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Sid: My guest Tom Horn is red hot for the Messiah from literally the time he became a believer he has been prepared to do the research so that true believer’s will not be deceived in the last days.  This is a show that I never thought that I would be doing Tom it’s too outrages for me, but the more I get into it the more I see the scriptural connections, the more that I see the research that you have; the more that I have to believe that this is true. Your brand new book’s literally off the press we have exclusive rights for a season it’s called “Exo-Vaticana” with 2 CDs that… but this is what I asked you to do yesterday for the next two days I want you to paint a picture of what you see coming starting with what you call and many others call the last Pope.

Tom: There’s intrigue that surrounds how this final Pope is going to accommodate the newly celebrated astro-theology of some of Rome’s top astronomers, theologians whether this will somehow fulfill these catholic prophecies we talked about.  Too, concerning man of sin the seed of Satan either as an alien serpent savior or as a deceiver that points mankind to a god of another world.  And your right it just sounds outrageous right (Laughing) and it won’t be until somebody gets this book from you and they read it and they read the actual astronomers that we interviewed and the stuff that they told us that they’ll be able to nail down in their mind that no matter how incredible this may sound it is an emerging belief system that has it’s seat in Rome.  But in point of fact the Bible told us a lot about this before any of these astronomers did, the Bible describes both the false prophet; is that going to be this new Pope Petrus Romanus?  It also describes the anti-Christ as having allegiances and endowments that are not of this earth.  Not only can both of them call fire down from out of those heavens suspected to be host locations of aliens.  Revelation 13:12 and through 14 talk about that and describe a clear alliance between the powers of the celestial realm and these two leading end time characters on earth.  But not only does that happen but the Prophet Daniel tells us that their belief system will actually honor a strange alien god; this is a true interpretation of the Hebrew Old Testament.  In Daniel 11:38–39 here’s what it says “But in his estate shall he honor the god of forces and a god whom his father’s knew not shall he honor with gold and silver, precious stones, pleasant things; thus shall he do in the most strongholds.” That’s the Hebrew Matzim “With a strange god whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory and he shall cause him to rule over many and shall divide the land for gain.”  Now there’s several parts of this prophecy from Daniel concerning the arrival of the anti-Christ and his celebration of the strange alien god that stands out just really unusual.  First the god of forces that he describes or alternatively god of fortresses this is connected to Baal Shamin, literally the lord of the heavens and this is an ancient sky deity that the Manichean agnostic worshiped as the greatest angel of the greatest power of the heavens.  But the second reference in that text is what really gets me it’s to a deity that he calls a strange god.  The Hebrew text there can literally be rendered an alien god.  So there is this extraordinary prophecy in the book of Daniel that seemed to have forecast the very stuff that we’re now talking about that is emerging right at the same time that the 700 year old Zohar tells that the anti-Christ would appear and 900 year old Catholic prophecy tells us the final Pope would appear at exactly that same time. Theology is intentionally being developed that would accommodate what it sounds like the Prophet Daniel was describing.  And so with that in mind we provide in this book, that your making available to people, forces that make it evident that for hundreds of years both Catholic prophets and Protestant reformers even believed that the anti-Christ would ultimately champion a strange alien god through an apostate priesthood, and to some extent this would be in Rome Catholic’s believe that too; and that also that union would ultimately lead to war and to destruction from the heavens.  One thing we didn’t take time to talk about is the fact that turn of the century Protestant reformers also set dates, we don’t set dates but they did. Guess what more than two dozen of them including famous turn of the century preachers like Jonathan Edwards, “Old sinners in the hands of an angry God.”  Jonathan Edwards, guess what he said that in the year 2012 will be the date in which the anti-Christ and the false prophet will begin their emergence upon the earth.  More than two dozen Protestant reformers made that prediction.  The theological dictionary of Princeton University 1830 the end will begin in the year 2012.  So over and over both Protestants, Catholics, Evangelicals and also occultic sources the Mayans the end of their calendar they didn’t say “The end would come,” that’s baloney; what they said was they knew time would dawn upon the earth out of which will come a new form of man.  And the Maya also saw two great leaders would emerge upon the earth at that period of time of which the earth would be enamored.  So Sid what I’m saying is, that we’re now facing a world, it’s a world of change, it’s a strange time and we’re harnessing the cosmic energies now in a way that may not play out very well for mankind.

Sid: Now tell me about your scenario of perhaps hybrid human’s.

Tom: Yeah, well this is extraordinary. I’ve not only wrote the book on trans-humanism and the connection it may play with the arrival of an anti-Christ.  I’m also producing a documentary film on the subject.  This is a very growing popular belief that we are entering what is now being called “The Hybrid Age.” What they mean by that is that this is an age, now, in which we’re going to human’s what we have been doing which is genetically modified crops, what we have been doing with genetically modified animals and super-salmon and all that stuff.  And you can’t go to the store today if you go down to your local Super Wal-Mart and you buy almost anything off the shelf it is now contaminated with genetically modified organisms and we’re not going to know if the Lord tarry we’re not going to know what the results of that is going to be on our health, on our genetics or anything else.  But now the next step is to begin doing to humans what we have been doing with genetically modified crops and genetically modified animals and we could talk about the genetics, the acrobatics, the you know the artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, synthetic biology.  But I happen to believe that some of this actually has its date in the past when things happened what would we call them, the watchers who came down, this ancient story, this legend that I happened to believe has its roots in truth.  When these powerful angels we could think of them as being genetic scientists who came down and what did they do they started interbreeding with humans and they mixed animal genetics and human genetics.  And they created this bizarre creature called the Nephilim of ancient days; but the prophecy in Matthew 24 tells us “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be of the coming of Son of man.  So once again are we seeing a very powerful sign that tells us the times in which we’re living?  And which man now for the first time since the great flood has intentionally set about to alter the human genetic code and to do what we believe happened once before where it says “All flesh both man and beast had been corrupted” and that ultimately led to the great flood in which God had to obliterate these contaminated blood lines and to start over again with Noah and his offspring.

Sid: Well, this sounds, this intermingling in the foods and now in the humans, of corrupting sounds just like the days of Noah again.

Tom: It absolutely does Sid and in fact one of the university professors that’s well connected to trans-humanism he’s the Director of the Future of Humanity Institute. He’s advocating that to build the superior man of the future we need to blend the genetics of humans with animals and plant and synthetic life forms. It does, it sounds identical what the, you know what all the ancient records that are both reflected in the Bible and also just period pieces of the time we would now think of as you know newspaper reports, people seeing what they say and reporting what was going on with the blending of animal genetics, plant genetics, human genetics.  What’s very interesting about some of this and we’ll run out of time to talk about is how you know some of these people see these man with beast combinations opening dimensions, opening portals to other realities, opening our eyes that in the same way that the animal kingdom has levels of perception that are beyond human like animals can sense earthquakes, smell tumors, dogs can hear sounds above 40,000 hertz, dolphins even higher.  But we also know based on the scripture at least in the story of the Biblical story of Balaam’s donkey they may also be able to see into the spirit world and it amazing right now that from the trans-humanist, the world’s leaders in this field all the way over to the Arizona State University that recently launched what’s so called the Sophia project.  That behind the trans-humanist aspirations is the quest, in fact on the Arizona State University web site it actually says “To make contact with deceased people, spirit guides angels, other worldly entities and extraterrestrials and/or a universal intelligence or god.  So they specifically want to use this as a method to open portals that were closed by God in order to make contact with other kinds of intelligence.

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