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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. I wouldn’t want it any other way. I lived the other way and I lived in the presence of God. Presence of God is much better. My guest, Shane Warren, at age 12, he knew nothing, diddly, about the reality of God, and he had a mystery visitor as a young boy. Tell me about that mystery visitor.

SHANE: Well when I was 12 years old my grandfather had built a fort for the grandkids, and I was the number one grandson, and I would spend a lot of time with him. I had great parents, great grandparents. They loved me dearly, but had no religious background so to speak of, just was taught to respect it. And I went to the woods one day just be alone, have some fun as a kid, sitting down in that old fort and looked up. And when I looked up a man was standing before me. I’ve heard people say that his clothes were white. It didn’t look like he was clothed in white. It looked like he was clothed in the sun. It was almost that difficult to look at his clothing. And I had this overwhelming bathing in the love of God, just love like I had never felt before or since my entire life. And I’ve sought for years, Sid, for the word to describe how I felt. Now I know, Isaiah 6, when Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up, he said, “I am undone.” At 12 years of age, I had never done a major sin or anything like that, but I just knew I was incomplete. I was undone. But at the same time the overwhelming love of the most high God just bathed me and overshadowed me. And the Lord walked up to me, put His hand upon my head, His right hand upon my head, and He said—

SID: You had hair back then.

SHANE: I had hair back then. In fact many people think that’s the reason I don’t have hair today. But He walked up, put His right hand upon my head. It burned like an iron on my head. And He said, “I have called you to the nations.” I started weeping uncontrollably. I looked down almost in shame or guilt. I don’t know really what it was. But when I looked back up to look at Him I could still feel his hand on my head, but he was gone. I rose from that experience, ran straight to my grandfather, said to him, “Tell me what in the world did I just see.” He said, “I have no idea.” But he said, “You have an aunt that started going to church. Let’s go to her and let’s find out if she knows.” I went to my aunt’s house. Her name was Barbara. She’s still alive today. And she said, “I believe you have just seen the Lord.” The next Sunday, Resurrection Sunday morning, 1982, I went to church for the first time. The ushers got up to take up the offering. I didn’t even know what to do. I had never been to church. I ran down to the front, gave my heart to Jesus and began my journey in the supernatural.

SID: What I find fascinating about you is when he speaks before groups he will feel God’s hands on his head, that same fire, and when that occurs miracles take place. For instance, tell me about the time your congregation was minding its own business, worshiping God and a man born blind, and get this, the rabbis tell us that there are three major Messianic miracles to confirm who the Messiah is. And one of the Messianic miracles is someone that was born blind getting their sight back. Tell me what happened.

SHANE: It was on a Sunday night. The power of God hit our church. It was so uncontrollable and it was so out of the box that in my religious bones I just wanted to jump up and just shut it down. And the Lord spoke to me and said, “Don’t touch this. This is me.” It got even more out of control. I went up again to shut it down and again the Lord spoke to me and said, this time in a much harsher voice, He said, “If you touch this you touch Me and I’ll touch you.” I backed away from the pulpit in fear. I gave an altar call at that time. I said, “God’s here. Anybody that needs a touch from the Lord come down to the front.” A man by the name of Sammy, who was blind, wore dark glasses, we knew him well, his wife led him around our church. He had been a member of our church. And so we knew he wasn’t faking. This was his condition. He was in my far left hand corner of our platform and I ran over to him, laid my hands on him. He fell to the floor and began to pray in the spirit. And I just started sporadically going across the altar laying hands on people, when about that time an usher ran up to me and grabbed me, and was shaking, and said, “Pastor, Pastor!” at the top of his lungs. I said, “What?” He said, “The blind man, the blind man.” And I said, “What about him?” He said, “He can see! He can see!” I turned and looked, Sid, and to my amazement, he took his glasses off his face, his dark glasses, his cane was laying on the ground, his precious wife was holding up fingers, he was mimicking what she was holding up, replicating what she was holding up. And God had healed his eyes, and he could see. We brought him up on the platform. He could see everybody in the building. We have a large sanctuary. He could see people standing in the balcony with certain colored shirts on. It was the most glorious thing that I had ever seen.

SID: But there was a double miracle. Listen to this. Not only did this man born blind get his sight back, but he went to the doctor because, you see, he had no optic nerve. You can’t see without optic nerves. So the doctor examined his optic nerve, and what did the doctor say?

SHANE: The doctor said, “You’re having delusions. There’s no way that you can see.” He would read everything.

SID: Because his optic nerves were still not there, and he still could see! You get that?

SHANE: Yeah. It was an absolute miracle what had happened. They told me he’s delusional. He said, “No, I read everything.” He would read everything in the office. He came back, came many times, went many times to the doctor, still the same thing.

SID: What’s he do for a living now?

SHANE: Now he’s a computer programmer the last time I heard.

SID: Have you ever seen a blind computer programmer?

SHANE: That same night we had people’s backs that were instantly healed, legs that grew out, shot out. A man standing in the sound booth who is one of the deacons of my church, we’ve known he had this condition from an accident, had many surgeries, his leg grew out. He came up and testified.

SID: What do you mean his leg grew out? One was shorter than the other?

SHANE: One was much shorter than the other one. And instantly, when God healed Sammy, the Glory of God hit the building and his leg grew out. He came running to the front and he said, “I thought something was wrong, but I have a build up on my shoe. And I realize the reason I’m crooked now is because I got to take the shoes off to be straight.” Because God had healed his leg.

SID: I’ll tell you what, we’re going to come right back. But when the Messiah put his hand on Shane’s head something so wonderful happened. Shane many times knows people’s names that he’s never met before. He actually knows their address, people he’s never met before. He even knows the dreams they had. And better than knowing the dreams, he knows what the meanings of the dreams are. Don’t go away because I’m going to turn him loose in a few minutes.

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