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Sid: We want everyone everywhere to know the wonderful Messiah we serve as I pointed out on yesterday’s broadcast as I was quoting from Isaiah 9:6.  This child shall be known as Wonderful, Miracle, this will be a miracle child.  It will be so miraculous that when you know Him and speak His Name in faith miracles are going to erupt. And sometime this week maybe even today miracles are going to erupt so get ready.  Because I’m emphasizing Jesus known as Yeshua as He came to Israel in the form of a child. Born through the Ruach haKodesh and you learned that yesterday the Spirit of God coming on his mother.  And her name wasn’t Mary.  If you had called her name Mary 2000 years ago they would say “Huh, who you talking about her name was Miriam.”  The whole thing is Jewish.

I got a letter the other day and in this letter the person says “I don’t understand why you’re into these Jewish things Sid; I don’t understand why you can’t just be like everyone else.”  To be quite candid with you I don’t understand why I can’t be like everyone else either.  But I have always had a passion for God.  And I have found that one of the things that gets in the way; one of the barriers that gets in the way of intimacy with God is religious tradition generated by religious spirits.

So when I see something that is a religious spirit be it in the Gentile Church; be in it Messianic Judaism;  be it in Orthodox Judaism; be it in Islam; be it in anything that gets in the way of getting to know God; intimacy with God; I scrap it.  And so that’s why I wrote my latest book “The Race to Save the World.”  Of course there’s a chapter in there about a relay race about how… and you’ve seen relay races of where someone is running on a team a lap and then they pass the baton to another member of their team.  And you always save the anchor person for the last lap.  I point out the anchor person is not the Jew and the anchor person is not the Gentile.  It’s the Jew and Gentile with the wall of separation coming down and the two running the last lap.  Because see your anchor person has to be the fastest; the swiftest runner because it looks like your team is losing but I tell you no one; no thing, nothing can stop the champion of God.  The One New Man; the Jew and Gentile running arm and arm together that last lap.  And that’s what I had in mind when the title “The Race to Save the World” was designed.

However, as I have looked upon that title I see God had something in addition in mind.  The race is a new creation.  So the race to save the world is the one new man; the one new creation because we Jewish people were faithful to God.  It says in scripture that a debt of gratitude is owed to the Jewish people; because of them is the service.  You know what the word service in the Greek means?  The worship; I believe that when the Jewish people come in to the Body of Messiah we’re going to have a new music.  We’re going to have a new song that is going to come directly from Heaven. It says the Jewish people we owe a debt of gratitude because of them is the glory.  I believe when the Jewish people come into the church we’re going to see an increased glory.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the Jewish people because of them is the Messiah; to them is the salvation.  The job of the Jew is to evangelize the Gentile.  Now we need Gentiles saved; so we need Jewish believers to come into the Body of Messiah to get Gentiles saved according to the laws of evangelism.  But then Gentile believers brings something into the recipe if you will.  You know what the Gentile believers bring?  Two-thousand year heritage of walking with God.

You know what Gentiles bring to the recipe?  It says “Salvation has come,” in Romans 11:11, “Salvation has come to the Gentile to provoke the Jew to jealousy.”  There is an anointing on Gentile believers to reach Jews.  So not one people group can be exalted above another people group because we all owe everything to God.  The Gentile owes a debt of gratitude to the Jew and the Jew owes a debt of gratitude to the Gentile.  And when the two anointing’s the ancient Jewish anointing and the Gentile anointing merge together it’ll be greater than those two anointing’s ever were when they were separated.

Now you understand in the 2nd Chapter of the book of Ephesians why Paul said that Jesus came to break down the middle wall of separation between Jew and Gentile to form one new man.  The devil knows that Jesus cannot return until the Jewish people say “Blessed is he who comes in the name in the Name of the Lord; who comes in the Name of the Lord..”  Baruch Haba B’shem Adonai. Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.” So he knows if he can stop Jewish people from coming to know the Messiah he can stop the return of Jesus. Well, he can’t he’s dumb but he’s doing everything possible.  And that’s why for the last 2000 years the most anti-Jewish identifiable people group have been those that have called themselves Christians.  Of course Jesus had a definition for Christian.  He said “You’ll know my disciples by their love,” not by their crusades and by their inquisitions. Even many Jewish people today believe that Adolph Hitler was a Christians.  Why because he quoted church fathers like Martin Luther.  The encyclopedia Judaica says “Short of the gas ovens the entire plan for the Holocaust was implemented by words written by church fathers such as Martin Luther.”  And some of you say “Outrageous.” I say to you that you’re uneducated; get educated think for yourself.

The book “The Race to Save the World” is a book whose time has come.  It’s a book that I believe will show you God’s balance on the Biblical festivals.  You see religious spirits try to get you on one side of the ditch or the other.  There are some that say if you don’t worship on the Shabbat Saturday. If you don’t follow the Biblical festivals it’s a salvation issue.  Huh! That’s not what my Bible says “You are saved by belief that Yeshua died for your sins and having repented of your sins you’ve accepted his atonement plus nothing. But here we are where God is moving Israel front and center stage.  And there are many with religious spirits that are so putting people under bondage with these festivals rather than the joy and the excitement and the miracles that are supposed to be connected with them, and the freedom; that’s the operative word; the freedom that many Christians are throwing out the baby with the dirty bathwater.  You don’t want to do this.  Have you asked yourself why that little dot on the map Israel concerns the entire world?  Why the entire world has opinions on Israel?  There’s never been a tiny dot on the map; it’s about the size of Rhode Island and the whole issue of Israel is on front page news in every major newspaper in the world.  Why is this going on?  Because God is up to something big.

I never saw this before.  I saw that the devil was trying to destroy the Jewish people and separate Jews and Christians to prevent Jesus from returning.  That I saw very clearly, but what I never saw before is the devil is trembling in his boots when the two anointing’s merge and form the one new man.  And the glorious church becomes the glorious church because the glory of God is going to be so awesome.  So if you want to understand the next move of God’s spirit; if you want to understand the law of evangelism; if you want to see how this is going to play out get a copy of my latest book “The Race to Save the World.”

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