SID: Now, I have all three of the prophets that are here today are personal friends. But I really appreciate the gift that Chuck Pierce brought to the body. One of the things you have revealed to us is the understanding from ancient Israel of understanding how to have access to God, how to worship God. Even the year that we’re in now, 2018, those numbers have meaning in Hebrew and in English. Unpack it for us. 


CHUCK PIERCE: We are coming into a place, this year, where it will be a Now moment for us, a Now moment where you’ll hit a moment in your life and all of a sudden a blessing overtakes you, and that comes because we have returned to God’s Order. That’s what this year is about. Eights are always linked with new beginning and first. They’re linked with the prototypes. Seven, you’re completing, eight, you’re beginning. This year is like a new beginning for all of us.


SID: Now it’s 2018 on our calendar here, and what is it on the Jewish calendar?


CHUCK PIERCE: In the Jewish calendar it’s 5778. So you can see it a little different from a Jewish perspective, from a covenant perspective because 70 is different than 10. See, whatever year you’re in, whatever calendar you’re in, you’re in the eight year. That means you’re in this new beginning. Eight is also linked with gate. But in Hebrew, see, 10 means testimony, in Hebrew it means you’re coming out of captivity. Seventy is linked with Israel and God watching you. The Lord is watching you come out of captivity into the testimony for your future, this year. We have to understand that this year is a year of Divine visitation. It’s a year of Divine help for us. Because see, every Christian should understand they need Holy Spirit. They have to have Holy Spirit to help them, the helper. Jesus, Yeshua, is at the right hand of the Father. Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead helping us. Now, they have to have the Body of Christ. That’s why the Lord says, “Forsake not the assembling of yourself.” You’ve got to know your ecclesia.


SID: And yet, so many, Chuck, Christians have been bored with church and they’re not bored with God, they’re not bored with reading their Bible, they’re not bored with praying, but there’s like an exodus out of churches. You’re saying we need to reverse that.


CHUCK PIERCE: They’re bored with the no-wine scam. They’re bored with the church that didn’t shift. See, church you build, and Jesus said, “Seek ye first.” Now remember this year is about first. “Seek ye first the Kingdom.” That means this year is about unlocking not just what you have built in the past, it’s unlocking your future. You unlock the Kingdom, you build the church. And see, what happens is if we quit unlocking the Kingdom, if we quit moving in God’s plan for us how he wants to move, we, our structure gets old. We got to take off our old garment. Our old sorrows from the past season. We’ve got to make a shift with the new anointing and we’ve got to be willing to go into the harvest field. And I think that’s why I had the visitation in 2006.


SID: That’s what I was going to ask you. Tell me about this visitation. You haven’t had a chance to release this one.


CHUCK PIERCE: No, really, I’ve been going so much this year and I’ve not really been able to discuss, but I will summarize this way. This year is about gates, doors, angels and war. So if you’ll think like that, and I mean, personally in your life, don’t be afraid of the word “war”. It just means conflict to breakthrough, conflict to enter into risk. Now, what happened was I awakened from a dream and there stood an angelic being. Now, that has only happened to me two other times in my entire life, so this isn’t something very usual for me. And this angel was peering out, and it was almost like, all of a sudden, we were in a different place and I could see what the angel was seeing. Hank said something. This is a year of truly understanding the Lord’s Prayer. Atmosphere: “Our Father who art in Heaven…may your will be done in Earth,” earth environment. This angel, some way or another there was a Divine alignment. This angel was peering out and the angel turned and looked at me with red eyes, fiery red eyes, and instead of falling down and being afraid, I think I knew the Word well enough that they always tell you to get back up and don’t be afraid.


SID: Okay.


CHUCK PIERCE: So I said, “Who are you?” He said, “I am the Angel of War for God’s Covenant Harvest Plan.” And all of a sudden, I could see what he saw, and I could see nations. Now, I want to say this, I believe, and I’ll go with what you and Hank were saying, I believe because Donald Trump and America, our President, decreed that Jerusalem would be the Capital of Israel, all of a sudden, America and the nations took a huge shift. Something happened worldwide in the Spirit when he made that decree. No president before has ever been bold enough to do it. I’m not even sure if he knew what he was doing.


SID: And candidly, I was shocked that he did that, and I was as pleased as could be because I also know what was released on America by him making that decision. That was a godly decision. The countries that go in covenant with God are going to see the greatest advances this world has ever seen.


CHUCK PIERCE: Absolutely.


SID: We’ll be right back with Rich Vera. 

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