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Sid: Now my guest is Freddy Hayler and I’d have to say that when I hear Freddy Hayler’s music it’s like a portal opens into the glory of God.  If you haven’t figured this out yet when the glory of God is present whatever you speak by faith in prayer it comes quick very quick.  Freddy with what’s going on in the world today, especially in the Middle East, you have a song that’s one of my favorite and it’s very prophetic, it’s the song of Michael.  Tell me about the visions that you have of Michael who is the angel in charge of protecting Israel.

Freddy: Yes, one night I was deep in prayer and fasting and I was several hours into seeking the Lord and just worshiping Him in my bedroom.  And in the vision of the night and in the spirit I saw a towering angel with eyes like liquid blue lightning and blondish hair and he was just mighty and more like looking very chiseled and powerful.  And I asked the Holy Spirit who this was and He said “It was Michael.”  And of course the Lord showed me that Michael is very much in tune with what’s going on in Israel. I’d read the book of Daniel and how Daniel had prayed and fasted and how Michael the Arc angel was sent to fight the prince of Persia and evil principalities in that era.  And of course we have a similar situation today with the enemy of Israel surrounding it.  And the enemy of course trying to prevent Messiah’s plans from occurring which is obviously futile, but Michael’s a mighty arc Angel and the chosen angel to protect Jerusalem and Israel.  And I saw this in a vision; I saw him with chariots of angel strongly positioned around Jerusalem and Israel.

Sid: You know there’s such a promise to Bible believers to pray for Israel.  It’s the one that comes to mind is Psalm 122 verse 6 Freddy which is a commandment.  It says “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and thou shalt prosper.” And my friend Derrick Prince who is now is in Heaven he was a fabulous scholar and he told me the word prosper means more than finances.  It means something that money can’t buy; it means “heart peace.”  So what God is saying if you at this moment; at this moment would pray for the peace of Jerusalem you shall have heart peace no matter what happens on the face of this earth…

Freddy: Yes.

Sid: And that’s His commandment and I’m I want you to pray in prayer with me right now.  In Yeshua, that’s Hebrew for Jesus, in Yeshua’s name we agree for peace and the only peace that Israel will ever achieve is when Jew and Arab have revelations of the Messiah of Israel.  And I pray that as a result of this prayer that many Jews and many Arabs would have dreams and visions and encounters of Jesus.  And I believe Freddy as we hear this song of Michael the anointing is going to go all the way to Israel.  But the anointing is one of the things about Freddy’s music is the glory or the extreme presence of God is going to invade wherever you are.  Let’s hear a part of Psalm of Michael.

Freddy:   4:37.2 – 9.11.7 Psalm of Michael excerpt.

Sid: Freddy I’ve never heard such supernatural feedback in reaction to listening to your CD’s.  For instance tell me about that man in Pakistan that contacted you.

Freddy:  Well, he was a young man and he called one night and he was speaking in broken English and I did not know him.  He said “I listened to Song of Angels and I began to worship I had a vision of heaven; I had a vision of glory. I saw Jesus” and he said “I play the album and I go to the roof of my house; because over there they do a lot on the roof tops and I have to compete with the minaret the low droning depressing prayer. But he says….

Sid: And those that are not familiar if you’ve been in a Muslim country you hear that prayer and it’s over speakers and I don’t know what that means but I do know that it’s an awful depressing spirit that comes across from it.

Freddy:  What he told me was that what they’re actually praying in Arabic is that their god will conquer the world. And that all the lands of the world are Allah’s. But he said “I would over play them with volume and many people would come to my house and they would accept Christ.  They would play the music and he made copies and is that okay.”  And I said “Sure, make all the copies you want; it’s the gospel.  And we’ve discipled him for several years but we didn’t know him.  He had a dream and he got filled with the Spirit and he got saved by listening to the anointing on this worship.  And it’s a great witness over there in Karachi, Pakistan.

Sid: I have to ask you; I would happen to believe that many people when they sit under the glory of your worship experience visions of Heaven.  Do you get reports like that?

Freddy:  Literally we have 1000’s of testimonies that have listened to this music who have sent emails, who have called who have shared incredible testimonies of encounters with the Father.  Supernatural encounters of being caught up into Heaven.

Sid: Tell me about that woman you shipped a whole box of your music to and she saw angels, really?

Freddy:  Yes she actually saw angels bring the boxes to her home come up the sidewalk and there was a smaller angel rolling around and she’s never seen angels and she was just kind of shocked by it. (Laughing).  She said “I don’t know what to say; I’ve never seen anything like that in my life” and she feared for her life.  She said “Am I going home to see the Lord?”  But she said “There was such a strong anointing over the package.”  There just has been a lot of prayers prayed over this and this is something God did for her she is an intercessor and…

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