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Sid:  Well, my guest is red hot for the Messiah his name is Nick Griemsmann.  Nick I have so many pages here of medical reports which state that you were diagnosed as schizophrenic, and then state that they took the diagnoses away.   Now help me out because I’m not an expert in this but I didn’t know that there was a cure for schizophrenia.

Nick: I was a diagnosed schizophrenic in 2003. When they gave me the diagnoses the doctors told me and my family that I was going to live on a disability and…(crying) I’m sorry Sid I just feel the presence of the Lord there’s people out there that really need to hear a testimony like this and I’m so thankful that the Lord’s giving it to me.

Sid: Well, you’re doing just fine; go ahead because this is fascinating to me what they actually diagnosed and what they said about your future at that time.

Nick:  I remember sitting in the Mental Health Clinic, the county health clinic, with my mother when I was about 23 years old. The doctor, the psychiatrist was looking over my records and said that I was diagnosed with “In curable schizophrenia and that within about 10 years I could be what they call catatonic which is kind of like a vegetable state.”  And she said that I was going to live on State Assistance and that I was going to have to live with my mother or in a group home and that I’d never have to work or be able to work or I could never have a family.

Sid: Now in the fog that you must have been in how much did you comprehend of what this person was saying to you and what affect did it have on you?

Nick:  Oh, I just received it that I had an incurable mental illness. Then I went back to my house and I really just received it and I just sat on my couch for about 6 months and took the medication and watched television like most people with a mental illness do.

Sid: Let’s flash back now.  As a young man you were raised in a secular home. At age 10 you were taken to a religious service and you asked God a question.  What was the question and what happened?

Nick:  The pastor was up in the stage and he was at the altar and he was going to do a prayer.  And when he started to do the prayer I said “God are You really real?”  And right when he was in the middle of prayer I heard “I’m always with you.” And then sitting right next to me I could feel like Jesus was sitting right next to me.

Sid: But you didn’t have a real paradigm on what was going on since you were raised in such a secular family and you become a bartender at age 21.  You’re getting drunk every night; you’re studying different religions of the world, but in 2003 a simple gospel tract was passed on to you.  Tell me what happened.

Nick:   Through my early 20’s I was really looking for God I used to go to world religion classes in college.  I was talking to different people; I talked to a nun; I to people from the LDS church and Jehovah Witnesses.  I was really looking for the truth.  I was going to be possibly Muslim; just different pathways I was looking for.  Everybody would tell me different things and it was really frustrating for me.  Like many people they’re looking for the truth; they just want truth.  I knew that when I just found truth that it would touch my heart.  And I was frustrated and I got this tract and it was just a Christian tract and I called the number on the prayer line and the lady said “Are you saved?”  And I said “Lady, what does saved mean, what does it really mean?”  She said “It’s when you receive Jesus into your heart and you receive the Holy Spirit and it’s really simple to get saved.”  She said “Just pray with me.” And I just prayed by faith a very simple prayer to God and the moment I said the name of the Lord Jesus I felt this warm spiritual flood come over my whole body and soul; cleansed me of everything; years of alcoholism and sexual immorality. Everything just washed away at that very moment and that simple prayer.

Sid: What happened to your addiction of alcoholism?

Nick:  That moment it was completely gone; I never wanted to drink ever again.

Sid:  And you know as I’ve read the information about you I think about myself.  I don’t know how I could have handled what you bumped into; it’s almost like the minute you became born again and free the devil had a strategy against your life.  You decided you wanted to learn more about this Jesus so you do what a lot of your generation does you get on the internet and you see an ad. Tell me about the ad you saw that attacked your attention.

Nick:  I was on the internet and I was looking for a church or somewhere to go to learn more about Christianity like you said and this church online this ministry, supposed ministry online said that they were the one true church. And that they had an end-time prophet as the leader.  That this church said that if you wanted to come and serve the Lord with all your heart, mind and strength that they would give you a free place to stay to serve the Lord.

Sid: So obviously you’re naive; you go out there and it turns out to be a cult.  Tell me about the CD they would give anyone that ever said there was something wrong with the leader.

Nick:  So what they’d do is they have these CD cassette tapes they usually did cassette tapes. What it was was that they would have you report on each other. So we lived in this commune and I lived in an apartment complex with the single young men.  I was assigned a person like they called an older Christian and that person was kind of like a handler. That person made sure that I didn’t ask too many questions about what was going on and things like that.  Then if somebody did something against the commands of the prophet; the church basically you were supposed to write them up and then FAX it over to the leader who was at a different location.  I never met him.

Sid: But it would basically say “If you oppose the leader you would burn in hell.”  Wasn’t that the essence of it?

Nick:  That was the scariest things for me that they had was that he was the last day prophet and if anything said anything negative about him or his doctrine or if they would go immediately to hell.  They would go to hell and that if they left the church; they decided to leave the commune then that means that they blasphemed. They would actually use scriptures against us.  So in these cassette tapes that I would call “Rebuking cassettes.”  That’s what it sounded like he would yell and scream and call us all these names and that we would burn in hell and that there’s a lake of fire and really use hell fire and brimstone against us. I got indoctrinate in this that “I’m going to hell if I do anything wrong; I’m going to hell it I do anything wrong.”  And it was like that all day, it was like a concentration camp almost.

Sid: How did you get the nerve; I guess I’ll call it that to run away in 2003.  I mean you were in a trap.  I mean how did you bust out?

Nick:   Well, one thing with me I was so thankful to be saved. (Crying)  When I first felt the love of God in my heart I was so thankful and I went to this place and I kept praying to God.  I would still spend time praying to God and loving on Him even though I was in this false doctrine church I would still pray and open up my heart to the Holy Spirit. And one night when I was on like a kind of like a missions trip they do where they hand out all these tracts and this stuff I really felt like I had to run off; I just had to go  I had to leave.  I started having different hallucinations that were going on.

Sid:  Well cover that on tomorrow’s broadcast but a number of years later you pick up a newspaper and you find out that this man is doing a lot of illegal things. What did the article say the leader of the cult you were in?

Nick:  They said that they raided the cult and inside they found; inside his home they found that he was living would young girls as young as I think 7 or 8 years old as child brides.  And that he was doing pornography with them and that he would make them massage his body all day long.   And the young girls had full body arthritis now.  He would travel across state lines with them and do evil things.

Sid: And he was sentenced to prison for how long?

Nick:  One hundred and seventy-five years in federal prison.

Sid: But that didn’t do you any good; so you’re really insane. You run away and you end up in an airport.  And what was that the Nashville Airport.  We’ll pick up right there on tomorrow’s broadcast.  But I have the documentation; what did you have something like 1000 pages that you had incurable schizophrenia?  I mean there is no way that you could have been set free short of the power of God.  And now I have another paper that says “You’re mental illness you have a desertification for. What does this mean you have desertification?

Nick:  When you go and get diagnosed for serious mental illness they basically give you services.  They give you mental health services through the county or the state.  So you get free medications or you get hospital stays and things like that or Medicare.  The desertification basically is not given out usually.  They only give out maybe 1 a year possibly.  But to have one of those is incredible for somebody who was diagnosed with an incurable mental illness.

Sid: So that’s basically saying “You don’t have your illness so you don’t get any benefits.”

Nick:  Yes, yes, yes.

Sid: I’ll tell you what I will take being whole in Jesus any day over any government benefits.  Nick I’m so excited about the short book that you wrote it is jammed pack with information that Jesus taught him on how he could be set free from schizophrenia.  But what he has found is that you can be get set free from any type of addition; whether it’s pornography; whether it’s drugs or it’s mental disease

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