SANDRA: Third, is that he said operate in the authority of the royal priesthood. That you and I, he made us priests, kings, and priest unto him, and he is now in this season above all seasons, expecting us to operate as royal priesthood, guarding his word, feeding his people, taking his word as truth, and walking it out, so that those who do not know him, those who don’t know anything about healing, those who do not know anything about his signs and wonders, those who not know about his love, and how wonderful God is to us, it is our day, our time to be priest to the people.

SANDRA: In the Old Testament, the priests guarded the health of the community, and that we are to show forth his glory, and he’s trying to show us over and over and over again, that the times are upon us for his return. The times are upon us for his people to step forth light. They have never done it in all of history, to step forth.

SID: Now no one, can tell Sandra Kennedy that miracles are not for today. You’ve seen it all. Tell me just a few things you’ve seen.

SANDRA: Well, we’ve seen three people who were dead, raised three people from the dead. We’re talking about just here, not out on foreign field somewhere, just right here. We’ve had nine brain dead people who’ve come up. We’ve… You could not name something, Sid, that we have not seen. Plus we continue to see it on a daily basis almost. From all over the world we get reports back, that people’s lives are changed and transformed, just simply by the word of God. Taking God at his word. And it doesn’t matter how long somebody has had something. It doesn’t matter to what degree they are.

SID: But someone that’s had something that they, “I’m going to live with this.” So you have to pound the word into them to know, no, you don’t have to live with this.

SANDRA: Well, you just gave the sinkhole right there, yourself. When you just said that they had just made their minds up that they had to live with it. And that’s the problem, is that the solace area is sinking everybody. Your mind, your will, your emotions, how you think, sinks you. And you have to get where you think that’s who we are called to be. We have the mind of Christ. We are called to think like, God. Well, the only way I can think like God, is to know what this book says, because this is God talking to me. So I have to change and start thinking, no matter what my body says to me, remember a symptom is not a sickness. Your mouth can turn it into one now.

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