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Sid: I tell you we need a celebration because we’re about ready to see the birth of a brand new baby and you know what happens when a new baby comes on the scene everyone has work to do. Well there’s going to be such a harvest coming there are going to be so many new babies but Jesus said “You cannot put new wine into an old wineskin.” Why, the old wine skin will burst, it’ll leak it’s a big waste of time. Now wine is a type of the Holy Spirit. You can’t have this great outpouring of God’s Spirit unless you have the pattern right. That’s what God told Moses, you must do things according to the pattern that I’ve given you. And you know the game called “Telephone” I’ve played it as a kid, many of you must have played it. Where you whisper something in someone’s ear and then they whisper something in someone else’s ear by the time that it gets to the 5th, 6th, 7th person it’s so different it doesn’t even make any sense. Well, I believe that that’s what happened to Christianity. What we call 21st Century Christianity or church is so far removed from what the first church was like. You know how vital things were in the First Church? Do you know how excited people were? Have you ever seen a brand new baby that comes in into a family how excited these babies are over anything new that goes on, how they smile at everything. The most exciting thing for a family is to have a brand new baby. And these brand new babies are about ready to come in but is the wine skin going to be able to contain the harvest? I mean Amos I read to you yesterday in Amos the 9th chapter God says “The harvest will be so great you won’t be able to even get to plowing up the field for next year’s harvest because you can’t get all the fruit from this year’s harvest.” It’ll be the greatest revival in history, are you ready for it? Well you know I can’t really trust history. I wish I could say I do but I can’t because sometimes history is fabricated. There’s only one thing I can trust and that’s the Bible. And I know that if we can come close to the pattern set by God for the First Church then we can find out how we deviated and we can get right back and get the job done. You know what would happen, ponder this “What would happen if Jesus came to 21st Century America for the first time: There would be no Pastors, no Bible Schools, no professional clergy, no Sunday Schools, no choirs, no cathedrals, no televangelists, no Christian books. But He just came for the first time to 21st Century America and let’s suppose He revealed Himself to you, you know nothing about Him, you know nothing about Christianity. All you have is the Bible and you start reading it. Now the First Church didn’t even have the New Testament but I’m going to give you a little extra help after all we’re Americans we need a little extra help. I’m going to give you the New Testament and the Old Testament and the belief that Jesus died for your sins and that your sins are atoned for and that’s all you know and He’s real. By the way that’s enough, that was enough for 3000 Jewish people at Pentecost. What do you think these 3000 people did, they went into the First Baptist Church? No, there weren’t any churches, there weren’t any buildings called churches, there weren’t any professional clergy…what did these 3000 babies and that’s what they were. What did these 3000 babies do? Well, I can tell you what they did they studied the word of God. Now what do you think their view was on things like physical healing? You see they saw Jesus heal people, they saw the apostles lay hands on the sick. They saw Peter walk by and you get healed by just getting under his shadow. They saw him laying hands on other people just disciples and these disciples would heal people. They saw people from all levels everyone the least Christian was able to lay hands on the sick and they’d recover. And then they read the Bible they saw the healing in the atonement. They read the 103 Psalm “Bless the Lord oh my soul forget now all of his benefits; He’s forgiven all of my sins and healed all of my diseases.” And then someone walks up and says “Well God doesn’t do that today.” They look at you as if you are nuts. It’s too late He’s doing it it says it in the word. No tradition. Ooh, boy wouldn’t that be wonderful? What about things like end times, Israel? “God’s finished with the Jew in Israel.” You got to be nuts, haven’t you read that “The gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” Didn’t you look at Roman’s the 11th chapter? Here, don’t tell me God’s finished with Israel the Jewish people. What you think that God’s replaced the Jewish people with the Church? Well, take a look at Romans the 11th chapter. And remember you don’t know anything else except the Bible. Oh, let it be. Roman’s the 11th chapter says “I say then has God cast away His people?” Certainly not! I mean how much more do you need I say then (This is Roman’s 11:11) “I say then have they the Jewish people stumbled that they should fall, certainly not but through their fall to provoke them to jealousy salvation has come to the Gentiles.” So he’s talking about Jews and Gentiles. Why did salvation come to the Gentiles? To provoke the Jewish people to jealousy, don’t tell me God’s finished with the Jewish people. Listen to this the 12th verse. “Now if their fall is riches for the world and their failure riches for the Gentiles when the majority of the Jewish people didn’t receive the Messiah the remnant went out and shared the good news because they were called. Jewish people are called to be a light to the nations, the call that’s still there then Gentiles came in. And it says “If you were blessed in their failure imagine what’s going to happen to the Church it’s going to become the glorious church at their success.” When they come into the Messiah well here let me read it exactly. The 12th verse “Now it their fall is riches for the world and their failure riches for the Gentiles how much more their fullness for (the 15 verse) “For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world what will their acceptance be but life from the dead.” How do these people that into replacement theology deal with these verses? Well, here let me give you one that they might want to deal with. The 28th verse “Concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sake.” Who’s enemies, the Church?” Gentile Believers, Christians? No it’s the Jewish people. “Concerning the gospel they the Jewish people are enemies for your sake but concerning the election they are beloved for the sake of the fathers. For the gifts of calling of God are irrevocable.” And you know what I’m so glad God doesn’t change His mind for say sin. If God changed His mind with the physical Jew what kind of security would you have. Let’s suppose He caught you in a white lie, let’s suppose He caught you looking at the wrong thing on TV? Aren’t you glad that God says “I change not?” If you can trust Him with His promises to the physical seed of Abraham how much more the spiritual seed of Abraham? You get it? I mean I just wish we could strip all of that tradition out of the Church. Now what about the pastor being everything in the church? The pastor is the evangelist, the teacher, the administrator, the fund raiser, the worship leader, and if it’s a big enough church then he may delegate some of those things. But that whole thing that’s not in the New Covenant. Do you know what the church is supposed to be like? It’s supposed to be everyone a participant. No spectator sport, that’s the way it was at the First Church. Today our church is looking at the back of the heads of people, that’s what church is; it’s who’s got the best show in town. The devil’s having a field day because people that have been raised on television. We’ve been raised to be in-active, we’ve been raised to be passive. And even in the church we’re raised to be passive. The pastor pulling his hair out trying to get people to do work but there’s something wrong with the system. The system has got to change because when the pattern is right the glory comes down. New wine needs a new wine skin, so how can we change the system. Oh, I know have spectator sport on Sunday’s and let’s have house group meetings. No, I believe we’ve got it in reverse. I believe the true church is the house group and the true churches can get together for corporate meetings. But the true church, could you picture if every street in the United States every block in the United States had a restored congregation in a house? Could you picture what would happen when they start inviting their neighbors that find out are sick. And let me tell you something you don’t find too many people dying of cancer the doctors have given up on that will not accept prayer. And if you say “We had someone come over our house group that had a malignant tumor in their breast and before they could even go to have surgery right after the biopsy we laid hands on them and prayed and they got healed and it’s Mrs so and so 2 doors away go talk to her; and next Tuesday night we’re getting together. And I believe, if you’ve never seen a miracle? I believe that the least Christian is going to be able to lay hands on. That’s what the First Church was like. You see the vibrancy and the excitement and you know what the meetings will be like? It won’t be one person giving a sermon; you know where that came from? The great orators from Greece and Rome; one best person gives the best show in town. What’s going to happen when the Holy Spirit moves on each person? It’s going to be like an orchestra, it’s going to be like a symphony. And it’s going to just make those beautiful sense because the Holy Spirit is going to orchestrate it and it won’t just be a message for one person, it’ll be a message by the Body for the Body of what God wants the Body to know. Well, I’m out of time…

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