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Jeff Burke

Sid:  My guest is red hot for the Messiah but he was going through a horrible time at age 21 Jeff Burke who I have in the studio right here from Cartersville, Georgia; was Pasturing a Baptist Church.  His Father was a Baptist preacher; his father actually moved in Words of Wisdom even before he was filled with the Spirit.  But at that time he had the typical Baptist theology; which is tongues is of the devil.  Jeff was very frustrated as a pastor because he read about all the great miracles in the Bible but he didn’t see it happen in his life. He wouldn’t look into the charismatic dimension because he thought that that was of the devil. And little by little he started investigating the New Age and he got sucked in.  But he went into witchcraft; he thought that his power was enabling him to get successful and he really rose to the top.  He left ministry and he was a very successful in business.  All of a sudden his health started getting bad; because see that devil he just doesn’t play fair.  And in the mean time his father was pasturing a little Baptist church in the country.  He invited an evangelist to come in and speak and what happened Jeff?

Jeff: When the evangelist came in and he had known him years before and he told him before he came that I preach a little bit different than I used to.  And actually my father said “Are you trying to tell me that you you’re baptized in the Holy Ghost?”  He said “I am” he said “Well, come on anyway but just don’t bother my people with it.”  (Laughing)

Sid: (Laughing)

Jeff:  So he came on down and what began to happen is that some things  happened with my dad some miracles actually.  The man slammed; he got his fingers slammed in the door. He held his finger up and said “In the Name of Jesus” instantly all the broken skin, the blood and the crushed finger totally popped out.

Sid: Now was this the man or your father?

Jeff:  This was the man that came and so my father witnessed that.  And there were other things that would happen.  One other instance that went to visit a couple that actually was in witchcraft.  They actually sicked a German Shepherd on them and he just turned around and said “In the Name of Jesus” the German Shepherd skidded to a stop and ran off. They got in the car and they got stuck in the mud.  He said “I have an angel. Get us out.” And the car was just like thrown out of the mud. So things like that began to happen. (Laughing)

Sid: That would get my attention.

Jeff:  So praise the Lord things all week began to happen. Not so much at the church but with my father and mother. And on the last night after the service he said “I want you to tell me about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.”  And so he went through scripture with him and ministered to him and they laid hands on them the evangelist and his wife and they both got filled with the Holy Spirit. The giftings that had been in dad all of a sudden just began to explode and many things happened after that. He went to church Sunday morning; went to unlock the church door and the key melted in his hand.  And curled up in his hand; to this day I think he still has the key in an envelope somewhere.  But they began so much to just go into the things of the Spirit; things of God.  They began to pray for me and…

Sid: Now that’s when things got pretty tough for you.  But even before you get there you told me that your father had extraordinary faith for the weather. Tell me something you remember seeing with your eyes.

Jeff:  Down in Birmingham, Alabama actually there is a group of pastors and they asked him will you go outside the city here and we would like you to just speak to this lady here and minister to this lady.  So he went in; he sat down and he just began to minister to her and she was in a place where she didn’t believe she had any worth and that God didn’t love her.  And he say’s “God wants to show you He definitely loves you.” He said “First of all you have a letter,” and he said “This is what the letter says ‘You’re pocketbook is on the back of your bed.’”  He says “Go get the pocketbook and pull out the letter and this is what it says.”  Well, she did and of course it was exactly what he said.  And he said “Now God wants to show that He loves you; so it’s going to begin to rain very lightly.” And so it began to rain very lightly.”  He said “Now God really wants to show you that He loves you so it’s going to begin to rain very hard.” So it began to rain very hard.

Sid: That is extraordinary supernatural gifting of faith.

Jeff:   Amen, praise the Lord.  So he then said, “Now God really, really wants you to know that He loves you and this He’s going to do this for you.  It’s going to start hailing,” and so hail balls began to hit the top of the house.

Sid: Hm.

Jeff:  And by this time these other pastors were hanging around with their jaw dropped. (Laughing)

Sid:  (Laughing)

Jeff:  And wound up the lady really got set free and ministered to and really began to understand that God would do those things for her; just for her.  And bless her and so she was set free.  And they went out in the yard and some of them got a little bag, “baggies,” and started putting some these hail balls in there to freeze them.  (Laughing) Because they knew nobody was going to believe them.

Sid: Well now, let’s go back to you. Here you’re successful in business and your parents get Spirit-Filled and they start praying for you.  Now there is nothing more powerful than a husband and wife ganging up on an unsaved child, or a backslidden child as you were. What was going on in your life as they started to pray?

Jeff:  Well, I was in the midst of pretty heavy drugs.  I was drinking everyday but things would begin to happen.  I walked into my crew room one day and I was actually taking drugs with a Voodoo priestess that worked for me and I’d go to her house; almost lost my life over there almost 2 or 3 times.  So she would light the black candles and all of that stuff.  But she was reading people’s palms.  So I walked into the crew room and she was reading everybody’s’ palm and I said “Listen could you read my palm.” And so she took my hand; she said a couple of things and then she took my hand, folded it, set it back down on the table and she folded her arms and looked at me. And she said “I’m sorry I can go no further with you.”  And I said “What did you see; am I going to die what is it that you see that’s so scary?”   And she said “You won’t understand.”  And I said “Well, give me a shot anyway; please tell me just don’t leave me hanging like this.”  And she said “You won’t understand this, she said “But you are protected by a high power than I serve and that higher power will not allow me to go any further with you.” And so praise the Lord at that…

Sid: Did you at the time did you realize that it had to do with your parents praying for you or no?

Jeff:  Oh, I had no clue; I had no clue. I would go home only at Christmas and normally stay for a couple of hours. But they kept praying; they wouldn’t jump on me or anything they would just pray.

Sid: Now, you were in a bar one time and all of a sudden you heard a strange voice.  Tell me about that.

Jeff:  I was sitting and the young lady that I was with had gone to dance someone and I was just sitting at the table drinking.  And all of a sudden I heard a voice and the voice said “These are not your people, why don’t you get up and go home to your own people?”  And I just thought, “Man, I got some really strong drink.”  I didn’t realize…

Sid: You didn’t realize that that was God dealing with you?

Jeff:  No, I didn’t realize it was God; I thought that maybe I was just getting drunk or something.

Sid: Well, how bad did things get for you?

Jeff:  Well, I reached a point where I just said “I don’t want to live anymore.”  And I came to a place to commit suicide and I’m going to take my own life because life’s just not worth living.” So I want and got a bottle of sleeping pills and I took them, I took the bottle. So I went and laid down on the bed because I figured I’d fall asleep and so I kept looking at the ceiling.

Sid: You took the whole bottle you’d do worse than fall asleep you’d probably die; go ahead.

Jeff:   So I’m looking at the ceiling and I keep looking, I keep looking and finally the sun comes up and I still had not gone to sleep. And I’m going “Gosh, nothings working I must have gotten a hold of some really bad stuff.”  So I didn’t know what to do so I got up and went to work; and I went to work and I came back home and I laid back down again.  And so I looked at the ceiling again; I kept looking at the ceiling, looking at the ceiling, looking at the ceiling. And the sun came up for the second day so I got up and went to work again.  Now I did not know this until later; but my mother was in a prayer meeting and my daddy was leading this prayer meeting.  And she stood up and she said “Listen God has just spoken to me, and God has just told me that my son is in trouble; and what I want to do is can we stop and pray for him.”  And so she began to lead and prayer and she prayed the prayer that Hannah prayed for Samuel and she said “Lord as long as he lives he belongs to you.”  And whatever you choose to do with him is whatever you want to do do it with him; but I totally release him into your hands and I give him up.”  And so she prayed that prayer and I stayed awake for 2 days; I…

Sid: Two days and how many bottles of pills?

Jeff: It was a whole bottle of pills; yeah “Praise the Lord.”

Sid: You should have died; you didn’t die.  You should have at least fallen asleep; you didn’t fall asleep. You’re up for 2 days; I’ll tell you what your mother’s got powerful prayers!

Jeff:  She does, she does.

Sid: Okay, we’re out of time right now; Mishpochah we’ll pick up right here on tomorrow’s broadcast.  I almost hate to spend so much time on BC because God’s using you in such an outstanding way in the supernatural now as a believer.

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