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Sid:  We want everyone everywhere to hear the good news because Jesus is getting ready to return soon and there’s a job to do.  And as I explained at the beginning of this broadcast what I’m teaching you this week and next week will be life changing for you and your family.  You must absorb and understand what the Spirit of God is teaching through the word of God.

On yesterday’s broadcast I talked about the unfortunate way the devil got into some of the most outstanding Christians throughout history to become the worst enemy of Jewish people in history.  Most Christians, most Christians go to Bible college don’t know what I taught on yesterday’s broadcast.  But there is a new form anti-Semitism and I want to make you aware of it.  People will say “I’m not against the Jew I’m just against Israel, I’m just against Zionism.”  Well, remember the word Zionism means “The Jewish people are promised the physical land of Israel unconditionally and forever by God.”  So you’re saying you’re against God, give me a break, so when they say “I’m not against the Jew I’m just against Israel, I’m against those Zionist.  Let’s get some facts straight.  First of all, who owns the land of Israel?  According to Joel Chapter 3 verse 2 of who owns the land of Israel, God says “They have divided up, it’s talking about in the last days the people that are going to judged the most ferocious by God will be because they divided up My land.”  So who owns the land of Israel? God. So who is the first Zionist? God.  “Well if God owns the land of Israel where did the Jewish people come in?”  I’m glad you asked you see God who owned the land arranged a lease, you know how a lease works.  He leased the land so if you’re a good Philadelphia attorney you want to know the terms of the lease; it’s found in the Bible.  Psalm 105:8-11 tells us about the terms of the lease in which God who owned the land of Israel and owns the land of Israel leased it to the Jewish people and here are the terms.  Three different descriptions of the length of the lease so that no one will be able to argue against it in a court of law.  God says “I give the land of Israel” this is Psalm 1 – 5 verse 8 to 11. “To the Jewish people by Covenant,” for how long?  A Covenant is a pretty strong word by the way, forever and then He says “And I command” God commanding pretty strong, “That they have this lease for a thousand generations.”  For those that don’t understand the word forever He spells it out even better, a thousand generations.  And if you didn’t get it that way in the same Psalm He says it a third way He says to Israel “As an everlasting Covenant I give the land of Canaan.”  So what are the terms of the lease, forever by Covenant a thousand generations and everlasting; I rest my case.

Now as I said, Zionism believers the Jewish people were giving the land of Israel by God and the very first Zionist was God. Now you remember Martin Luther King, Jr. well? We have a lot to be grateful for the things he accomplished in his life.  But let me tell you something you don’t know because a friend wrote a letter to Martin Luther King Jr. and his letter said “He was against Zionism.”  Just like what people are saying today and Martin Luther King answered him, and I’m going to read a quote from the writings of Dr. Martin Luther King.

“You declare my friend that you do not hate the Jews, you’re merely anti-Zionist and I say let the truth ring forth from the highest mountaintops, let it echo through the valleys of God’s green earth.  When people criticize Zionism they mean Jews.  This is God’s own truth anti-Semitic or the hatred of the Jewish people has been, and remains, a blot on the soul of mankind.  So know also this anti-Zionist is in inherently anti-Semitic and ever will be so.  When people criticize Zionism they mean Jews, make no mistake.”

Well Martin Luther King Jr. was blessed by God, used by God. Why? He understood the Jew in Israel.

Now here’s another problem the Rabbis’ I’m saying the Orthodox Jewish Rabbis’ say you cannot be Jewish and believe in Jesus. And another problem Christians say “You cannot be Jewish and believe in Jesus.”  Well, I have to pose a question to Christians and Orthodox Rabbis.  “If a Jewish person believes in the Jewish Messiah based on the Jewish prophecies in the Jewish Bible, how does that make them no longer Jewish?  I mean I don’t get it?  Give me a break.

Let’s visit this question from God’s prospective Jeremiah 31 verse 35 and 36 says I’m going to paraphrase “As long as there’s a sun and moon and stars they’ll be a physical Jew on the face of this earth.”  Have you checked lately, there’s a son and moon and stars and they’re physical Jews.  Now do you realize how great a prophecy that is, what happens when a group of people loses their temple, their means of getting right with God.  Their country in 70 AD Jerusalem was trampled by Cyrus and taken over from the Jewish people.  And then the Jews were scattered to the four corners of the earth with a prophecy saying “Wherever we’d go the country would eventually turn on us.”  You’d think that every Jew would have married into another faith or assimilated, or at least hide the fact they were Jewish if every generation they are persecuted and vomited out of their country.  But yet there are still physical Jews today, the greatest proof that the Bible is from God, is that ere are physical Jews today. So the question that is begged is “How did God pull this off?  How did God preserve us Jewish people?”  And here’s what so few understand, every Jew in the world even a Jew that doesn’t go to synagogue, which is most Jewish people today.  Even a Jew that doesn’t go to synagogue on the high holidays, which is most Jewish people today.  Even a Jew that calls himself an agnostic, or an atheist, which is most Jewish people today. Even a Jew that says “I want nothing to do with a Jewish religion. “ If you go deep enough even to them you will find a spiritual DNA that says something like this.  “I was born a Jew and I will die a Jew, because being Jewish is even a higher call,” it’s like an instinct higher even the Jewish religion.  So therefore when the Christian says you can’t be Jewish and believe in Jesus and this instinct like a homing pigeons instinct.  Somehow a thousand miles you take this bird a thousand miles away and it finds its way back to its home.  You take a dog a thousand miles away and it finds its way back to its home, it’s an instinct you’re going against an instinct that God put into the heart of the Jewish person so Jeremiah would be true as long as there’s a son and moon and stars there will a physical Jew on the face of this earth.  So don’t forget this, a Jewish person wants to know the Jewish Messiah, wants to have intimacy with God but had something in their inner most being that says “I was born a Jew and I’ll die a Jew.”  So when you tell a Jewish person you too can believe in Jewish and stop being Jewish you’re going against God.  Enough said. “But Sid wait a second, what about the New Testament, what about Galatians 3 verse 28 and 29.  There’s no Jew or Greek, there’s no male or female.  If you’re the Messiahs’ then your Abraham’s seed, that finishes it.”  No it doesn’t it’s talking about in the Spirit there is no Jew and Gentile there is no male and female.  Everything I have the protocol son’s Father said to the older brother “Everything I have is yours but in the flesh there are males and females, in the flesh there are Jews and Gentiles.  And God is the potter and we’re the clay, and we don’t tell the potter how to run things He tells us; He shapes us and His word says “As long as there is a sun and moon and stars there will be physical Jew on the face of this earth.”  So spiritually we’re a new creation but physically we’re in a physical world if you haven’t noticed lately.

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