these orthodox rabbis, and I believe they have heard from God. I believe they have heard this is the time of Jacob’s trouble. But in this persecution will come the greatest supernatural deliverance of Jewish people and the greatest harvest, and that’s what we’re talking about this week because next week is Shavuot, Pentecost. That’s the festival of harvest the greatest harvest the world has ever seen.

Let me just read a few, 3 emails came within about a week period of time from intercessors. This one says:

As I read your prayer request for this month Sid I was taken immediately into intercessory prayer over your new book. God showed me that this book will open the eyes of many key people and will cause a whole new wave of evangelism to the Jewish people.

The book of course is called the “Last Lap” which it’s just going through the editing stage and as soon as it’s available will make it available to you.

Then another letter came in from an intercessor and listen to this, they said:

One man saw angels dipping arrows in oil, in the oil of God’s anointing and shooting them directly into the hearts of Jewish people across the world bringing revelation and massive awakening.

Then another intercessor sent me a Fax and she said:

Chasidics (those are the very orthodox Jews that dress in the black you know and have the little braids) Chasidics of the east coast of the United States are about to come in like Niagara Falls. Therefore prophesy to them to do so and have no fear the Holy One calls them now.

Then I just read to you from Joel the 2nd chapter, actually I read from Acts the 2nd chapter who was quoting Joel the 2nd chapter. It said That God will pour out His Spirit on the sons and the daughters, and the old men, and the young people of the Jewish people in the last days.

I believe that there’s going to such revelation that’s going to come back to the church by a restoration of the God festivals that these Chasidic Jews… I mean we’re getting reports in Israel that there are many orthodox Jews that are having supernatural visions and dreams. But this Shavuot, this Pentecost I believe God is going to be raising up His secret weapon these Chasidic Jews.

Have you ever heard Chasidic music? As I told you I just got back from Kiev, Ukraine and we had a big… and when I went there it was Purim and we had a Purim outreach. They were dancing and singing and so many people came to the Lord and so many people got physically healed. We’ve have some music from that celebration I’d like for you to hear it and ai yai yai yai…

Sid: Ai yai yai Melech haMashiach that means King Messiah. Can you picture when you’re conservative church is flooded with Chasidic Jews that have revelation knowledge from the God roots, the Biblical roots, the Jewish roots of the faith and they’re grafted back into the olive tree? Can you understand what Paul was saying that it’s literally going to cause life from the dead? I believe as a foretaste of what is coming and what is really happening right now according to the proclamation of the Chasidic and orthodox Jewish leaders in Israel. What is happening right now is a restoration of intimacy with God. “Oh God I’ve got to know you. God the toys they just don’t satisfy just plain religion it doesn’t satisfy. What use to satisfy doesn’t satisfy I need to see Your face, I need to touch You, I need to have intimacy with You.”

I believe that as we celebrate these Biblical festivals that they will be literally a catapult into the glory of God, a catapult into the intimacy with God, a catapult of causing Jewish people to be provoked to jealousy to want what we have. As these… I mean as one intercessor said “It’s like… I see it Sid it’s like Niagara Falls.”

So what would your church be like if a bunch of Chasidic rabbis came in and they were fanatics? See these Chasidic rabbis are fanatic for God but they have a knowledge of God but not according to Biblical knowledge it’s according to rabbinic knowledge and tradition.

Well once they radically saved they won’t want their tradition they will want just God, just the Bible. They are going to bring in a new understanding it’s almost going to be like the first church. I mean that’s the way the first church was it was all Jews and they didn’t get into this whole segmenting deal where “Well Sunday morning that’s for God, but the rest of the week it’s for me.”

No God is everything, God was everything, God was all in all it wasn’t this western understanding, and it wasn’t this Greco-Roman type of understanding of putting God in a box that is comfortable for you. It was you fitting into God’s plans, you being part of the body of Messiah. What a high calling.

Also during Pentecost we read from the book of Ruth. I don’t a better book of the Bible that will unloose an outpouring of God’s Spirit, that’s Pentecost that’s the outpouring of God’s Spirit. It’s supernatural joy it’s coming up next week. I want you to understand not just Pentecost I want you to understand all of the God festivals.

That’s why we’re making available this week a book by Rabbi Barney Kasdan called “God’s Appointed Times.” It’s a practical guide for understanding and celebrating the Biblical holidays.

Did you know Ruth was the great grandmother of King David who only was the one whose seed was the Messiah of Israel? Ruth a Gentile when she reached out to the Jewish people there was an explosion in the spirit when a Gentile combines with a Jew and becomes One New Man in Messiah Jesus. There is a literal explosion in the spirit can you see why the devil is trying so hard to separate Jews and Gentiles. Can you see why the devil causes Jewish people to think the most anti-Semitic people on the face of this earth like Christians? Can you see why Christians are getting so upset with Jewish people that don’t want manger scenes and come against many Christian festivals that impose themselves upon Jewish people? Now it’s all demonic but it’s to antagonize each group so that we will be separated so that there will not be One New Man, so that there will not be a revival. It’s a master strategy by the devil but God’s got a secret weapon. His secret weapon is the Chasidic Jews. When they flow in and Jewish people flow into the body..

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