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Jonathan Bernis

Sid: We’re in the last of days, we’re in a time in which Paul was just dreaming would happen. The fullness of the Gentile Age when the spiritual scales are coming off of the eyes of Jewish people.  And I’ve got a job, and my job is to say I want you to get a crown; not just an ordinary crown, not just a worldly crown, a soul winner crown. You know I interviewed a man who went to Heaven.  He said, “He went into a room and it was a big library; and in this library there were different books and one book listed the individual believer’s name and all of the souls that came to the Lord through them.  Let’s be candid, you will not take anything with you to heaven except souls.  Now my understanding, my spin is that the Jew according to God is called to be a light to the Goyim, to the Gentiles. The job of the Jew is to tell the Gentile about God; to tell the Gentiles that God is not angry with us and that He sent His Son Yeshua to set us free.  Now on the other side the job of  the Gentile believer after they get saved; and it says that the Gentile owes debt of gratitude to the Jewish people.  Why, because the Jewish people were faithful and salvation, and salvation comes from the Jew. So the Gentile now in Roman’s 11:11 it says now get this “Salvation has come to the Gentile to provoke the Jew to jealousy.  Now that you have that straight I want to introduce to you one of my best friends in the Lord Jonathan Bernis. I’m speaking to him at his home in Phoenix, Arizona; perhaps on television with the Jewish Voice or perhaps you’ve heard him speak. But on yesterday’s broadcast we found out that he obeyed a call from God.  He went to the former Soviet Union and history testifies that over a quarter of a million Jewish people heard a clear presentation of the gospel.  More than half of them responded by making professions of faith.  Now I believe that that’s a unique situation in the former Soviet Union and it’s still going on today and it is wonderful; the most open Jewish people on the face of this earth are Soviet Jews. But Jonathan just as the Holy Spirit is showing you mentioned on yesterday’s broadcast the Holy Spirit is showing me that there is going to be a major major outpouring of Spanish Jews coming to the Lord. And what I see as an indication of it is how many Hispanics are embracing Jewish Roots and Jewish music. But my burden right now is…because I think that things are going to get ferociously bad in the United States. We have a little time left before things get bad; and my burden is Jews in the United States of America.  And there are so many misconceptions by true Bible believers, forget the phoney baloney, by true Bible believers that I want my friend Jonathan to tell me some of the things he’s gleaned over the years. Some of the misconceptions and let’s set the record straight Jonathan.

Jonathan:  Sid, I would love to; let me first begin by saying that the Bible is very clear in promising a worldwide restoration of the Jewish people.  You see in 70 AD we were scattered to the four corners of the earth. God said that He would scatter us outside the land. And He did a fantastic job Sid; we’ve been to China together, we saw Jewish people there, been all over the world and I’ll tell you the Jewish people are scattered everywhere.  And God is restoring them, and there is already Sid a revival that’s taking place in Latin, America.  Many were scattered there from Spain during…after the Spanish inquisition and their known as Marranos’. They changed their identity just for preservation and they changed their names and so on and are being restored, God is at work in restoring the Jewish people and fulfilling His word promised in Roman’s 9, 10 and 11 and throughout the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and so on. And Sid we’re seeing it happen before our very eyes. You mentioned that I personally seen 250,000 Jewish people hear the gospel and about half of them respond to the altar calls and it’s been an amazing experience.  Sid, I don’t know if I’ve told you this but I have visited heaven.

Sid: No, you did not.

Jonathan:  I did, I want to tell you where heaven is.  Heaven for me is being in front of 1000’s of Jewish people sharing how God changed my life and seeing them respond to the gospel.

Sid: I got to ask this question; I’ve got to ask you this question because I said this…

Jonathan: It’s heaven on earth and I’ve been there.

Sid: I’ve got to ask you this question you know there is this big controversy on the rapture. We’re getting out before the tribulation, in the middle, in the after.  And this is what I’ve said and I honestly believe it. I have an idea that you’re going to say the same thing. But I’ve said the same thing I don’t want to leave here; I think that we’re on the cutting edge of the biggest revival that the war has ever seen. I don’t want to get out of here. I want to stay here until the very last…I want to be like a captain of a ship. I want to stay here until that very last Jewish person get’s saved so that they can get just zapped with the Holy Spirit and do the job we Jews were created to do. And that is to be a light to the nations, to the Gentles; now what ever your view on the rapture is do you feel like me?

Jonathan: I feel absolutely I feel like you; I want to be around to reach as many of our Jewish people as possible while it’s still day. Sid here’s something that’s very important whether there’s a pre-tribulation, mid or post tribulation rapture the issue is that God is pouring out His Spirit now and we need to be about the work of the Lord now while there is still daylight now!  Let me go back to something you said before because it’s so important.  And that is misconceptions that Christians have about Jewish people and Jewish evangelism.  You know we had a terrible misconception in the Messianic movement; or I certainly did until a few years ago.  And that was that Christians in my perception going back now 15 – 20 years. I felt had no interest in the Jewish people; it just seemed to be indifference which is changing now. And so I became convinced that it was the Messianic Jewish movements responsibility to bring the gospel to Jewish people.  In other words to church had failed in that mission, Christians were disinterested and so it was the job of Jewish believers like you ad I to do that. Now while we have a calling  to our people, Roman’s 9 is very clear that, Roman’s 9, 10 and 11 that it’s the Christian’s the goyim’s responsibility to bring the gospel to the Jewish people.  Paul begins in Roman’s 9 by sharing that he has this unceasing burden and anguish in his own heart for his own people; his people of Israel.  Now what you need to understand here is one he is the apostle to the Gentles and yet he’s sharing with the Gentiles Christians his heart for his own people. He always went to the synagogue first. He wrote that the gospel was to the Jew first and also the Gentile in Roman’s 1.

Sid: Hey, I’ll go one step further, Jonathan I’ll tell you that many Gentile Christians have missed their blessing. And have said “Well, it’s up to the Jewish believer to reach the Jewish people. But you and I have been at meetings where we’ve said “If you’re Jewish stand up, a Jewish believer in Jesus  stand up where there was a thousand people.” And so the Jewish believers would stand up. And then we would say “Now if a Gentile Christian led you to the Lord raise your hand and it was better than 98%.

Jonathan:  Absolutely, most Jewish people have come to faith through a Gentile Christian friend of acquaintance.  Now Sid, why is Paul writing to the Gentiles and sharing that he has this unceasing burden for his own people. That he’s give up his very salvation, not his life but his eternal life; which is unimaginable, I can’t even comprehend it. But he’s saying that he’d give up his eternal life for some of them. Sid I’m convinced that he shares it with the Gentile church so that they will grasp this burden and share it with him for the Jewish people.  And so I believe that the provoking the Jew to jealousy in Roman’s 11:11 is to bring them to faith in the Messiah; not just to provoke them as we’ve experienced for almost 2000 years. Now there’s misconceptions that Christians have that keep them from that clear Biblical responsibility. One is which is totally wrong and I have to laugh every time that I think of this.  Many Christians believe that Jewish people know the scriptures, the Old Testament scriptures better than they do and so if they try to share they’re going to be embarrassed.

Sid: Listen Jonathan, as you know I come from an Orthodox, a traditional background. And when I came to the Lord a friend of mine that graduated from American University came up to me and said “Sid I’ve been praying for a Jewish believer to teach me the scriptures.” You know what you and I knew you could put it in a thimble. (Laughing)

Jonathan: (Laughing) Exactly, you know I had prepared for my Bar Mitzvah I could read Hebrew but I didn’t know what I was reading. And so people thought that I was this expert and was totally false. And so that’s one misconception; Jewish people do not know their own scriptures.  Ninety percent of the American Jewish community is secularized.

Sid: Listen if you say have you read Isaiah 53 they don’t even know who Isaiah is.

Jonathan:  They don’t even know who Isaiah is; they don’t even know what the Old Testament is. Or Tenach or Torah or whatever they know the word.

Sid:  How about Yeshua, how man Jewish people even know who we’re talking about.

Jonathan:  Exactly, so that’s one misconception.  Another is…

Sid: I’ll tell you what hold that thought we’ll pick up right here on tomorrow broadcast.  Mishpochah this in not a misconception this is God’s time to reach Jewish people with the gospel. It is not an accident that you are listening to this broadcast.  It is not an accident that God has had a Jewish person cross your path and you are the best person to reach this Jewish person with the gospel.


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