So you know I’ll say every one with a growth, tumor, or warts of any kind stand up. Jesus is going to heal you. Well I can’t rush down there and touch them, right? I can’t do that. But I can send the? (audience says “word”) Word. So you will see words of knowledge, sometimes words of wisdom too, and sending the word work together. So sometimes God will just give you something special for someone or a group of people. You know like I had all the people stand with arthritis. Are you hearing me? And so I feel that people are going to get delivered from tumors today. If you have a tumor or a growth of any kind I want you to stand up. My granddaughter had a growth on her foot and she stood up like this and it didn’t disappear right away, it was like 3 days and the thing was gone.

So sometimes healing is instant and sometimes it is process. “As they went they recovered,” right? Okay, so the Bible says “believers lay hands on the sick and they will?” (audience says ‘recover”) So that can be process. So don’t be discouraged. Say: ‘stay in faith” (audience says ‘stay in faith”). All right, now. I have a great team here. I feel your faith. So extend your hand toward someone that is standing. It’s fine to put your hand on them if you’re close. And pray with me, say: Father, in Jesus’” name, I come against every growth, every tumor, every wart in this body. In Jesus’” name, I curse it! Dry up! Disappear! Don’t come back! In Jesus’” name. Amen. Now don’t sit down. Check yourself. I was in Keith Butler’s church in Detroit and a woman had 26 growths in her breast and all 26 disappeared.

AUDIENCE: Whoaaaa!

MARILYN: My husband one night, it was a midweek service, I felt led to pray for tumors and growths, and he had a little growth on his eye and it fell on the floor. Can you imagine the person who cleaned, picking up a growth? Say “yuck” three times. Yuck, yuck, yuck. Now check yourself, check yourself. Is it gone? Check yourself. Is it smaller? Has it changed color? There are instant miracles here, but there’s also process. Stay in the process, keep your faith. Okay? How many of you definitely can tell a difference? Wave at me. How many of you say it totally gone? Wave at me. Totally gone. Okay, tell us a little bit about how long had you had it?

WOMAN # 1: Just a few weeks ago. I developed a growth in my mouth and I just kept speaking against it and claiming Mark 11: 22 and 23.

MARILYN: And it’s gone? Not there? And not coming back. So put up your hands. Say: “Bye, bye growth.” You’re not coming back!” Amen. Amen. Stay in faith. Let’s see, was that four?


SID: Marilyn


SID: I just have a hunch. I want her to testify. Would you come here, please? Let’s get by the light. But what did God just do for you?

WOMAN #2: I had a growth. I’ve had it almost a year. And I keep covering it up by make-up. And it’s, it kept growing, it was red, it was right here on my nose, and it was getting very large. And I claimed my healing and it’s gone. (laughing) Right here where everybody can see it. Amen.


MARILYN: Now who prayed for her? Say we did! (audience says “we did”) Amen. So this is happening because we are united in the name of Jesus, it’s His provision and the cross. Now you have 4, right? Okay, I’m going to give you the 5th one. And this is “healing through transference.” So of course the laying on of hands is part of that. But also the anointing of oil. You know James tells us to anoint the sick and we see the disciples doing it. So what is that? That’s a transference of anointing. When I lay hands on someone, I’m transferring anointing. But also I can anoint someone with oil. Now this is not hokey, pokey, spooky stuff. This is Bible. And our faith is in the name of Jesus. But there’s something with people with our faith sometimes it helps us if we see something, do you know what I’m saying, and you anoint people with oil [and] some way they release their faith because that helps them. The other way, and of course there are more than this way, look at the River Jordan that Naaman dipped in. That’s kind of an unusual transference, isn’t it? The Jordan River, don’t go and try to jump in it. But I think prayer cloths in Acts 19, 11 and 12, they took cloths from the body of Paul, not spooky, put it on the sick and demon possessed, and people were healed. Am I right?

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