Jonathan Cahn

Sid: We want everyone everywhere to repent because I’ll tell you something you can’t just be an ostrich; you can’t just think the United States of America will be the way it’s always been especially after the warnings of 911, especially after the warnings of hurricane Katrina. I have a Messianic Jewish rabbi on the telephone right now. His name is Jonathan Cahn, he’s rabbi of Beth Israel Congregation in Garfield, New Jersey. He’s showing amazing parallels as to what has happened in 911 is a judgment from God. Jonathan earlier this week you were talking about the amazing accuracy of the sycamore trees, but there was one more thing I wanted you to add to that.

Jonathan: One of the signs of dawning judgment as mentioned in Isaiah 9 is the falling of, or the striking down of the sycamore tree. As we said amazingly on 911 it happened; 911 a beam came from the tower of the World Trade Center as it was falling went through the sky struck down a sycamore tree just like the Bible says. It was a fallen sycamore tree on the ground of Ground Zero. Actually as we said yesterday on America’s consecration ground, the ground where we were dedicated to God. So they made this big thing of this sycamore tree and they didn’t realize the sign of this in the Bible, and an artist made a bronze cast of this of the uprooted sycamore tree, and it’s to be displayed on Wall Street. Now and the future the fallen sycamore tree will be the sign of judgment in a bronze cast, actually bronze is the metal of judgment. It’s uprootedness as an uprooted tree is going to be on Wall Street. Now there’s something very prophetic here too, aside from the fact that it is a sign of judgment immortalized now for New York City. Beyond that, Wall Street which is the financial prosperity of America, the Stock Market, was founded by something called the “Button Wood Agreement.” The reason it is called buttonwood, buttonwood refers to a tree and the original agreement was birthed, was signed, under a tree. What kind of tree? It was the sycamore tree. The sycamore tree, all of Wall Street, all the Stock Market, all that you see American prosperity was started under a sycamore tree and named after the sycamore tree. The buttonwood is the sycamore tree agreement. So now on Wall Street there is going to be displayed the sign of a fallen sycamore tree, an uprooted sycamore tree which would speak about the uprooting of America’s financial prosperity that Wall Street and all the rest a very heavy sign of judgment. Now let me take it further, it is Rosh Hashanah, or the week of Rosh Hashanah, and this whole holiday, holy day, is a sign it is a wakeup-call, it’s the shofar calling, it’s the priest sounding the shofar saying “Repent get right before God,” it’s the watchmen calling for the walls with the shofar saying “Wakeup because judgment is coming.” Well I’ve always been kind of close to the shofar, I’m a descendant from Aaron and the sons of Aaron were the priests who sounded the shofar. I’ve been called to do that around the world; I’ve sounded that in Cuba, India, China, and all around the world. Once I was asked to do it, or I was led to do it in America, only once it was years ago was I led to sound the shofar to the whole nation, in a sense. I went down into New York City I was led to do it there; I went to New York City went down there then took a boat, went to the Statue of Liberty. Now I’m from New York and New Jersey, but I’ve never gone to the Statue of Liberty before but I was led to go there and the day was Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Warning. Actually in Hebrew tradition Yom hadeen means the Day of Judgment; it’s the warning of judgment really. It’s the first sign, or the sound, of saying “Come back!” So I went there and I was there with a group of intercessors from around the country, prayer warriors. They came from around the country and we were praying for America because it had been revealed in the Spirit that there was going to be a terrorist attack. It will be poured out on New York City and America. I led them in prayer from the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty I sounded the shofar, the last blast to New York City and to the World Trade Center. We all sensed something very very powerful of the Lord and it was Rosh Hashanah which is about get ready because something’s coming. This was Rosh Hashanah to the nation it was a warning a wakeup call. The focus was New York City, and the focus specifically was the World Trade Center. Now I went home and a woman gives me a tape cassette, it was recorded 2 years before that. It was about a man who came to New Jersey and was speaking at a public meeting and he gave vision he had. He saw a giant shofar come from New Jersey like we came from that day, cross over the water, like we did, goes down to New York City to the World Trade Center touches the top of the tower then lands on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty; that’s where we landed, we ended up there with a shofar on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.  When the shofar touched the statue, or the pedestal, or when the shofar got down and rested on the pedestal of the statue something happened. A hand reached down from the sky and removed the torch from the Statue of Liberty. Now remember Rosh Hashanah is a Day of Warning, the sound to get right and all that. Well it hit me after that, where did the watchmen who used to blow the shofar and say “Hey something’s coming an attack is coming!” He would stand at the wall by the gate. What is the gate of New York City? The gate of America is New York City. Where specifically? It’s the passage where the Statue of Liberty is on one side, and lower Manhattan and the World Trade Center on the other. The Bible speaks of judgment beginning at the gate. Without realizing it I had been led to sound the shofar at the watchmen’s post the gate of America on the day of Rosh Hashanah, the day of the trumpet sounding warning to repent and come back to God. Now as I was sounding the shofar that day to the city someone took a picture on that last trumpet. The picture has a prophetic shadow of what would happen. The shofar sounding to the Twin Towers specifically it touches in the picture the shofar touches the north tower exactly where the attack would begin with the first plane would come and hit that north tower; that is recorded. The Lord gives prophetic images. Then there was more, after we sounded the shofar that day I put it down and we prayed over New York City and I lifted up my hands with a tallit on and we prayed the Shema, and we prayed. Someone was filming it with a video camera, and as it was happening we looked back at the tape we saw a prophetic shadow on the film. An object appears in the sky, a plane, coming in the exact path as would happen 2 years later. Going across lower and lower descending on New York City it intersects with the World Trade Center exactly at the spot where the north tower would be hit. So here at the watchmen’s post, the watchmen’s post is where you see the first signs of what is to come, and the day was the prophetic day of Rosh Hashanah. The day this happened was itself a sign that day was September 11th, when I sounded the shofar to the World Trade Center at the gate of America, the sign of warning, the sign of wakeup, the sign of come back to God, Rosh Hashanah. Now the last part of the vision, and this is 2 years before it happened, the last part of that vision the guy had of the shofar it was when the shofar touched pedestal of the statue, the statue’s torch was removed but a hand came down again and replaced that torch with a shofar. A tallit came on her, she took up the trumpet and blew it and there was revival, there was release. The meaning again, as you and I have talked about this week, is that it’s not a question of judgment or revival, it’s judgment and revival. That God did not allow 911 because He hates America because He loves America, and because God has mercy on America. He allowed it to save us because we’ve grown so destitute to God in this country that He can only reach us by shouting to us. 911 was His shout of saying “Don’t die, don’t be perished, don’t be gone, don’t be destroyed America, but come back to Me, repent, and specifically not just America, but you My people who are called by My name you need to repent, you need to come back, you need to get your life where it was when you first came to Me, you need to live all out in righteousness and put away the sins and put away the addictions, and put away all the things that you’re caught up with and serve Me with all your heart and I will do great and mighty things. There will be revival for your land, and revival in your life, but the time is now the time is short. It is the day of waking up, the wakeup call has been sounded, the alarm has sounded it is time to wake up.”

Sid: You know Jonathan when I think about the catastrophe of hurricane Katrina the first thing that pops into one’s mind is that New Orleans is known as a place of sexual sin, homosexuality. I mean just a couple of days after Katrina hit and dumped all that water on New Orleans they were scheduling one of the biggest gay Mardi Gras of all time.

Jonathan: Hmm.

Sid: But I believe that’s why New Orleans was selected for judgment, but the thing that released the judgment is what my friend John McTernan talks about. He shows where the 2 largest natural catastrophes in history were connected with America trying to divide up the land of Israel. He says the 40 natural disasters are connected with that. The U.S. Stock Market crashes are connected with Israel; 911 connected with Israel.


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