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Sid: I have one of the generals in the faith in the studio Dr. Norvel Hayes 86 years young.  Norvel you told me before we started this broadcast that most Christians do not understand faith. I know that God taught you faith; you’ve been in the word and I see your Bible over here and it looks like you have been through that so many times but tell me teach me something that God taught you on faith.

Norvel:  Okay, one key thing God taught me on faith is to have faith in Him to worship Him.  Have faith in Him to worship Him and praise Him.  And so that’s what… that’s what we really need; all of us need that real bad to worship God and praise Him. Have faith; you can have faith; faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.  And this is so important this one verse.  It’s a bless if they get it.

Sid: Okay, what is the verse, where is it?

Norvel:  Hebrews 11:6.

Sid: Hebrews 11:6; okay.

Norvel:  “But without faith it is impossible to please Him.” The most important thing in the world to any of us Sid is to please the Lord; to please Him.  “But without faith it is impossible to please Him; for he who cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him.  When you worship God you’re diligently seeking God and you’re going to find God too.  Those that diligently seek God shall find God. Sid any person in the world; any person in the world they can have just as much of God as they want; it all depends on how long they are going to seek Him.  He says diligently seek God and you shall find Him.  You have to seek Him.

Sid: Let me ask you this I notice in many times you will command people to be healed but over and over for hours sometimes. Tell me about one person you prayed for for hours and they got healed.

Norvel: Okay, there is a college on Look Out Mountain in Chattanooga. They were having a commencement day with all the parents come in and hundreds of people there.  And some boys there at college this other boy was from New Jersey going to college there. They they backed him out and they said “You’re a coward if you don’t take your clothes off and in the nude streak across the campus and run as fast as you can; cross the campus in the nude so he didn’t want to do it but they kept calling him yellow. Finally he just stripped all his clothes off; boy from New Jersey streaked across the campus in front of all the parents in the nude and when he got to the other side of the field he had no mind.

Sid: Hm.

Norvel:  God took his hand off of him.  See you can get so filthy with your sins God will take it…if you want to do something the devil wants you to do and He’ll take his hand off of you and let you do it and the devil will drive you crazy.  That time that college boy got across that field that campus he didn’t have no mind.   

Sid: So in affect if you go deep enough into sin the hedge of protection around you is removed and the devil has free access.  So okay when you prayed for him and he lost his mind tell me what happened.

Norvel:  Alright I was in a shopping center in Cleveland, Tennessee sitting in my car one afternoon. God moved in my car and told me to go to Chattanooga in a certain place.  So I drove my car and went to Chattanooga in a certain place and he didn’t tell me what for.  When I got there they had this boy, and I didn’t know he had done this until this time; they had this boy who had lost his mind; he was padded cell case and he’s upstairs.  And so the college psychiatrist brought him down to that particular building God told me to go there cause God knew what I’d do when I went there and I saw him; I didn’t even know he was in the world.  And the psychiatrist said “Mr. Hayes I saw you on TV one time; I saw you on TV one time. I know you know how to pray and make devils leave people he says I didn’t even believe this kind of stuff a year ago but I saw you on TV and I saw you and Lester Sumerall where you cast out devils on TV.  This young man has got a mental case he’s been like this for four days, he doesn’t even know his own name he’s upstairs.”  He said “Will you pray for him?”  I said “Sure.  He said me and my sister wants to go with you.  I said “No, you can’t go.”  He said “What?”  I said, “No you can’t go with me upstairs.”  He said “Why not?”  I said “Because you don’t know what you’re doing; I need all the faith I can get”

Sid: And there’s an example in the Bible that Jesus only wanted those that believed with Him when He prayed for the little girl.”

Norvel: I knew it had to be done supernaturally and I knew how to get that boy’s mind back for him but it may take me all night. So I started praying for that boy like late in the afternoon and he finally he finally got his mind back; got to be normal 7:00 the next morning I prayed all night.

Sid: Now why was it necessary for you to pray all night, why couldn’t you just pray one prayer and that would have been it?

Norvel:  Well, most of the time Sid most people don’t get much from short prayers. If you show God that you’ll diligently seek Him for victory you can have it.

Sid: Alright. I want to have victory right now there are people listening right now that have cancer; these were the two words I heard.  There is someone with a migraine headache and there’s lots of other diseases represented.  I would like you to pray a prayer of faith for them and I believe God is going to move in an extraordinary fashion.

Norvel:  Can I give a word of testimony? Okay, I’m driving for the Full Gospel Businessman’s Convention’s over and I’m driving back to Cleveland with my car. I stopped on the way between Nashville and Chattanooga and Cleveland. I stopped at a Stuckey’s station they have good candy there and they sell gas and all kinds of nuts stuff at Stuckey’s store. So I stopped and I’m looking in the counter here and I heard somebody going “Aaaah, ohoooooooooah.  And I looked over the top of the counter and there was woman that looked like she was about 30 years old and there going oooohhhhhhhhhhah so I walked walked around where she was at slowly and I said “Lady are you hurting?” And she “Oh yeah I have migraine headaches I have them all the time sometimes; this has been on me about 70 hours and don’t leave, don’t leave.”  I said “I don’t put up with migraine headaches.”  She said “You don’t” and I said “No.”  I said and I thought I’d walk up to her and stop and said “He’s watching us.”  And I said “Is this your wife?”  And he said “Yeah, she’s hurting real bad” and he said “are you kidding; she been hurting for 3 days she has migraine headaches sometimes; she’s had it for 3 days.”  And so I said “Well, I’ll go back there and there and they’ll leave her if you want me to.”  And I said “Well, let’s get out of this store I don’t want the manager of this store to get scared, let’s go outside and I’ll pray for her.”  So I went outside and I prayed for her and I said “Now I’m going to break the power of that thing over you.”  So I took authority over her you foul devil; you spirit of migraine headaches I command you to turn this woman lose I command you to come out of her in Jesus.” And of course I was a lot louder.

Sid: I’m sure.

Norvel:   I said “Come out of her and leave her alone and I resist you in Jesus Name you devil.”  And I see I wasn’t getting no place and so finally just took her head in my hand and I pulled her face up close to mine and I said “In Jesus Name I command you turn this woman lose, I command you to come out of her, come out of her in Jesus Name obey me come out of her I said you are not are not going to keep her in prison, come out of her in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”  I did that 15 – 20 times and all of a sudden she just…

Sid: She just fell over.

Norvel:  Yes, she fell on the floor; so she started crying; she cried probably for about 10 minutes.  When she got up I told her husband “She’s free.”  She gets up and I said are they gone?  She said “They’re gone my head is not hurting,” there is two of them they went out that window there.

Sid: Two demons.

Norvel:   Yes, they went out that window and she said “I’m free.”  I asked him I said “Where do you live at?”  He said “I live in Cleveland, Tennessee.”  I said “Cleveland, Tennessee I said “That’s where I live.” I said “Why did you let her go through this?”  He said “I don’t know how to do it.”  I said “Well, for now one you know how to do it.”

Sid: Norvel, we’re out of time; I want you to pray right now the prayer of faith for people that are sick right now.

Norvel:    Thank you Lord Heavenly Father I pray that your teachings will go to the people that are listening to this broadcast and they’re sick and they need help pain, I break the power of pain over their bodies in Jesus Name I command that pain to leave them and come out of them and leave them totally.  Cancer I curse your roots and I command you to leave that body in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,  Roots of the cancer I command all the roots to die and every cancer cell leave their body in Jesus Name and thank you Lord for Your healing power going through their body right now; Your divine healing power going through their body and removing as your divine healing power flows through their body remove all symptoms of cancer, remove all symptoms of migraine headaches in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I believe it Lord, I believe it to be so, and I want to thank You Lord for doing it for the people that are listening to this broadcast in Jesus Name right now Lord.

Sid: Amen.   

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