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Sid: We are coming into the greatest move of God’s Spirit in history and if you are crippled spiritually because of a broken heart, and keep in mind that’s why Jesus came. My guest John McTernan is going to teach on the full ministry of Jesus. That including healing broken hearts. People that sit under his teaching, the gifts of the spirit that were clogged just as an artery is clogged. Someone needs a bypass surgery in the natural, the spiritual arteries that are clogged they’re going to get set free totally. And the gifts of the spirit that God intended for you to operate in for your whole life they’re going to be released like a flood. John explain what is a broken heart and how does Jesus heal it?

John:  Sid, if you don’t mind I’d like to just explain the ministry of the Lord first and then we’ll go right into that.

Sid: Go for it.

John:  Yeah Luke 4:18 and the Lord’s quoting actually from Isaiah 61 in which we’re going to go to shortly.  But Luke 4:18 says “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He’s anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor.”  So in our modern, if you want to use the word Christianity, we kind of stop with that as being ministry of the Lord.  In many circles the salvation message is preached and that’s wonderful that is the foundation of the ministry of Jesus Christ, He came to seek and to save that which is lost.  But if you notice on Luke 4:18 there is a semicolon which connects the next thought with the previous one.  “He sent me to heal the broken hearted.”  So not only did He come to give us forgiveness of sin and eternal life but that on earth we don’t have to live with a broken heart.  And I may add to this that the broken heart is spiritual.  There is no way on earth that a person’s broken heart can be healed accept by Jesus Christ. There isn’t enough Valium, Prozac, 5 steps to this, 7 steps to that, psychology, none of that and go into the spiritual realm and heal the brokenhearted, it can only be done by Him.  And once the heart is healed He came to preach deliverance to the captives.  So that are bound in sin once the heart is healed, that can be dealt with. Recovering the sight of the blind, God opens up our eyes with great understanding and to set at liberty them that are bruised.

Sid: And actually what is coming to me as you are speaking is, that is the natural spiritual order to become whole so that God can use you completely.

John:  The thing is for some reason the modern church is going around the brokenhearted and trying to deliver people that happen to sin. And the problem is that the hearts broken and they’re not getting free.

Sid: Okay, John tell me those steps as outlined in scripture.  What’s the first, second, third?

John: First it’s the gospel of salvation, forgiveness of sin and being restored to God the Father. Then He came to heal the brokenhearted. Well, that goes with being saved from sin, that’s what we’ve lost today. This has radically changed my preaching of the gospel.  I would preach a message of salvation and I would end it right there; now at the same time with salvation I show “Look, He came to heal your broken heart also.”  I connect them when I preach.      

Sid: But then, after your broken heart is healed it’s then the deliverance.  Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe the deliverance is easy.

John:  Exactly, that’s see what I do Sid is when I pray with people we go after he broken heart first. When the broken heart’s healed, if they’re bound in rejection, or they’re bound in terror.  Once the heart is healed then we go into that area to heal it because a lot of that is because of a broken heart.  But once the hearts healed that stuff has no root; the tentacles now can be cut and the person can be free.

Sid: You know this makes so much sense because I know people that go for deliverance to one person and it seems like they’re free; and then they go back to another person because the thing came back and then they get free. And it’s like they spend their whole life on a rollercoaster because they never had their broken heart healed.

John:  I have prayed for untold numbers of people now.  Well the ones that I deal with one and one not a general prayer over an audience. And I’ve asked people “You’ve been prayed for many times” “Yes.”  And “you’ve gone to a physiologist,” “Yes.”  And has anyone ever prayed for your heart to be healed?  Not once Sid, I can say this before the Lord “Not one ever told me that they had been prayed over to have their broken heart healed.” And that was the problem.

Sid: You know I think that this is such a break-though.  But guess what, it the Messiah is returning as soon as we think; if end time events are speeding up as soon as the newspapers are showing it’s happening right now then of course God wants His church healed.

John:  He wants a bride without spot or wrinkle.

Sid: Okay, what medicine does Jesus prescribe for healing a broken heart?

John:  Well, that broken heart Sid is when you look at scriptures both in the Hebrew and the Greek it means shattered and splintered.  It’s not a little tear, and it’s a violent act.  Now a violent act may not have caused the broken heart. But inside when a person’s heart is broken it’s like shredded. It would be like a broken leg Sid that was splintered.  Not a clean break but a splintered break and that’s what happens to the heart. And in Isaiah…

Sid: So I can just picture a spiritual heart inside of someone and they’re cracks all over that heart from living a life in this fallen world.

John:  Yes, and it’s not only cracked but it’s splintered.  A fractured leg…

Sid: That’s even worse, sure.

John:  You got bones going in every angle and little pieces.

Sid: Now in the natural that sounds horrific, but in the spiritual it’s just as horrific.

John:  Exactly, and that’s why I use that example of a fractured leg.  It’s not a clean break, it’s ugly and sometimes the fracture could actually come out through the skin. That’s the way the human heart looks like when it’s broken.  Now for years Sid I would read Isaiah 61 when I read it, and it says what Luke 4:18 says. But it says regarding the broken hearted it says “To bind up the brokenhearted.”  Now I never studied that, I never looked at it until the Lord called me into this ministry. But bind, what does bind have to do with a broken heart?  And then when I saw what a broken heart was in scriptures; what happens is the way Jesus the great physician He uses the Holy Spirit to take all of those shattered pieces and put it back together.  Just like a physical doctor would take a fractured leg and put it back together and maybe even sew screws in it to hold it together. And then they put a cast on it to bind it so it can heal.  Well that’s exactly what Dr. Jesus does with the broken heart. He said “He came to bind up.”  And that word bind is cords, and so what happens is with our spiritual heart is the Holy Spirit puts these cords around and seals it in His love and never to be broken again. That’s how it’s healed Sid, that’s why a broken heart can never be… it can only be healed by Jesus Christ spiritually.

Sid: And then explain to me the connections between a broken heart and bondages of all kinds.

John:  Well, it seems like with broken heart; that in that broken heart sits fear, sits anger, sits rejection, malice, unforgiveness… And things that people are trying to get out of there; they’re following the Lord and they’re trying to get out of their life and they’re hocked into this heart. And what happens is the heart continually gets broken.  I notice that in people’s lives of broken hearts things come in their lives to break it and then after that something else to re-break it and it keeps this anger alive in them and these fears alive. So once that heart is healed, once the great Physician binds up that heart heals it and seals it in love this anger, rejection, fears it’s got no place to go Sid.

Sid: You know what I happen to believe there’s… it talks in the last days there’s going to be problems in families.  The children will reject the parents, the parents will reject the children.  I believe that all of that comes from a broken heart.

John:  And you’re right because what’s happening is this tremendous divorce rate. And I’m not condemning anyone; I’m just saying what happens as a result of it the kids grow up with broken hearts and then they marry. And they’re marrying with broken hearts and the spouses are looking for how to fill that broken heart. Which no one can do but the Lord and that kind of leads to divorce so it perpetuates itself.  The broken heart leads to more broken hearts and more broken heart.

Sid: And you know the scripture that cinches it if you will from Malachi “In the last days God will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers and the hearts of the father to the children.”  That’s what you’re talking about, that’s your ministry.  It’s an end-time ministry…

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