admin on June 17th, 2020

DANIEL: Yes. The Lord spoke to me about this decade a couple of years ago already and said, “This coming decade will be a decade of double harvest.” And so we are… Here’s the thing, when God gives a word like that, you have one of two choices. You can either just dismiss it as hyper faith rhetoric hyperbole, or you can grab a hold of it by faith. And so our whole ministry is grabbing a hold of this by faith. We are believing God for 150 million people to be saved over the next 10 years. And not only that, Sid, but I’m believing that this next decade is going to spark the greatest movement of evangelism in world history. 10 years from now, the world will not look the way it looks today. It won’t be one or two or three great evangelists out there doing all these big meetings. It will be tens of thousands of people all over the world reaping a super massive harvest before Jesus returns.

SID: There are people that are sleeping giants, they’re believers, but they’re sleeping giants that are watching us right now. I want you to talk to them, to wake up.

DANIEL: Well, my friend who that’s you, and maybe you know that it’s you. Maybe you know that since you were a child, there has been a calling on your life for some purpose. You know that your purpose in life is not just to collect a paycheck, to go 8:00 to 5:00 every day, to raise a few kids, and then die. You have this sense in your spirit that God created you to do something for eternity. He created you to do something that matters. I remember evangelist Bonnke saying to me years ago that when he was a boy, he was one of several brothers and one of his brothers wanted to be a doctor. The other one wanted to be a lawyer. But when his dad said to him, “Reinhard what do you want to do?” He said, “Dad, I realized something the other day. I realized that with my mortal hands, I can help to build God’s eternal kingdom. And with my mortal lips, I can help to preach the eternal gospel.”

My friend, listen to me. There is only one thing that matters in this world. A life lived in the will of God. The Bible says that the one that does the will of God abides forever. And you say, what is the will of God? My friend it’s very simple. Peter tells us that God is not willing. It is not the will of God that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. And Daniel says the ones that lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever. And I want to challenge you to stop just living for the lower pleasures and the lower satisfactions of this life, but to take hold of that calling for which God created you. Begin to run that race because all of heaven is cheering you on. These are the last days. This is the greatest moment in history. And I say, if not you, who? If not now, when? If not here, where? It’s time to rise up and take your place in Jesus name.

SID: It’s time to say “Hineni, here am I.”


SID: That’s what it’s time for. We’ve added a special extended ministry segment for you. Just log on to, after this program ends. I want Daniel to speak like he was actually in Africa at one of his meetings and I fully expect the same miracles, the same impartation of experiential knowledge of God that is normal whenever he speaks to take place now.

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admin on June 8th, 2020

BRENDA: The media is going to have to put it on the screens. They’re not going to be able to deny it. Science won’t be able to deny it because there is a difference coming, and I want to add this one piece to that is that in our house, this is what we’ve been declaring. My house is a no fly zone to the enemy in the decade of difference. That’s what we’re coming into in this new decade from the spirit of God.

SID: You have a new book on this subject. It’s more than a book though. It’ll be a lifestyle that is going to so change families and individuals, and you talk about the decree or the declaration. What is that?

BRENDA: Well, I believe in this decade it’s very necessary that our words get aligned with heaven. It’s so important. We’ve got to speak what God speak. We need to get in alignment with the prophetic words. We got to get in alignment with the scripture, and we’ve got to speak and declare things according to the word of God. If I can give you a biblical… a very obvious biblical example. In the days of creation, God said, “Light be,” but he spoke before there was a manifestation. Sound always proceeds manifestation.

SID: Boy, that’s an important statement. Will you say that again?

BRENDA: Sound always precedes manifestation. Sometimes we want a miracle. We want a manifestation in our life, but we ourselves don’t want to put out the right sound, and I’ll just say it like this and for you that are viewing right now, sometimes the hardest time to put out the right sound is when you’re in a battle. When you’re in a fight, when you’re looking at the earth and it looks like it’s void and without form and it doesn’t seem like there’s a manifestation and everything’s going against.

BRENDA: In fact, I feel like there’s somebody… you’re right now in the fight of your life. You feel like you’re in a battle, but the spirit of God is saying, “When you begin to put those declarations out in agreement with the scripture, in agreement with that prophetic word that you had, something is going to shift and you will prophesy it’s true. You will see the manifestation of the spirit of God.”

SID: What is the difference between a decree and just speaking?

BRENDA: A declaration or a decree, if I could say it that way, is an authoritative order backed by the law. We could say it like this, that our decree prophetically is an authoritative order when we align it with God’s word. It is an authoritative order backed by the word of God. And when it’s backed by the word of God, here’s the beautiful part, Sid, it must come to pass. It has to happen because God already declared it so.

SID: We’ve taken your book, a hundred of these amazing declarations. Every arena, every area, you can think of. But there’s one that’s really close to a heart of just about everyone that’s watching us right now, and that is your own household. I want you to read a declaration from your book right now on households.

BRENDA: Absolutely. And I want you to receive this because maybe you’re dealing, maybe you’re in a place where your marriage is in trouble. You’re having trouble with your children, maybe they’re grown children or little children, whatever it is. And how I want to encourage you with this. God is about families. He’s about households, okay?

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admin on May 27th, 2020

SID: There is one thing that it understands, fear, horrific fear. It’s John, and if there’s one man thing could get people free of fear. It’s John Ramirez. John, you said there are two weapons, two things stronger than any demon in hell at the disposal of every believer. What are they?

JOHN: Uncle, [He] said to me, there’s no greater weapon, no greater chain than the name of Jesus Christ. Would break every chain, every bondage, every—

SID: What if you don’t see something when you use the name of Jesus? What’s going on in the invisible world?

JOHN: Oh in the invisible world, that name shakes the foundations of hell and the spirit realm. It will paralyze the devil and his cronies. That name has power over every sickness, over every demonic tormenting devil, a fear. That name destroyed, even under that name they’d say demons tremble under that name.

SID: John, what’s the second one?

JOHN: The blood of Jesus Christ.

SID: When I say, “I apply the blood of Jesus over my family. I apply the blood of Jesus over my house. I apply the blood of Jesus where I work. I apply the blood of Jesus in my car.” What is going on?

JOHN: In the spirit realm when you … When Moses put the blood on the doorpost that the Angel of Death has to pass by, the Angel of Death had to pass by. When you apply the blood of Jesus upon your family, your relatives, your loved ones. My daughter she lives in Brooklyn, I live in Manhattan. I apply the blood of Jesus when she get in the subways, when she go to work, when she leaves work at night, work by herself, walking home. I apply the blood of Jesus. I mean devil, you have to pass over her. You can’t touch her. She doesn’t belong to you. Nothing that I apply the blood of Jesus, you have no legal rights over it. You are destroyed, dismantled, you’re inoperative and you’re defeated because the blood of Jesus says so.

JOHN: To me, it’s like the oxygen you breathe. If you don’t breathe oxygen, you won’t live. So we need to understand that the blood of Jesus moves, shakes, and destroys, dismantles the devil’s kingdom and turns it upside down. And we need to apply no matter what. I mean that should just be your language. That should be your spiritual warfare language. The blood of Jesus and the name of Jesus.

JOHN: When I wake up in the morning, I say, “devil I’m not … Jesus, thank you for waking me up in the morning. Devil, I mark the blood of Jesus right there, to hit him real quick.” Offense, shake him in his boots.

SID: This stuff. You know what’s so wonderful? It’s for the least believer can do the same works Jesus did. And if you really believe the Bible, then even greater. But how? Right now the question is, how can you live without fear? When we return.

We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.




We now return to It’s Supernatural.

SID: John, a woman by the name of Daisy.

JOHN: Daisy was a friend of the family’s, and she was involved in the occult Santeria. Santeria means worship of demons. She was in it. She was baptized into all the witchcraft, and the rituals, and the ceremonies of Santeria. And one day I went to my mom’s house and I said, “Hey Daisy, you see my life, how God set me free.” She said, “John, I’m so afraid. I have so much fear if I leave, they’re going to kill me.” I said, “Look, they didn’t kill me. They’re not going to kill you. Just accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. I promise you that nothing’s going to happen to you.” And she said, “Okay, John, I want Jesus.”

JOHN: Jesus, Daisy is ready to take you into her heart.

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admin on May 16th, 2020

CAROL: They do this Sid, they do. We were going to shut our counseling department down because … No seriously because they would fall out under the power and they would be out for an hour and we would see them laughing and then we’d see them in tears and then that would settle down and then we’d hear them laughing again. So we’d asked them, “What happened?” And they said, “God would take us to a real deep wound in our hearts and then heal us and tell us.” And then it just became funny because we thought it was such a big deal and it was so easy for God to heal. And so, one after the other after the other, of all these hurts, God just healed supernaturally.

SID: Tell me briefly the story of Chloe.

CAROL: This beautiful girl and her husband, she was about 25 when she first showed up. We didn’t know her and John and I were doing [the] importance of forgiveness and bitterroot judgments at this conference on The Father Loves You. And so, her husband really didn’t believe in charismatic things but he’d heard about it and he knew that his wife had really deep father wounds. So he brought her against her will but anyway brought her. So they’re sitting in the very back row and John does the altar call if anybody needs to forgive. And he went through a list for people, come on up to the front. And then I was going to go on about bitterroot judgments. And so, he’s leading them through prayer and I hear this wailing going on and I thought, “Oh my gosh, what is going on?” And so I thought, “I’m going to go down and see what’s going on down there.”

CAROL: And I found this beautiful young girl crying, crying, crying. So I went over to her and I said, “Honey, what’s God doing?” She said, “I hate my father because of this, and this, and this, and this.”

Always put me down.

CAROL: So we prayed through and forgave him and she ended up falling down under the power and I stayed with her probably for about maybe 15, 20 minutes but she got hot. All of a sudden she said, “I’m boiling hot, I’m boiling hot. What’s wrong?” And I said, “I think God’s healing you. Do you need a physical healing?” And she said, “Oh boy, do I need a physical healing.” She said, “My husband carries me upstairs. I can’t walk upstairs, I come down on my bottom, I have childhood arthritis, I have 10 seizures a day, I’m on a heavy, heavy epileptic seizure medication, I’m lactose intolerant, I have cystic ovaries.” I mean, the girl was in, you know.

CAROL: And so, the heat just kept coming on her and finally it lifted a bit. I said, “Can you stand up? Can you do something you couldn’t do before? Can we tell if God is healing you?” And she said, “Well, I can’t walk upstairs.” So she goes, “I’ll try one or two of the stairs.” And we were in this auditorium with a very high platform and it was a theater type building so the platform is really high. And so she walked. I said, “Walk up a couple of the stairs.” Well, before I knew it Sid, she was just like, she was at the top of the stairs and there had to be 10 or 15 stairs it was phenomenal. And her husband is standing at the back of the church saying, “That’s my wife, she can’t do this. She physically can’t do this.”

SID: Real quick because of time hold your hands up to that camera and release what you have freely received to the people, release the glory of God.

CAROL: Oh, Jesus. I so thank you for the power of intimacy Lord and I release to you today Lord an anointing to come into his presence, to soak in his love and to receive all that he has for you so that his glory of the fire and the purity of God will just flood through your being that you will never be the same again. And your love will be so precious and his love to you will even be more dear and wonderful and real. And I ask that in the mighty name of Jesus.

SID: Let it be done in Yeshua’s name.

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admin on May 6th, 2020

SID: What about taking a promise of God from the Bible?

RYAN: I believe that you can take the promises of God and you can hold onto them for you. One of the things that I’ve come to understand about the word of God is it’s for me, it’s for you. So when there is a promise that says that this is to be, and this is how it’s supposed to be, it means I get to apply that to my life. It’s not that I’m just a part of something, but I’m in something. From when that word was formed, if Christ was slain before the foundations of the earth, what was destined about my life before I was ever into existence? So that promise in the Bible has my DNA and my destiny attached to it as well.

SID: You talk about the need to not be passive, but to contend for your miracle.

RYAN: Yes sir. You have to be willing to fight for the fulfillment of the word. The enemy wants to steal, kill, and destroy. But the scripture says that God gives us life and life more abundantly. And I know that we talk about the armor of God, the full armor of God. And yes, there’s times that you will never have to go into battle. A son knows when it is time to lay in the lap of the King, but also when it is time to step in the battlefield. And there’s times in our lives that the enemy knows and has heard what the prophetic destiny is, and because of that, they want to derail you and deny you, but you get up and fight. When you get knocked down, you get back up and you say, “Nope, this is what the word says. This is what God said. And I will fight.”

SID: I’m going to hire you as a life coach right now. I want you to talk to someone. I want you to talk to them. They just been to the doctor. They have just gotten, the Bible calls it an evil report, and they’re coming apart at the seams like your mom did. Talk to them.

RYAN: The Bible declares by his stripes, we are healed. We are healed already, but our bodies are flesh and they’re weak at times. But I want you to remember this. I know what the doctor says. I know what the medical team says, and I know what in the natural it appears to be, but I know this. God didn’t create you to cut life short in you. God created you to overcome some of the things that you’re faced with. And I want you to know that even though the enemy may come, the Bible says he may come and a thousand at your right hand, 10,000 will fall on the left hand. I’m telling you that no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper. It’s not my words, it’s his word. So even if your body is weak right now, I decree and declare that the body has to come in alignment with God’s word that declares healed, restored, and renewed right now in the name of Jesus.

SID: And I want you to pray that we’d be open to receive a new prophetic word from God or fulfill an older prophecy.

RYAN: Father, right now, I ask right now for every man and woman that hears under the sound of my voice, I call for, for their spiritual ears to be open. Now in the name of Jesus, I cancel all the white noise and distraction that the enemy has come against them. I silence the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ. I plead a bloodline over every man and woman that they would have ears to hear what you have prophetically called upon their life. And Father, for the fulfillment of the prophetic words, they are marked by your assignment. They are marked by your glory and they are marked by your anointing. I call for them to come into the existence that they will be fulfilled in a way in only which you get the glory and honor. I remind the enemy right now in the name of Jesus that he has no power. He has no control. He has no right. I revoke his license over these prophetic dreams, visions and words over their lives in the name of Jesus.

SID: Maybe you know about Jesus, maybe you don’t. But you know that you don’t have experiential knowledge of him. Some of you may have head knowledge. Some of you have maybe have even said a prayer in a church and walked down the aisle, but you’ve never had your own experience with God. I want to pray that for you right now. Repeat after me. Dear God, out loud, dear God, I’m a sinner and I’m so sorry. I believe the blood of Jesus washes away my sins and I am clean and now that I’m clean, Jesus come and live inside of me. I make you my Lord. I want an encounter with you, an experience with you. I need you, God. In Jesus’ name, amen.

SID: Next week on It’s Supernatural.

Carol Arnott: Did you know that when you soak in God’s presence, your body is healed, your heart is restored, as you experience the presence of God like never before. I want you to join me on the next, It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth, as we discover the supernatural power of soaking.

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