ErrorException Message: WP_Translation_Controller::load_file(): Argument #2 ($textdomain) must be of type string, null given, called in /home2/bduvall3/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 838 Our Guest Dawna DeSilva & Teresa Liebscher

Dawna DeSilva E7CACCC9-95DF-43EA-B2FB-3CA5C87FC1F3

Sid: I have Dawna DeSilva and Teresa Liebscher on the telephone; they head up a ministry called Sozo from Redding, California.  And they have developed from various other ministries and from the Holy Spirit tools to set people free.  There is difference between coping; there is a difference between being free one day at a time and khofesh it’s the Hebrew word for freedom. And the Messiah came to set the captives free; not to get you free one day at a time.  There’s something better and so. I would… you know you talk Teresa about walls that people put up.  Would you explain that and explain how we could be set free from these walls?

Teresa: We do put walls up and it doesn’t have to be like a brick wall or a concrete wall; it can be a statue or being dug underneath the ground. We construct things around us to stop pain and the negative stuff in the world to come at us.

Sid: Give me an example of a negative thing and a wall that would prevent it.

Teresa:  Well, one of the biggest things is we put the wall up to protect us from the pain that other people bring to us because they don’t treat us the way that we want to be treated so they do treat us mean.  Or they…

Sid:   So perhaps we don’t get close to someone for fear that they’ll hurt us.

Teresa:  Correct. So we put this wall up that protects us but it also keeps all the good things out.  And a lot of time keeps the Lord out too because He gets put on the other side because we don’t know why he’s letting this happen to us or what’s going on so we put these walls up.  What we love about the wall is that we can ask the Lord to come and He either will show us why the wall is up there whether it’s fear, or anger, or other reasons other things that we use to protect ourselves.  And He comes along side and He can hand us a tool; we ask Him to show up and show us a wall; show us where He is in relationship to the wall.  And then ask “What’s the tool you want to give them to take the wall down?”  And He can give us a toothpick an icepick a tank; a water gun we’ve seen all kinds of things.  And then we ask the person “What do you want to do with the tool that Jesus gave you?”  And they use the tool and most of the time the wall goes down; and when that happens then they have there’s nothing between them and the Lord; there’s nothing between them and the other people.  But the Lord is there with them because He’s the one that came and took the wall down; He’s the one that showed them that He’s going to be there.  He’s going to give them a tool; He’s going to be beside them.  He’s going to team up with them to be able to protect them; take care of them do whatever is necessary to make sure that the wall doesn’t have to be there.

Sid: Dawna let me ask you a question; when people use these simple approaches all of a sudden they start having intimacy with God the Father; with Jesus; with the Holy Spirit.  Do you find that when some of these walls come down people get physically healed; they could not be healed before?

Dawna: Yes, we had a gentleman on the coast who had not worked for years and he said “He used to just chew on Vicodin to make it through the day; he’d get up with coffee and take 3 or 4 Vicodin and then just chew on them all day long. And what we found out in a very simple process was that he had when he was a young child he had said to his dad “I just wish you were dead.”  And his dad was killed that day in an accident; and when we went to the situation he broke down the wall of shame, guilt and he got up and he had had back pain and couldn’t work.  And he got up and did cartwheels across the stage.  Just got totally physically set free.

Sid: Dawna on the whole subject of forgiveness many people teach on forgiveness but you have found that if this can’t be overcome there’s not much help you can give people.

Dawna:  No, it’s kind of hard because in Matthew He tells us that “If we will not forgive basically God locks us away in prison until we basically cry out uncle, this hurts us enough I’m going to choose to forgive.”  Mostly forgiveness unlocks all of the areas in our lives where we hold bitterness, jealousy, anger and we are locked away in the prison until we choose to forgive.

Sid: Can you give me an example of someone that was locked away set free and what the difference was.

Dawna: Well, anyone who has been physically harmed in anyway lives with that fear until they get free.  I had a young lady who had an attempted rape on her and she just couldn’t sleep; she couldn’t have people stand behind her in the grocery line.  We took her to the situation and Father God actually in reality right before she would have been raped the elevator came down and opened and there was no body in the elevator and Father God showed her He was in the elevator and the perpetrator stopped and ran off and she was able to forgive the perpetrator and to receive that God was there for her and helped her.  And she does not deal with night trauma, or pain, or fear at all.   

Sid: God we spoke about this earlier but I’d like you to express this again about it seems as though the areas that we’ve had the biggest problems that unlock our destiny; explain that.

Dawna:  I’m not exactly sure how it happens but I have just chosen to believe and this is not theology; that when we’re born there’s like a neon sign that says our destiny.  Because you can look at the attack of the enemy and see our destiny.  We had a gentleman that was a drug addict he was a really neat guy but he’d been brutalized when he was young.  He had a spirit of isolation on him; even to the point of ending up with AIDS and so he had to isolate even more.  And every time that man would get to the hospital he would save the nurses; they would reach salvation.  That man had evangelism all over him and it’s the enemy’s way to keep him from speaking to anyone because if he got out they’d get saved.

Sid: Well, I see that somehow the devil has insight and he sabotages us before we even get started.

Dawna:  Yes; yeah my wall was hopelessness. I would put hopelessness up and it protected me from you letting me down.  If I never hoped that you would come through for me that when you didn’t come through for me it didn’t hurt me.  But what is faith? Faith is a substance of things hoped for and I really feel like my destiny is to walk in faith.  And the enemy knew that if he could keep me from hoping I would never attain faith.

Sid: There are people that have had loved ones that have had all the faith in the world and have died; and they believed with their last breath.  And they say “Well, if that person couldn’t get healed than I’ll never get healed and they’ve backed away from healing” and just put 100% faith in doctors, is that part of what you’re saying?

Dawna:  We need to make sure that we do not change what scripture says based on our experience and it is so hard.  We believe that God has given Redding to be a cancer free zone. In this place we have buried some of our patriarchs through cancer and we continue to reassure ourselves that God’s word to us is true.  And that what He said in the Bible is the same today and tomorrow.

Sid:  But people have put up these barriers; these walls because of their experience.

Dawna: And what we need to do is let them go; we need to say “I forgive God.”  And we’ve actually had people say “I forgive You God for not healing my mom, for not healing my dad and I choose to believe that You are the God of scripture.”  And in the great hall of faith in Hebrews they died not receiving the promise.

Sid:  But let me ask you something, you said you had some people in your congregation die from cancer; have you had some people healed of cancer?

Dawna:  Oh yes, yes we’ve had far more healed than we’ve had pass away from cancer.

Sid: And you really believe you’re going to be a cancer free zone; people are going to send their cancer patients, doctors will send their cancer patients to your church because the minute they walk in your city the cancer demons will leave.

Dawna:  I believe that to be true.  

Sid: Dawna seeing the marvelous results you get from your Sozo so it must be very frustrating knowing that there are so many walking wounded around that could be healed.

Dawna: It is very frustrating; and yet we take each and every freedom as a step forward to advancing the kingdom. And so we enjoy that so many people are getting free but they’re so many wounded that still need to get free.

Sid: If there is just one thought that they can grab out of this their one step closer to being free.

Dawna:  Definitely.

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