admin on October 18th, 2022

DAVID: So we let God be God and here’s what we do. When I pray for all of you it’s the same. Don’t look to me. You shut your eyes. You look, to the cross! 1st Corinthians 1:18 it says “the cross is the power unto those who believe! It’s foolishness for those who don’t believe but for those of us who believe it’s the power of God unto salvation!” Salvation means “sozo” which means healing! Already the power of God is all over you! Right now! Right now! Holy Spirit anointing! Holy Spirit anointing!

Please stay away from her and don’t touch anyone if they go down. Okay? Thank you. In the name of Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords, right now I bind, rebuke and destroy the work of the enemy! You the devil COME OUT in the name of Jesus! Devil, I break your power, you the spirit of infirmity. I speak a creative miracle! God, so many times You’ve turned metal back into bone! In the name of Jesus, I release the neck! I release the neck! FIRE anointing of God right now in the name of Jesus Christ! What you couldn’t do start to move it. Start turning your neck. Turning your neck. Right now turning your neck. Turning your neck! Up and back! Up and back! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Tell me right now how does it feel?

WOMAN #1: It feels more loose. It’s just the screws that are there so that’s sort of –

DAVID: Okay. Are you able to move it fully side to side?

WOMAN #1: Pretty much. Yes.

DAVID: Amen. Is there any more pain?

WOMAN #1: Just a little.

DAVID: Okay. Where is the pain?

WOMAN #1: Right there.

DAVID: Right now in the name of Jesus all the screws right now turn back into bone. A creative miracle! Fire anointing of God! All the pain be gone right now! Angels and ministering spirits! Power of God!

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admin on October 7th, 2022

DAVID: Hallelujah! So you see God is not against pills, doctors, medicine. He’ll use those. Sometimes we get a headache. We get something we can take a pill or we can go get a surgery. God is not against. He made the medicine. He gave the wisdom. He gave the doctors. But many times the problem is in our life. Number one who are we trusting? Are you trusting in the medicine and the doctors or are we trusting in Jesus! Second thing, we have to understand. Many times it is not a physical problem. It is a spiritual problem!

Audience: Yes.

DAVID: Most of the time when I pray for people there’s a demonic spirit. A spirit of infirmity. A migraine spirit. The minute anyone who has a migraine spirit when I pray it’s gone and it is gone forever! Why? Because it’s a migraine spirit that has attached to their life. When I cast it out it’s gone and all of a sudden then I’m able to know that they’re free and they get no more headaches. Amen!

Audience: Amen.

DAVID: So it’s that simple. We have to understand the spiritual reason behind what is going on. Hallelujah! So this woman she decides she wants to go to Jesus. She hears that Jesus is healing. The Bible says, John chapter 10, verse 3 and 4. “His sheep will hear His voice.” You have to hear His voice and come to Jesus. How the Bible says in John chapter 5, verse 30. It says how Jesus heard the voice of the Father. We also can hear the voice of the Father through faith in Jesus Christ! This woman she hears the call and so she came up behind Jesus. Now I want to tell you that sounds so simple that one little sentence in the Bible. But think about it for a minute.


admin on September 27th, 2022

KEVIN: And I came back, after I came back I just began to be ravenous for the word of God. I began to study the scriptures and I’ve done it for about 15 years now, just devouring the scriptures. Learning as much as I could about the word of God and reference to God’s angels. That’s a key for you. You want to accelerate angelic ministry in your life? Study instances in the scripture where there were angelic encounters. Like the Book of Revelation. Ezekiel. Hallelujah. “I saw the Lord high and lifted up.” You can exercise your spiritual senses in this way. I saw in the Book of Hebrews where it said that many people have entertained God’s angels without being aware of it.

And I thought to myself well you know what? If people can entertain God’s angels without being aware of it I can do it on purpose. And I began to. I began to entertain God’s angels. Now at that point in my life I was poor. I was impoverished. I wasn’t doing very well at all. And I would just get into my little house and I would just, I would cry out to God. I would fast, pray, read the word of God, rest in His presence and I would meditate upon the word of God. In other words I would study it and I would think about it. And in Psalm 4 I would rest on my bed. And now I begin to have angelic activity in the house so instead of becoming fearful I would entertain them because I had seen where people had done it without being aware of it so I thought well I’m going to entertain God’s angels on purpose so I would tell them things like hey, guys, listen! There’s Ramen noodles and Kool Aid in the kitchen. If you’d like some just help yourself.


KEVIN:  You know looking back on it now I don’t think God’s angels like Ramen noodles and Kool Aid. That’s pretty much all I had in the house. That’s one reason why I fasted and prayed a lot. 


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admin on September 18th, 2022

DAVID: Hallelujah! My love and greetings to each and every one of you in the precious name of our Lord and Savior! His name is Jesus! Amen?

Audience: Amen!

DAVID: I’ve travelled for many years now. Fifteen years all over the world preaching the Gospel. I was a young person. I was a businessman. I graduated college at 19. I had businesses. I worked since I was 9 years old and had businesses of my own since I was 19 until I was 51. And when I was 36 I had thought for 14 years I knew Jesus. But then I saw the miracles of Jesus! First in my own body. I was healed instantly of a compressed disc. I was healed a week later of my knee that had torn ligaments and I needed surgery. I was instantly healed! I just prayed Jesus! Not my leg hurts. Jesus, I want to know You! I want to see You! Job said, Job 19:26, I want to see my God with my own eyes! I didn’t want my healing so my leg would feel better. I wanted to know my God! And He honored that prayer! I jumped up and down like a pogo stick. I said to my wife I’m devastated. My life will never be the same! I’ve touched the hem of the robe of Jesus! From that moment my whole life transformed and I’ve traveled the world and I want to tell you today that for 15 years I’ve travelled and I’ve seen everywhere I go blind eyes open. Deaf ears open. People get out of wheelchairs! Cancers are healed! Sicknesses disappear! Everywhere! Not once or twice. Not just in third world countries. People say that’s that stuff that happens in India and Africa. I tell them Jesus does not have geographical and financial boundaries! He will go wherever there’s faith! Amen?

Audience: Amen! [Clapping]

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admin on September 7th, 2022

You must identify the power of that blood of Jesus has separated you from
all human action. So your violation of the Law, your separation from
accomplishing anything of the flesh you are dead to it and it’s over! This is a
new day. It says, “Behold, ALL things are become new, and all things are of
God.” Second Corinthians 5:13 down to 18 is very clear about the “new creation
life.” “If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, a new creation. Old
things are passed away and behold, all things are become new.” Now how many of
you had a worry that stood up speaking to you, something that’s burdening you,
concerning you. How’s it’s going to turn out? You have to divorce the outcome.
In other words, it doesn’t matter how it turns out! Let me be frank with you.

If I am married to an outcome, I am not connected to God that can bring the
change. Because if I am connected to an outcome, the only thing I can see is
God can do this [my own outcome]. But how about if God’s got an entirely
different way He’s going to move in your life? What if today, I had this happen
in our church, we got everybody freed in their spirit. A lady goes to the bathroom,
another lady is in the stall next to her. She’s sitting there and she’s just
thanking God crying. And the other lady’s thanking God   and they
come out of the stall together and they say, “What’s going on in your life”“
She goes “I just thank God I received a car.” She [the other lady] goes “You
know God just told me to give my car.” So you got the idea. (audience laughs)
So they both come out of the ladies room together and they’re shouting, going
“YES.” So I said what? You know not the normal event, you know. So somebody
said, “Pastor, you got to hear this testimony.” I said “What happened?” She
goes “I was in one stall giving a car, she’s in the other stall receiving a
car.” I said, “We all got to go to the bathroom!”
