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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. I want you to experience the presence of God that is in this studio right now. And I’m going to tell you something. You have probably never seen what you’re about ready to see, ever, ever. I’ll tell you why. My guest prophesied for one hour the future of America, and he has never shared this on television before, and there’s a reason. And we’ll get into that. But I want you to recognize that my guest Shane Warren hears from God. And the best way to know is to find out what he has prophesied in the past that has been so accurate to the decimal point. Shane, you told me, before 9/11, what happened?

SHANE: I was pastoring a small church in a small town, and the Sunday before 9/11, while I was preaching, in the middle of my preaching, Sid, all of a sudden something came on me. I began to weep and I could literally smell the fragrance of death in the air. Let me qualify that for you. Early days, as a child, I had been a witness to an accident, a car accident, in which a family had burned alive in this car accident, and I was close to it, and there was a smell that that smell gave us. That was the smell that I began to smell in the atmosphere. I called my church to prayer. I said, something drastic is about to happen. I don’t know what this means, but God says, “The number of 12 is order.” But God said, “The number of 11 is confusion.” And there is something tied to 11 and there’s something tied to the smell of death. And I said, I don’t know what this means, but I need us to all pray. A very somber air came upon our church.

SID: By the way of course, September 11th, that’s where you got the 11 from. And also, I didn’t mention to you, he was touched by God as a young man. And he knows without being told, people’s names, addresses, even the very dreams they have. So go ahead.

SHANE: Well I had this experience, and I knew this was from the Lord. I had no idea what it was about. I became very burdened about it. To my own horror, a few days later I get a phone call from one of my board members that morning, 9/11. He said, “Pastor, are you up?” And I said, “Yeah, I’m up.” He said, “Do you have your television on?” I said, “No, sir.” He said, “You need to turn your television on. Everything you just said is coming to pass right now.” And he said, “There has been a bombing in New York of the Twin Towers.” I turned on the television and I was just shocked, as the rest of the world was, as we watched those towers collapse that day. So that was one of the events that God showed me beforehand, even to the point that people called and wanted to know how I knew those events. And I just had to tell them, it came from God.

SID: Okay. In 2007, before the great recession that we had in the United States, the Spirit of God came on you, and what did you say?

SHANE: I was preaching in my church in Louisiana. And as I began to share, all of a sudden the spirit of prophecy came on me. And the Lord began to speak through me about a recession and telling the people to shore up all of their investments, that there was nothing that was going to be safeguarded from this. That they needed to make sure they got their investments in line, that there is something great was about to come upon the economic system of America, and we were going to begin to struggle. And in the midst of that, God began to speak to me how He’s going to bless the church. And in the midst of that for those who would listen to the Word of the Lord. And then God began to speak to me about prophetic winds that were blowing, and the things that would happen in America. And then of course at the end of 2007-2008, the great recession hit. But what was amazing, God was giving me specific details of the stock market. And the Lord spoke to me and said that America had depended and had been worshiping a bull like the children of Israel, who had been brought out of bondage and were brought out into the wilderness to worship God. And Aaron had built this golden calf, that so America was worshiping a bull, and it was the bull market. And God said in this prophesy, “I’m about to grind that bull up.”

SID: And that was at a time when you could buy real estate anywhere and make money. You could buy stocks anywhere and make money. All of these amazing companies were going off the charts. So for Shane to say that now, it wouldn’t take a lot of talent. But before it happened I would imagine some people didn’t even believe what you prophesied.

SHANE: Oh yeah. I had people, as I told you before, I received great persecution for it. I was told that I was a false prophet. Some of those prophesies made YouTube and of course got responses that I was a false prophet, didn’t know what I was talking about. And I never claimed to be a prophet. I don’t necessarily want those kind of titles. I just know when the Spirit of God comes upon me and begins to speak through me.

SID: As far as America goes, you saw some things that we’ll talk about on this show, that you told me you have never shared publicly on television before. You’re going to find out the future of America. You’re going to find out specifics. You’re going to find out what the wise will be investing in to be able to help all the needs that are shortly going to come on America. You are going to find out the future of true believers in the Messiah. The blessings of God are going to so overtake them that it’s going to just knock the breath out of you. Don’t go away. We’ll be right back.

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