admin on August 3rd, 2020

So you know I’ll say every one with a growth, tumor, or warts of any kind stand up. Jesus is going to heal you. Well I can’t rush down there and touch them, right? I can’t do that. But I can send the? (audience says “word”) Word. So you will see words of knowledge, sometimes words of wisdom too, and sending the word work together. So sometimes God will just give you something special for someone or a group of people. You know like I had all the people stand with arthritis. Are you hearing me? And so I feel that people are going to get delivered from tumors today. If you have a tumor or a growth of any kind I want you to stand up. My granddaughter had a growth on her foot and she stood up like this and it didn’t disappear right away, it was like 3 days and the thing was gone.

So sometimes healing is instant and sometimes it is process. “As they went they recovered,” right? Okay, so the Bible says “believers lay hands on the sick and they will?” (audience says ‘recover”) So that can be process. So don’t be discouraged. Say: ‘stay in faith” (audience says ‘stay in faith”). All right, now. I have a great team here. I feel your faith. So extend your hand toward someone that is standing. It’s fine to put your hand on them if you’re close. And pray with me, say: Father, in Jesus’” name, I come against every growth, every tumor, every wart in this body. In Jesus’” name, I curse it! Dry up! Disappear! Don’t come back! In Jesus’” name. Amen. Now don’t sit down. Check yourself. I was in Keith Butler’s church in Detroit and a woman had 26 growths in her breast and all 26 disappeared.

AUDIENCE: Whoaaaa!

MARILYN: My husband one night, it was a midweek service, I felt led to pray for tumors and growths, and he had a little growth on his eye and it fell on the floor. Can you imagine the person who cleaned, picking up a growth? Say “yuck” three times. Yuck, yuck, yuck. Now check yourself, check yourself. Is it gone? Check yourself. Is it smaller? Has it changed color? There are instant miracles here, but there’s also process. Stay in the process, keep your faith. Okay? How many of you definitely can tell a difference? Wave at me. How many of you say it totally gone? Wave at me. Totally gone. Okay, tell us a little bit about how long had you had it?

WOMAN # 1: Just a few weeks ago. I developed a growth in my mouth and I just kept speaking against it and claiming Mark 11: 22 and 23.

MARILYN: And it’s gone? Not there? And not coming back. So put up your hands. Say: “Bye, bye growth.” You’re not coming back!” Amen. Amen. Stay in faith. Let’s see, was that four?


SID: Marilyn


SID: I just have a hunch. I want her to testify. Would you come here, please? Let’s get by the light. But what did God just do for you?

WOMAN #2: I had a growth. I’ve had it almost a year. And I keep covering it up by make-up. And it’s, it kept growing, it was red, it was right here on my nose, and it was getting very large. And I claimed my healing and it’s gone. (laughing) Right here where everybody can see it. Amen.


MARILYN: Now who prayed for her? Say we did! (audience says “we did”) Amen. So this is happening because we are united in the name of Jesus, it’s His provision and the cross. Now you have 4, right? Okay, I’m going to give you the 5th one. And this is “healing through transference.” So of course the laying on of hands is part of that. But also the anointing of oil. You know James tells us to anoint the sick and we see the disciples doing it. So what is that? That’s a transference of anointing. When I lay hands on someone, I’m transferring anointing. But also I can anoint someone with oil. Now this is not hokey, pokey, spooky stuff. This is Bible. And our faith is in the name of Jesus. But there’s something with people with our faith sometimes it helps us if we see something, do you know what I’m saying, and you anoint people with oil [and] some way they release their faith because that helps them. The other way, and of course there are more than this way, look at the River Jordan that Naaman dipped in. That’s kind of an unusual transference, isn’t it? The Jordan River, don’t go and try to jump in it. But I think prayer cloths in Acts 19, 11 and 12, they took cloths from the body of Paul, not spooky, put it on the sick and demon possessed, and people were healed. Am I right?

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admin on July 24th, 2020

JERAME: And so I go early and so I can avoid the traffic. So I’m in my car worshipping the Lord and I’m praising about 30 minutes in and all of a sudden I get a knock on my window and I look over and I go, and a guy’s there and I roll down my window and the guy says oh, I’m so sorry.

JERAME Nelson, like I didn’t know that you were praying here. I just can’t find the church and when the window rolls down the glory of God goes out the window and knocks him out in the power.


JERAME: He falls in the middle of the road and I’m going, I’m looking, going whoa and a police officer pulls up. Now I’m going uh-oh! [laughs] And now I’m like yelling out the window going get up, man! The police are here!


JERAME: And so the guy gets up and he tries to hold it together and when he gets up he’s like HA! And so I’m thinking in my head okay, this guy thinks we’re crazy. I’m thinking like they’re going to taser him.


JERAME: And, and, and so, so the police officer rolls his window down and goes what are you guys doing? Why is he laid out in the middle of the street? And so I’m trying to think what do I tell him? And the guy goes JESUS!!


JERAME: And you know what? The police officer shocked me. He goes what do you mean Jesus? I said oh, we’re hosting the revival down the street here. The fire and glory outpouring. And I said you know I’m the preacher. I’m getting ready. And he says really? My elbow’s messed up. Can your God heal it?

AUDIENCE: Oh, wow!

JERAME: That’s what he says in the window. And so I just said Yeah. In the name of Jesus be healed! And the guy goes oh my gosh. It’s better! And then I thought we got to get him saved so I said Hey. Get out of your car. And he went [screeching tire sound] and took off!


JERAME: He took off. But you know what? It was a seed that was planted. But you know what I learned that day?

AUDIENCE: Yeah, yeah.

JERAME: Is that my spending time with God was causing something tangible to happen to the fact where someone knocked on my window and got knocked out in the power of God.


JERAME: And not only that I was able to release with a decree over a police officer a miracle into his busted up elbow and he was instantly healed! See this is the realm that Peter was walking in!


JERAME: And it’s available to the Church!


JERAME: But it’s not available, listen there’s no short cut to get to this realm! See we have to begin to value intimacy with God above all things! And we have to begin to understand that just like if you were to go to the beach and you know on vacation how many of you know you don’t go out you know after you’ve been in winter and just go in the sun. Right? Cause you’re going to get burnt! You know what you do? You take some suntan lotion and you rub it all over yourself to prepare yourself for what? An encounter with the sun. Well listen, that’s what the anointing of God does! God wants to anoint you and so let me just ask you this question cause I’m sure that those of you who are watching are probably wondering well how do I position myself to get this anointing? Well listen how many of you know that the Bible says those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.

They’ll mount up with the wings of eagles and they’ll walk and not faint. They won’t be weary. And so we have to learn how to make time to be with Jesus! We have to learn how to make time to be with God! Now it looks different than everybody, you know with each person cause we’re all wired differently. Some people are seers. Some people are feelers. Some people they hear the voice of God in different ways. For me I go for walks with Jesus every day. I have that luxury and you know so I go for an hour and a half walk with the Lord. I put my music on and I pray in the spirit a lot. And one of the things that I’ve learned is that when I spend time with Him He rubs off on me! And then what I do is so that’s my time of like what I call intercession prayer.

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admin on July 15th, 2020

JERAME: And I went what? And He said read it again. It says I come not with eloquence of speech or superior wisdom but with a demonstration of the Holy Spirit – and He said Stop! And I went what? He goes you don’t need more power. You need more Holy Spirit!


JERAME: And the Lord began to speak and He said this. He said: What I’m releasing in this season is the presence upon! It’s the presence upon! He said a lot of people have the Holy Spirit within but they haven’t learned how to activate the Presence upon! And so the Presence upon is the anointing. That’s literally what it means when John said: As for you, you know all things because you have an anointing from God. The word anointing means this: charisma. Charisma means what? The personality of God! And so literally what it’s saying is this. It’s that God wants to get you so close to Him that He begins to rub off on you! 

AUDIENCE: Amen! Hallelujah!

JERAME: That His personality begins to rub off in your life.

AUDIENCE: Hallelujah!

JERAME: See so what that means is this. Is if you’re fearful and He rubs off on you He destroys fear and you become bold! What that means is that if you’re sick and He begins to rub Himself off on you that anointing of God comes. He removes, He breaks the yoke! How many of you know that you know Isaiah 10 it tell us it says the anointing oil breaks the yoke. See God is about to set a whole generation free from drugs and alcohol pornography, from demonic things, from witchcraft.


JERAME: And it’s not this seeker-sensitive you know version of Christianity where you barely get your toe in the water and we don’t want to offend anybody. Listen! You know on the day of Pentecost when the glory of God hit and they got filled they were being accused of what? Being drunk at 9 in the morning! One of the things we got to learn if we want to be used by God we got to lose our dignity. We got to lose our, we got to stop trying to dignify the process of God touching His people because here’s the thing. You’re no good to God unless you’re on fire!


JERAME: You’re no good to Him unless you’re on fire! And the Holy Spirit is the one who brings fire!

AUDIENCE: Amen! Yes!

JERAME: And when you begin to get into His presence and you begin to recognize that He’s in you for a purpose because He wants to rub off on you so He can be upon you now that makes spending time with the Holy Spirit way more valuable and it brings the purpose out of why God gave Him to you! He didn’t just give Him to you to comfort you. He gave Him to you so that you would know God more! And not only would you know God more but you’ll be anointed for the purpose that He’s called you to! And how many of you know that we can’t do anything outside of God? I mean you got to understand something. If you can do it out of your own strength, it aren’t God! And I’ll tell you why? Because when it’s God is something that’s impossible to you!


JERAME: See it wouldn’t bring God much glory if you could pull it off yourself. But the things that are impossible God pulls off for you because why? He wants to look good!


JERAME: And I’ll tell you what. I don’t care who you are or what you’re called to. If you’re called to business you can develop a business anointing. If you’re called to music or entertainment or worship God wants to give you creativity. If you’re called to evangelism, you’re called to preach the Gospel, if you’re called to ministry listen, you can do it out of you know the gifting and you can do it out of principles but when the anointing of God starts to flow everybody knows it! I remember I was preparing one night for the outpouring and I usually drive down the street. And I get in my car and I worship and the reason why is we got this demon called traffic in Southern California.

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admin on July 9th, 2020

JERAME:  I mean I, I want you to understand something. It doesn’t mean that they’re more spiritual than the one that doesn’t feel. It just means that that sense of touch isn’t open for one and it is for another. But it’s important. Because I don’t believe God just releases manifestations to play games. I believe God does it for a purpose. And you see Jesus, you could see this, this example in the life and ministry of Jesus. Jesus, you know, when, when He was in the earth, He, He was walking with His disciples and He was going pray for a man’s daughter and as He was walking to go pray for this man’s daughter He walked through this crowd of people and, and this woman, right, the woman with the issue of blood. She, she sees Him and she recognizes Him as, as the Savior and as her Lord and she recognizes Him as someone who, who would fulfill an Old Testament prophecy where it said that there would be healing that would come out of his wings, being the tassels of the garment that He wore.

And so she runs up in the midst of this really crowded place and grabs the tassel and when she does the Bible says that as Jesus was walking with His disciples in this crowded place He feels the anointing release. And, and, and so He stops and He says Who’s touching me? And you know what’s amazing about that is everybody thinks He’s crazy. Well when you walk in the supernatural people will think you’re crazy. You just got to get over that. And Jesus, He goes Who touched me? And they said, what do you mean who touched me? Everybody’s touching you! You know they’re walking through a marketplace. If you’ve been to a Third World country and you’ve walked through a marketplace you know what I mean. It can take you 10 minutes to get from this side to the other side of the street. And, but the reality is it’s about fruit, right? So Jesus says Who touched me? and He looks down. There’s this woman shaking and trembling. Now here’s the amazing thing. The Bible says that when she touched Him, she felt in her body that the sickness was gone, that the disease was gone. And you see I want you to understand something. I believe feeling is very important at times with the Lord because it releases faith. And not only does it release faith but it gets our attention. See Jesus was sensitive to the anointing of God. Who wants to be sensitive to the anointing of God?

JERAME:  Because God wants you to be sensitive. And who’s ever felt the presence of God come on them like outside of church? You know you’re, you’re doing whatever. Shopping. You’re at Walmart, or you’re getting a coffee and, you know all of a sudden you get hit by God? Who’s had that experience? See a lot of times what we do as Christians is we focus on ourselves we go, Oh, my Father loves me! But what if God’s going No, no, there’s an encounter in this room right now for you and I’m trying to get your attention. How many of you know that sometimes we’re so about ourselves we miss the point that sometimes God wants to reach others. And, I, you know I remember for about 2 years I begin to get hit with the presence of God outside of church and I would be in a line at, you know, a coffee shop and my wife and I would be standing there and I’d go UUU and she’d be like Do you have to do that so loud?

And I’d just say I can’t help it. It’s happening. And, and I remember I used to just go God loves me. And after about a year of that, you know, DUU, I’d just get hit. And I’d go God what is with this? You know, like people that aren’t saved thought I had Tourette’s. They were like – And, and finally the Lord, one day I get hit. UUU. He goes Jerame, I’m trying to get your attention. Look to the right. And there was a woman that had, you know, an injury on her ankle. He said go pray for her so I went and prayed for her. She got totally healed. And, and it was from that point on I began to realize wait a minute, this manifestation stuff is with purpose.

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admin on June 25th, 2020

MICHELLE: Yes. From that very next meeting, people began to be healed, set free. When I would travel in the nations, people would be getting out of wheelchairs and so on. One time I was going to the Philippines for a huge meeting in the Araneta Coliseum. And this meeting, when I started to land, in the morning as I was landing, the Lord said, I sent you here for one.

SID: I thought this was a big meeting.


SID: You were expecting tens of thousands.

MICHELLE: It was. Tens of thousands of people, and they were there that night. But as the plane landed, I heard Him say it so clearly, I sent you for one. And I knew the Lord was telling me He’s not going to bring that one to me. I need to look for that one because that’s what I learned from Mother Teresa. To go out and look for the souls. To seek for the lost, the hungry, the broken, those who don’t have anyone to love them.

MICHELLE: So I knew I was on a mission from heaven, not just for the tens of thousands that would be in the Araneta, but to find the one soul. So I went on a journey that morning, the next morning actually, and I decided to go to a place called Tala. Tala was a leprosorium, and I felt in my spirit that that person would be in the leprosorium. So I asked the nurse permission, “Can you take me through this leprosorium? Just take me through. I would like to give little gifts to the people, pray for them.” And I knew in my heart I would find that person there.

SID: I know you were looking for one, but what does it look like when you see a bunch of lepers? What did they look like?

MICHELLE: Yes. They were … Many of them had different forms of leprosy. And some of them were much more advanced than others.

SID: But you realize it’s highly contagious.


SID: That didn’t bother you?

MICHELLE: It didn’t because I was on a mission from God. So I went from ward to ward praying for the people and I thought, is this the end? So I asked the lady, I said, “Is there one more ward?” And she said, “Yes, but they’re not all leprosy patients. There’s some other patients, and I didn’t know if you’d like to go to that ward.” I said, “Oh yes, I would.” All of a sudden she said, “Half of the ward is leprosy. Half the ward is other diseases.” I walked in and there she was. She was sitting there. She was around, to me she looked like she was 10 years old. She was covered with leprosy from her head to her foot.

SID: Is that a painful disease?

MICHELLE: For some it is. For her particular type of leprosy, it was very painful. She had marks all over her face, on her arms, everywhere. And I stood there for a few minutes and then I said, “Hello sweetie.” I said, “Would you mind terribly if I put you on my lap, and if I got to meet you?” And she said, “No ma’am.” She was so polite. She said, “Of course.”

SID: I bet no one did that to her.

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