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Sid: I’ve been talking to David Martin this week and we’re covering his brand new series called “How to Be Naturally Supernatural.” It’s 20 foundational devotions; a 100 key points that God Himself has made clear to David that he has field tested that allow him to do the same works that Jesus has done and even greater.  And people that are taking this series and taking these devotions; I mean I can’t think of a better way to start every one of your days.  I mean with me I just pop it into my car as I get going but you may put it as you’re having coffee in the morning in your CD player and just put it in and listen to it and say the scriptures out loud; say the key points out loud and hear the stories.  For instance David let’s go to Key Number 3 a word that people don’t like to hear much humility. 

David: (Laughing) Well humility is really a foundation that is so critically important because…

Sid: You know what I think it’s the missing ingredient from the Church that we call Christianity today I don’t see it existing; I see most Christians being “What’s in it for me, me first.”  And they’re missing the glory of God that they could be walking in; they’re missing their destiny. Tell me a little bit more about humility.

David: Well God really taught this to me by an open vision in 1983; I was on a platform of a church part of a ministry team and literally the ceiling the roof of the church disappeared.  I thought at first a tornado come through I never had an open vision before and we’re new to Oklahoma and lots of tornadoes here.  But anyway, I didn’t know what was happening I was seeing blue sky and it dawned on me well it can’t be a tornado I’m looking at blue sky.  But anyway as soon as I quieted down to the incredibleness of the open vision God put a gigantic sphere of light in the middle of this blue sky and He said to me “This is the throne-room of grace.”  It was symbolic of the throne-room of grace and literally coming from that sphere of glory touching about 10% of the people of the congregation was a beam of light.  And each beam of light was ministering to people like a laser beam but it was… one person was receiving a healing; another person a financial miracle; another person was receiving a restoration each one was different.  And I said “God what are You showing me?”  He said “I’m ministering to those that are ministering to Me, those that are worshiping Me, those that are worshiping Me in Spirit and in Truth.”  And I looked up to see what I was getting and Sid it was one of the most horrible days of my life because there was nothing there.

Sid: Hm.

David: And I said “God, “Where’s mine?”  He said “You’re not worshiping Me in Spirit and Truth.”

Sid: You know most people that go to a congregation are there as spectators; they’re thinking their laundry list even during worship, or they’re worshiping but they’re not even paying attention to the words it’s the beat, it’s the music, but they’re heart isn’t focused on the Lord. What you’re saying to me is that those that worship Him in Spirit in truth are open to this glory.

David: Well, that is a major part of it but what He showed me is in my own personal life I have left the very good high paying job to come to Oklahoma to go to Bible School; I was serving in a local church; I was leading a Bible Study.  I was very active in ministry but what God said to me is “That is not worship, that is religious service and I commend you for that.”  But what He said to me He took me to a Romans 12 where it says “I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto Me which is your reasonable service.”  Well, that’s what King James says, but literally God taught me my first Greek word by this vision and He said that “Really the newer translations better translates that word Ekos to “Spiritual service of worship”; and living sacrifices are those people that wake up in the morning with the recognition they need Me; they cannot even have another day unless I give it to them.  “A living sacrifice, holy, respect’s My Word and honors My Word and they live according to My Word and they know they need Me; they need my instruction; they need to follow My instruction and because of that they’re humbling themselves they are literally positioning themselves into a place of needing Me as opposed to living in their own self ability.”  And He showed me Sid He showed me 2 incredible visions that followed this. First was the picture of a car battery when you have a positive terminal and a negative terminal opposed and when you cross those 2 with the wire of those sparks.  And essentially you have all the power on one side and on the positive side that once they get into the negative side it’s a picture of polarity and unseen energy called electricity.  And then He showed me a picture of 2 magnets; 2 stick magnets also popularized positive one side and negative on the other side.  Put 2 positives together and they repel; 2 negatives they repel; put a positive and a negative together where they attract together by an unseen force called the magnetism.  God said “My Spirit realm is the same thing; you can’t see it I am the positive polarity and you are the negative if you’re walking in humility; and when you walk there is that negative not in behavior or mindset per say but in need of me your humbling yourself under My mighty hand I pour out my Spirit; literally I’m attracted to you.”  And what God showed me is this is what I was seeing is the glory and the light of God that was coming and touching those people that were living sacrifices holy and doing this level of worship unto God.

Sid: Now Point Number 4 can save the life of those that are listening to us; it’s knowledge.  Tell me about how knowledge saved your life.

David:  Well, Key Point Number 4 Knowledge as we put it in our list here I seek to know His truth every day hiding His truth in my heart that I will not sin against Him.  When you learn God’s way you learn God’s behavior you know His ability by hiding it into your heart you know your authority and literally out of the abundance of heart the mouth is going to speak. My wife and our children were in a State park and we were driving out of the part and a tornado came upon us and literally two trees right in front of us hundred foot trees took off.  About 8 or 10 trees along side of us laid down because we were actually in this killer tornado; took other people’s lives. I went to try to steer the van control the van Sid we off of the ground. We were literally caught.

Sid: I can’t think of a scarier thing; not just you but you and your family in the van caught up in the air. You see trees uprooted all around you this killer tornado; what do you do?

David:   (Laughing) Well, you find out at that moment what’s in your heart and there was no opportunity per sea to pray a good prayer you know to take authority but literally out of the abundance of heart the Bible says the mouth speaks.  And because I hide the word in my heart like we’re helping people do with this program; hiding the word in their heart.  Literally all that came out of my heart was the Name Jesus. But at the Name of Jesus the Bible says “Every knee must bow; every name named in Heaven Earth and under the earth.”  So in this case it was a tornado; when I said “Jesus” the tornado had to bow it’s knee and it literally dropped our van back onto the ground and we drove right out of it in safety.

Sid: Well were literally coming into a time where the rubber meets the road and we’re coming into a time in which you have to make up your mind “Are you going to be fulfilling your destiny or are you going to be just like everyone else?”  Tell me briefly about this daily devotion “The Twenty Keys.”

David:  Well essentially Sid we encourage every day to do the devotion which is based on one of the key points. And in an average of 6 actually 7 minutes we, I, we, me and the Holy Ghost expound upon the principal and the precept of the key point.  The word comes alive and it’s highly motivational, very instructional and people believe motivated, encouraged and built up. Then we encourage them to go through and play or read the 100 keys points in totality; we provide them with a card that has the scriptures that bring forth that particular key point that they can mediate on it; we encourage them to mediate on this one precept and principal every day and when they do they absolutely; I absolutely guarantee it Sid it will transform their life from the inside out.

Sid:  Well you’re getting so many testimonies of people and I believe it has to do with the anointing you received all the way back in Africa that “Shining One Anointing” that you received in Rwanda and everything you teach has the glory. But people are reporting that the glory of God is coming on them just every morning as they’re doing these devotionals.  Tell me about these reports.

David:  There are so many Sid; I get one almost or multiples every day.  One comes to my mind a lady in Milwaukee came up to me and she said “What’s in those key points.”  And I said “It’s the Word.”  She said “Oh, no no there has to be something else,” I said “No it’s just the Word.  And she said “Well every time I do them I feel this surge of anointing and power there has to be something subliminal; there has to be something you’re putting in the background there that I can’t see; right.”  I said “No, it is the word,” but the word is powerful and when you hear the word and you speak the word and you get the word into your heart and it’s got an incredible life changing ability.

Sid: Well, on tomorrows broadcast I want you to talk about my favorite point; now my wife’s favorite point is humility and you can’t move into key number 5 unless you have humility.  But my favorite point is compassion; this has been my prayer for many many years to operate because one of the things I noticed David is it said “That Jesus had compassion before He prayed for the sick.”  Whoops our time is up.


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