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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Shane Warren. Shane thinks he just has a normal service. And he begins to hear from God, and begins to prophesy things he had never heard before about the future of America, for one hour. He is a known man that hears from God. And I want you, this is the first time he has shared this throughout the world on television. Now you explained to me you’ve been studying the history of nations, and there is what you call a 400-year cycle.

SHANE: There are numerous cycles in the Word of God, Sid. You know, you have 400, 490 years and seven-year cycles, things of that nature. But specifically is when God spoke to Abraham and told Abraham, before the children of Israel went into bondage, that they would be there for 400 years in Egypt. And He said they would be there, and then He said, “Because the inequity of the Amorites has not yet come to the full.” In other words, it would take 400 years for the iniquity to build up to the place that provoked God’s judgment.

SID: A lot of people don’t understand this. It’s almost like God has much more mercy than any human you ever met. And it’s because He has so much mercy, you think you’d get away with sin. Well what is going on is like a big barrel, and the sins are being poured into it. And there comes a tipping point. That’s what you’re talking about.

SHANE: We’re at the tipping point. In fact, it could be that America has went beyond the tipping point at this phase. I hope not and I pray not. But still, that 400 years, there is some sort of prophetic cycle there. Most people focus on America only being 230-some-odd years old. But the truth of the matter is the first compact in America was signed in 1620. So the 400-year cycle for America is going to come at the year 2020. Every single major student of church growth, church history is telling you that in America we’re on a slippery slope, an incredible drastic decline within the church and spiritual—

SID: So what happens in a 400-year cycle to a country?

SHANE: The judgment of God is poured out.

SID: Okay. What is the major reason that the judgment of God is poured out on a nation, historically, at that 400-year cycle?

SHANE: Well one of the primary sins that is always evident at that 400 years is sexual immorality. If you study every single major nation throughout the history of the world, they all reach points of drastic decline and even destruction whenever the immorality had come to the full. And it manifested itself in every single form of perversion that you can imagine. And that is happening right now in America.

SID: The classic example I think of from the Bible is Sodom and Gomorra.

SHANE: Absolutely. Sodom and Gomorra. And America in many ways, in fact in my opinion, has went way beyond Sodom and Gomorra.

SID: Now tell me about what God has shown you about the four winds.

SHANE: The Book of Revelation says there’s four angels that stand on the four corners of the earth. These angels have control of four winds. These are not natural winds. These are spiritual winds, but they manifest themselves in natural ways. Throughout world history, you study history, you’ll find out there are four winds that always have shaped nations, controlled the course of world history. One is the wind of war, another one is the wind of economy, another one is the wind of religion, and the wind of politics. And these four winds are blowing. And God began to show me these four winds are blowing all over the world at the same time, and they’re escalating, Sid, and they’re creating for us the perfect storm. And the reason I say the perfect storm is because God prophesied this storm is going to come to pass. So we know this is going to happen. The scripture is clear that it’s going to happen. Unfortunately, this is not a popular message right now in America.

SID: Is this happening right now?

SHANE: Absolutely. Look at the wars and the rumors of wars that are taking place all over the globe. The Middle East, the wind of war is blowing. The wind of war, terrorism has encompassed the entire globe. Every nation has been affected by the wind of war. What about the wind of economics. You know, somebody who would have to be totally ignorant to world events would say the wind of economics isn’t blowing. It’s not only blowing, it is storming around the world. Entire nations’ economies are collapsing. Entire governments are on the verge of bankruptcy. Just yesterday I read a report that 46 of our states in the union had $160 billion shortfall last year in their budgets. America is on the brink of bankruptcy, and they’re sharing with us a bunch of lies. It’s not true. We’re in trouble.

SID: Okay. God showed you seven attacks from the scriptures in previous nations. Pick two of them.

SHANE: Oh one of the mighty attacks upon nations, you know, in the Book of Revelation there’s a mention of a seven-headed dragon. This seven-headed dragon, these seven heads represent seven empires of world history. We can mark that with history. But what’s interesting, each one of these heads, each one of these empires have a spirit that’s behind them. These spirits are now working all in conjunction at the same time as the spirit of the Antichrist in the earth right now. One of those great spirits is the spirit of Greece. The spirit of Greece was the changing of laws to restrict religious freedom. The byword in the Grecian culture was, we need to be understanding and tolerant. “Tolerant” was the word of the day.

SID: My goodness. There’s nothing new under the sun. It’s the same spirits.

SHANE: Absolutely. There’s nothing new. And through tolerance they changed laws that literally restricted people from worshiping God. What’s interesting, in Greece, every perversion was acceptable. Every religion was acceptable. Every philosophy was acceptable except for one. And that was the religion of Christianity and the naming of the name Jesus Christ.

SID: Very briefly, one more.

SHANE: Babylon is the spirit of confusion. And confusion comes upon nations. You know, I heard from my own mouth, with my own ears from the mouth of politicians that they said they never saw this economic collapse really coming. They don’t understand why we’re in the state that we’re in. They’re absolutely baffled that nothing they’re doing is working. Entitlements doesn’t work. Stimulus money doesn’t work. Bail outs doesn’t work. Nothing is working. The reason it isn’t is because the spirit of confusion is upon the land.

SID: I need you to listen very, very well about the future of America, about your future when we come back. Don’t go away.

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