ErrorException Message: WP_Translation_Controller::load_file(): Argument #2 ($textdomain) must be of type string, null given, called in /home2/bduvall3/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 838 Our Guest Susan Jacobs

Sid:   We want everyone everywhere to be red hot for the Messiah.  And again as I said on yesterday’s broadcast this is an understatement “Red Hot for the Messiah” for my guest Dr. Susan Jacob.  She’s a Jewish believer in the Messiah that got radically saved and radically walks with the Messiah.  Susan you told me that you’ve had some very unique experiences in Saudi Arabia; tell me about that.

Susan:  God sent me there as a Professor. You can only go to that country by a profession not as an evangelist.

Sid: Yes.

Susan:   So soon as I entered I felt an eerie feeling because of all the Arabs with their long robes and not very friendly.  But when I went to this university there was one girl praying for me.  The girl said; this lady said “Lord send a believer here.”  As soon as I reached the ground she said “You are a believer, you are a Christian.”  I said “Yes, you too.”  So were worshiping God underground church; it is so exciting to worship the Lord.  One occasion there was a big hall; you know they prayed to Allah all the time, 5 – 7 times; we hear them all the time.  And I was reminded of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Old Testament where these young men refused to bow down to these god’s unto Nebuchadnezzar and I refused to bow down to their god.  My God is alive and then God opened this opportunity to speak to the Arabs, Pakistani’s, Palestinians, and a few Jews got there but I didn’t know how they got there.  Because in that area they’re not permitted.  And they told me Sarah and myself were talking about our Savior and these people thought that when woman get together we were either talking about shopping or clothes or whatever.  They asked me “What are you talking?”  All of a sudden God put His power upon me and I was not afraid to die because He told me in His scriptures that the One that is in you is greater than the One that is in the world.  And God was speaking to them and I said “We are related you are Ismael’s children!  And they all looked with eyes opened and then I began to share the good news that Jesus Christ “John 3:16 and a few other scriptures the Word of God that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus  is the way; the truth, Jesus is the Bread of life; Jesus is the Light.”  And many of them looked and I began to share and that day many accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

Sid: Ah, isn’t that kind of life threatening in Saudi Arabia leading so many people to the Lord?

Susan:  Yes!  I got my life in jeopardy this was from the Lord.  And all of a sudden it provoked many Muslim militants they were very angry and filled with rage.  The leaders had my passport with them and they were ready to execute me and God spoke to me loud and clear to leave the country because they were going to execute me in a few days.  And right away I had this very loud voice and the Lord sent his angel to take my bags to the airport. And God blinded these people and automatically they gave my passport not realizing what they were doing.  And then and they even gave me a ticket and then the plane took off; it was too late they realized that what happened.  God uses your enemies to pay your plane ticket.

Sid: Hm.

Susan:  And that day while I was praying there was this one lady who did not have children for 15 years, she gave her heart to the Lord and God blessed her with children.

Sid: Now out of curiosity how did you know that God blessed her with children?

Susan:  She called me later and told me.

Sid: Hm.

Susan:   God has blessed her and you know after a few months she had called me and said that she was going to have a baby.  And now she has a few more children.

Sid:  Now, I understand that you have a great deal of compassion for mentally ill people and people with depression.  Tell me about one person that was mentally ill that you prayed for.

Susan:  I lived at the Fellowship Conference Center in New Jersey, Liberty Corner.  People come here sometimes suicidal tendency.  And I prayed with them even with a mental problem and the Lord healed them completely.  Doctors told them, psychiatrist’s gave them antidepressants; the Lord’s power came upon delivered this individual from their mental illness and completely healed.

Sid: Now just out of curiosity did you fast for them? What was going on?

Susan:  We fast and pray, sometimes 21 days, 40 days and you know as the Lord leads.  And then I pray and then I go and preach and then I go an evangelize waiting, depending upon the Lord.  I cannot do anything it’s all Jesus Christ; He does it all.

Sid: Susan I’m curious with your prayer, with your fasting and you’ve seen so many marvelous healings.  Tell me about one specific one where there was deliverance involved.

Susan:  I remember the lady who was demon possessed came to our home and we were fasting and praying that time. She knew exactly where we were and while in our fasting and praying she began to vomit pieces of metal. 

Sid: Really!

Susan:  Yes.

Sid: Oh my goodness.

Susan:  We saw the power of God; all we knew was to cry out to God.  And all of a sudden she had a black string around her waist and we took that and we called a pastor to pray even he was scared.  If you are not pure hundreds of them will go back to your home.  So we called another pastor and they burned that black string that was you know it was witchcraft.  And while it was burning it turned into a bunch of hair and she was limping at that moment and that turned into a metal disk, a round piece of metal.  And then it exploded like a bomb.  And this girl something from her leg came out.  And then we continued to pray for her for 2 weeks continued to drinking only water. And the final day she was continuously throwing up pieces of metal; and then the final day she was going to kill herself and she twisted her neck like a rubber band and her whole body was flexible.  And it looked very weird and before that she screamed and yelled.  I went by the door way and you know she screamed!  And I told my daddy, “She is demon possessed; I’m not going in there.”  All of a sudden I felt a push and I felt an incredible power come upon me and I prayed and we were prayed a terrible scream came out of her.  And we kept praying and demons… we prayed for her and the demons were cast out and she was completely set free after 2 weeks after fasting and prayer.  She never knew what happened during the 2 weeks and she became a new born believer and accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior.

Sid: You know Susan if you hadn’t been willing to be used by God; if you had not been willing to fast; if you had not been willing to pray I don’t think this person would have made it.

Susan: Yes.  God is the One who did it all.  He is doing incredible things; we see Him do it all the time; every day miracles. And he looks for availability because He is the One who is doing it.  He is the One who is healing the people; who’s touching their hearts and setting them free even right here.  Not too long ago a young man as the word was being read he heard the word and the word set him free.  And he began to sob; he was not a believer and he said “Can you give me more of this person Jesus Christ?”  I said “Sure.”  And the word was being read to him.  “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and the Word is God.”  He gave His heart to Jesus Christ as his personal Savior.  His life was unclean and impure and he knew and he couldn’t stand it because God is holy.  And he gave his heart to Jesus as well.

Sid: So in other words was he into pornography, what was he set free of?

Susan:  He was into pornography; he was into you know all kinds of filth, into drugs…

Sid: Hm.

Susan:  into all evil things, you know witchcraft; and all kinds of things.  He had all kinds of rings on his face and the Lord set him free from this bondage; and from sexual lust and you know evil behavior. And he began to sob and the Lord set him free and he gave his heart to Jesus Christ as his personal Savior at the Fellowship Conference Center.

Sid:  Let me ask you something Mishpochah “How would you like 50 Susan Jacob’s in your congregation.  Do you think the congregation would change a little bit?  Do you think the congregation has to change a little bit?  Do you think there’s more that God wants in His believers?  Of course there is this is normal; what she’s talking about.  What you’ve got, what most of you have is abnormal.  It’s God’s time to reach Jewish people, what are you going to do about it​?

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