ErrorException Message: WP_Translation_Controller::load_file(): Argument #2 ($textdomain) must be of type string, null given, called in /home2/bduvall3/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 838 Our Guests Donald & Bridgette Wilson

Sid: We want everyone everywhere just to forget the fact that you’re going to get a divorce, it’s not an option for a believer. What the mercy of God, God is so wonderful listen to what He did for Donald and Bridgitte Wilson. They were high school sweethearts; I mean the football star, the cheerleader, they eventually get married they, have a couple of children, but he’s running by his rules. Bridgitte gets saved she wants to run things by God’s rules, she get so hurt, so devastated; they get the divorce, she leaves she goes to Georgia with her 2 children. Meantime Donald gets radically saved, and he’s sure that he is supposed to marry Bridgitte. Bridgitte when he told you you were supposed to get married again what did you say?

Bridgitte: No, the answer was absolutely not. I just thought he was crazy; I could not see myself with this man again because of the trust issue. As time went on, several months after we had taken our daughter to the missionary school, after we had taken Desiree there, we still had communications back and forth with each other because of Desiree. Sid what I wanted to do was just get closer to the Lord. One day when I was coming back from an Emmaus trip I had a friend of mine who said, “You know what, I believe I heard from the Lord and that He is saying for you to reconcile with your husband.” Well Sid this is the second time I heard this. Number one, the first time from my husband, Donald, and the second time from my friend, and I just knew both of them were crazy. I did want to get married, but I wanted it to be God’s timing, and I wanted it to be God’s person that He wanted me to marry. As time went on a few months later, my heart, yes it did soften but that was from the Lord, it was from spending time with the Lord. To the point where I could have a conversation with Donald we could talk about issues in the past. So my heart was starting to change, but it wasn’t to the point where I said I would remarry him. It just started to soften.

Sid: But through this prayer and fasting you realized that you were supposed to marry him, still must have been a lot trepidation on your part.

Bridgitte:  It was a whole lot, and I can say at the beginning of our courtship, if you will, it was not a hundred percent that this is still the one, even till the day we got married. It still was not a hundred percent I was moving by faith. I knew in my heart that it was the right thing to do.

Sid: You move by faith, yet with great fear and trembling. (Laughing)

Bridgitte:  Yes I did.

Sid: Well I tell you what, they are married today Mishpochah and where the rubber meets the road is, what about that daughter Desiree? I interviewed her about that marriage, let’s see what Desiree had to say.  Desiree from your perspective your folks separated when you were about 13, and that’s when you made a strong commitment to the Lord. Was life rough for you living in a home with the bickering that was going on?

Desiree:  It was kind of rough for me, I tried to put it out of my mind a lot of the times, but yeah it was really hard dealing with the fighting, and they fought a lot.

Sid: Now did you believe or pray for your parents to be reconciled? I mean here you’re a strong Christian, or did you just “Que sera sera,” what was going on with you as far as your prayers?

Desiree:  I really wanted them to get back together, but I prayed for my day, and I prayed for my parents, but it wasn’t anything like I always did it, but I had them in my prayers.

Sid: Tell me to the best of your knowledge when you realized that a miracle was taking place. They were, after this divorce, they were getting back together. Tell me what went on inside of Desiree.

Desiree:  Well it really started when my dad stopped smoking, and his life started to change, and he got saved. When I would talk to him it would be a lot easier, and I would have lot more freedom with him. I was getting very excited when I found out my parents were talking to each other. That was very exciting for me.

Sid: When you found out they were going to get married again, I mean that is got to be the greatest answer to prayer anyone could ever have. I wasn’t at the wedding, what was that like?

Desiree:  It was amazing. We were standing up there, my parents, my brother and I. It was really amazing seeing that I was going to have a dad again. Just seeing him there and knowing that was actually happening was great.

Sid: But you know Desiree remembering how he was as a nonbeliever, and now I know him as a believer. Your dad is ON FIRE. To me I’ll use your word “It’s unbelievable.” Thinking back to the way he was, what kind of dad was he when he was a nonbeliever?

Desiree:  He cussed a lot, he was there smoking and drinking, and he was kind of a jokester a kidder, and sometimes his jokes would be harsh on me. I always knew that my dad loved me, but it sometimes felt like he really didn’t care about me that much. So he was in the house, but he wasn’t really a part of my life when he was unsaved.

Sid: How is he now? By the way you live with your parents in the same house right now. Tell me what your dad is like now between you and me.

Desiree: Right now my dad is great. He’s right here, he’s available for talking I can with him now; I can actually share things with him that I would have never have felt comfortable sharing with him before. I look at him now and he’s a role model. I just love him; I like him a lot more.

Sid:  Does he read the Bible much? does he pray much? Does he go to church much? I mean you know.

Desiree: He reads the Bible a lot, prays a lot, goes to church a lot, yeah, you can hardly keep up with him now. (Laughing) He teaches me, and…

Sid: He teaches you?

Desiree: Yeah.

Sid: You’ve been a believer all these years, how can he teach you?

Desiree: Wow, it’s amazing. God gives him words and he speaks them to us, and it’s great.

Sid: Okay thank you Desiree. Donald when you heard your daughter Desiree say, “My dad” she’s so proud of you as a great role model. It was a good thing you were so sure that you were supposed to be married, how sure were you?

Donald: I believed it so in my heart, I knew that we were going to get married. To hear that my daughter sees me as a role model of any kind it’s just an awesome time of my life. To have my wife again, and my wife…

Sid: Wait a second now…

Donald: I love… (Laughing)

Sid: I knew that but Bridgitte you went in with fear and trembling. Almost 3 years later you’re married, tell me did you make a mistake.

Bridgitte: No Sid I didn’t. This is the man that I have seen years and years ago. I made the right decision, this is the man that I’ve seen.

Sid: Now, both of you are Deacons in the church, you just moved into your first house. What did that mean to you Bridgitte?

Bridgitte: Oh it meant a lot to me because Sid the blessings of God has truly come up on us and over taken us. He has restored the things that the canker worm has stolen from us. Our new house is a house of our dreams, and it’s wonderful.

Sid: Listen I was there at the dedication, I’ve never been to such a wonderful dedication. We went into every room; we were praying the Spirit; we were dedicating everything to God, but then the thing that got me you found out the house you just happened to purchase in the foundation of that house what did the builder put in?

Donald: Sid, the builder put in not one or two Bibles, but there is a Bible in every corner of the foundation of that home.

Sid: Now there’s nothing Christian about the development, or you didn’t know…I think what God is showing you Donald is you not only are where God wants you as husband and wife, but you’re even in the right houe.

Donald: Oh yes I really believe that. It’s just something that God honors marriage so much, it is so awesome how He does it. It’s a holy thing being married, man and woman. It’s what He intended all along.

Sid: There is someone listening to us right now, and they are thinking about divorce. What would you say to them?

Donald: Seek God. Seek God. Read Matthew 6:33, seek God before you do anything. Follow the ways of God, “Seek Ye first, and all shall be added onto him.” That is the basis to build your relationship, your marriage, raising your children, anything you do seek Him first. Let Him rule your world, let Him be.

Sid: Bridgitte, you almost missed it, you almost missed it. At the time you took a step of faith to get remarried.

Bridgitte: That is correct Sid I almost missed it, but I thank God that I did not. I thank God for restoring our marriage…

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