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Kirt Schneider

Sid: So I’m minding my own business channel surfing going to a new network that our television show It’s Supernatural is on. I see a Jewish guy speaking and I’ve never heard of him and I get kind of attracted because he’s got a very unusual outfit on. You know the prayer shawl, etcetera, but it was a very unusual looking and I’m think to myself well is this guy just a very rabbinic very more Jewish than Jesus type, or what’s going on since I don’t know him at all.  And so the Holy Spirit says “Just turn your mind off Sid listen with your spirit.”  And the Holy Spirit was right there was such a presence of God coming from that telecast I got interested in him.  So to make a long story short I called him on the phone and I have him to have some coffee with me except I have some tea and maybe with you too. And it’s going to be two Jewish guys that are madly in love with Yeshua, Hebrew for Jesus; talking about what God has shown us.  But Kirt Schneider and I’m speaking to him at his home in Columbus, Ohio. Kirt what’s the name of your congregation?

Kirt: It’s called the Adat Adonai which means the Congregation of the Lord. It’s out of Toledo, Ohio.

Sid: Your congregation do you have similar things happen that I read about in these notes about you. Do you have people that get healed and do you have Jews and Gentiles One New Man in Messiah?

Kirt:   Well, we definitely are blessed with a group of people Sid that are very passionate for the things of God. I mean I think so much of the fruitfulness of the congregation is just based on who is in the congregation.  We’ve got a lot of people like I say that are just zealous.  Our services often run three hours long 2 ½ is about a standard.  And often times what we do have is people will literally see Yeshua dancing with us as we’re praising Him for it’s a very charismatic group.  We praise God and there’s a lot of dancing going on.

Sid: Now Kirt you have a passion for an area that intrigues me greatly as a matter of fact we’re making two of your CD’s available in a kit it’s called “The Prophecy Dreams and Visions.”  Why are you so passionate for this arena?

Kirt: I am Sid because the Lord has just gifted me with a visitation from Him in the night. So many times and I’ve seen a track record of the fact that what He shows me in the night comes to pass that I’ve made major decisions in my life based upon revelations that I’ve seen received in the night during dreams.

Sid: I have taken a lot of courses and I’ve read a number of books that say “This thing means this in a dream and this is a code for this.”  But I have to tell you and I have known other people that are specialists in dream interpretation and I’ll go to three and I’ll give them all three the same dream and I’ll get three different spins.  And I say to my pragmatic side “I’m not going to waste my time.” Then many times I’ll have dreams and I just plain don’t understand them.  But I have to tell you I listen to your series and you make it so simple it really isn’t that complex is it Kirt?

Kirt:  It really isn’t.  One of the things that I’ve observed over the years that people that seem to walk in certain gifting’s often times they’ll begin to teach others how to walk in the same gifting’s, other people will write books upon them and how we can intimate them.  And as a result of it imitating them and doing X,Y and Z we then will walk in that same gifting.  But I’ve come to realize that most of the people that walk in a significant area of anointing in terms of a ministry whether it be healing or whatever most of those people received it almost by surprise.  I mean even look at Smith Wigglesworth; he was a guy he wasn’t out there trying to practice X,Y and Z in fact he prayed for somebody and the first time the person was healed he was shocked. And so it was kind of the same thing for me with dreams it wasn’t that I was seeking after it or I was trying to put into practice a formula but I just began to receive dreams.  And then I would remember Sid back when I was in Bible School back in the early 1980’s we had a dog that had been missing for months, frankly I forgot about the dog because I just like them when they’re puppies. So I  didn’t miss the dog that much I pretty much forgot about the dog; but all of a sudden after this dog is gone for months I have a dream that we found this dog, the next day long and behold a farmer in the area called me he found my dog and brought him over the next day.  And I don’t think there was anything that significant about you know the dog, but I think God was just revealing to me that I need to pay attention to my dreams because He reveals Himself to me in my dreams.

Sid: Now does God do something special with you or do you believe that everyone listening to us God would operate this way?

Kirt:  I do believe Sid that everybody that is born again; I believe that everybody who has received the Holy Spirit that they can receive revelation from God in the night.  And the reason that I do is in the book of Joel Chapter 2 verse 28 & 29 and the Book of Acts Chapter 2 where Kefa, Peter, quotes the fulfillment of that here the Spirit if poured out at Shavuot or Pentecost. Kefa, Peter, says he said “What you are seeing is that these guys are not drunk but you’re seeing the fulfillment of what Yoel, Joel, prophesied that God has poured out His Spirit on upon all flesh.”  And he said “These are the three things, the three experiences that should be the result of everyone I believe whom the Spirit has been poured out on.”  He said number one that we should be able to prophesy, and a lot of times people think of prophesying and they instantly often times have a connotation what that means; they think of personal prophet that lays hands on them and says you know “Thus saith the Lord.”  But you know I believe that prophesying is really so much more basic than that.  I believe that it can be other but I believe that in reality all God’s people prophesy if we’re sensitive of the Spirit.  It’s as simple as driving down the road and you’re driving down the road and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit just puts a burden on you for somebody that you know. And you just pick up the phone and call that person and reach out to that person and say “You know I just was thinking about you and I just wanted to touch base with you and see how you are doing.”  I believe when you do that you’re prophesying you’re speaking by inspiration of the Spirit.  I believe that parents prophesy when they’re raising their children and they’re dealing with a particular issue and they’re looking to the Lord and the Lord gives them understanding as to the situation that their child is in and how to deal with the situation. Then they go and speak to their child about it.  I believe that they’re prophesying because to prophesy simply means to speak. Nabah in Hebrew is to speak by inspiration of the Spirit, I believe all God’s children that have received His Spirit should absolutely be speaking by the inspiration of the Spirit.  Secondly by the scripture speaks of those whom the Spirit has been poured out on it says “That your sons and daughters shall prophesy; your young men shall see visions.”  Does that mean that all of us should see visions?  I believe we all do see visions if we’re paying attention and again I think that we run to the problem of people having such an out there experience of what they think a vision is that they miss their reality that most visions are very very subtle.  In other words, Sid as you know many people when they hear the word vision they thing of you know the Apostle Yochanan, John, on the Island of Patmos in Revelation.

Sid: You now a friend of mine now who is in Heaven Kenneth Hagen used to say “We look for the spectacular and miss the supernatural.

Kirt: Exactly, exactly and I have found that the visions that I receive in these days they are very subtle that Sid if I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t have faith to believe that what I was receiving I was receiving from God I would miss them altogether.

Sid: Kirt, I want to go back a little bit. You were Bar Mitzvah I’m going to be like the Rabbi right now that’s confronting the Jewish Believer in Jesus. Were both your parents Jewish I hope not.

Kirt: Both of my parents are Jewish yes.

Sid: Were you Bar Mitzvah’d?

Kirt:  I was Bar Mitzvah’d, yeah.

Sid: And were you typical meaning you really didn’t know the Bible?

Kirt: Well, I was very typical though it was interesting I grew up in one of the strongest Jewish communities in the nation Cleveland, Ohio which is not as strong as Los Angeles or New York, but definitely one of the top Jewish communities in the nation.  And I lived right in the heart of that. Sid all my friends were Jewish you know I didn’t have any friends growing up all throughout elementary school that weren’t Jewish because the elementary school was like 98 + percent Jewish.  We ended up moving to another school in my high school days; again I ended up being surrounded by all Jewish guys not because I sought out just to be friends with Jewish people, but just because we tend to gravitate towards that are like ourselves.  Although Sid I did have one friend that wasn’t Jewish; now this guy he wore a big cross around his neck and when I say that some of your listeners may think “Well, that must have been the person that talked to Kirt about Yeshua.”  But the reality was he was the toughest Italian in high school and I used to follow him around just to watch him beat people up. (Laughing)

Sid: (Laughing)

Kirt: I think that it earthly illustrate that I had no witness in my life whatsoever about Jesus I mean and I was a Jew growing up in the heart of cultural Judaism.

Sid: Now you see I can’t say that because my story is very similar to yours accept I did have a witness, I got a hold of book called “Ripley’s Believe it or Not Most Amazing Facts.”  And one of the fact this guy Ripley had the nerve to say this “One of the amazing facts was Jesus was Jewish.”  And I thought, the nerve of those Christians, I walked up to my mother and I said “Mom look at what this Mr. Ripley said,” and she said “Yeah I think Jesus was Jewish.”  That was my great source of information.

Kirt:  Well, praise God I read your testimony in “They Think for Themselves” and I love those books, I love the books of the testimonies of Jewish people that have come to the Lord or God show…

Sid: So, Kirt you really did have a god throughout school and your god was called wrestling.

Kirt:  Wrestling, yeah.

Sid: What was your big goal in life back then?

Kirt: I used to lay in my bed Sid every night during the days that they had record players some of our listener remember the record player.  And I would go over the record player right before going to sleep and I would put on my Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young album and then I would go the lights and turn them off and lay in my bed and every night I would envision myself with my hand raised as State Champ in the High School Sport of Wrestling. And chills would go through my body and I mean I lived it, ate it, pranked it, slept it; I was known in my school as Kirt Schneider the wrestler.

Sid: Hold it Mishpochah this is such a fascinating story we’ll pick up right here on tomorrows broadcast.

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