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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome. Thank you. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. Everyone is talking these days about blood moons. Why? We know from Joel that before the awesome great day of the Lord, the Day of Judgment, there’s going to be a moon that will be all red. But what most people don’t know is that every time, historically, where there is what’s known as a tetrad, a tetrad is four blood moons in a row. Every time there has been a tetrad on biblical feasts, not on the feasts that most Christians celebrate, but I mean on biblical feasts, something significant has happened to change the whole world. There is a tetrad that will occur this year and next year on a biblical feast and there won’t be another one for another 400 years. What significant thing is going to happen between this year and next year? I believe I have the guest that will be able to tell us that. So I’m watching television, I’m watching the major news shows and all of a sudden, internationally known evangelists are on these secular news shows talking about the blood moons. So I do a little research and I find out that every one that I’m aware of found out their basic information from Mark Biltz. Tell me a bit about your background that you know these things.

MARK: Well sure, I’d love to, Sid. To me, this is so exciting. I feel like just a little kid. And when I was little kid I loved astronomy. And I’d be laying down out on the grass. I’d be looking up at the heavens, like Psalm 19 says, “The heavens declare the Glory of God.” And I would be just be looking up and I just loved it, and I had a telescope. And I’d always being trying to find the moons around Jupiter and the ring around Saturn. And then as I got older and I became a believer and filled with the Holy Spirit, and I just loved God, and all of a sudden I found out about the feasts of the Lord, and I realized they weren’t the Jewish feasts, but they were the Lord’s feasts. And I’m going to NASA’s website because I love math, I love science, and I had seen this beautiful total lunar eclipse over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. And I got to thinking about the Bible verses, you know, with the moon turning to blood and the sun to sackcloth. And so what I did I do? I said, let’s see if there’s any interesting eclipses coming up. And so I looked and I saw there were these four total lunar eclipses in a row. And I thought, well how often does that happen? And so I was going to NASA’s website and I saw it didn’t happen at all in the 1800s, didn’t happen in the 1700s, didn’t happen in the 1600s.

SID: So it’s pretty rare.

MARK: It’s very rare. As a matter of fact after my research, I found it has only happened eight times in the last 2000 years…

SID: That’s rare.

MARK: ..that these have fallen on the biblical feast days. But that’s what was so amazing. I’m in my prayer cloth, it’s about four in the morning. I was getting up early for a long time. And I’m praying, and all of a sudden, it’s like this voice comes and says, “Mark, put these on the biblical holidays.” Because when I was on NASA’s website, it like April and October, April and September, and it was like a download. And so I get all excited and I run out to my computer, and I get on the computer, and I see they fell on Passover and Tabernacles, Passover and Tabernacles. So now I’m ready to jump out of my skin.

SID: I’m sure.

MARK: I can’t believe this. Oh my gosh, you know. And so I go back and I look and then I see when else they happened in history, and it just blew me away.

SID: Well the thing that is so amazing to me, tell me about the last set of tetrads, that’s four of these blood moons in a row. One just happened to be in 1948. Another one just happened to be in 1967. What significant things happened in 1948 and 1967? I think all of you know. Do many of you know what happened in ’48 and ’67? But just in case.

MARK: Sure. The thing that amazed me concerning the math is, you know, according to NASA, over 5000 years you only average one total lunar eclipse every year and a half, and here we have four within a year and a half, and they’re falling on the feast days. And the last time that happened was when Israel recaptured Jerusalem in 1967 and 1968. When I saw that, it was like, oh good grief, this is supernatural. And so I go running back and I look at the next date and it was right after Israel became a nation in 1948. It happened in 1949 and ’50. And so now my mind is reeling. So I have to go back and I got to do some more research. And I’m going back and I find out it happened during the Inquisition, 1492, when Columbus sails the ocean blue.

SID: Now why was that? That was pretty bad for us Jewish people because we Jews were literally left, if we didn’t leave we’d be murdered. So it wasn’t too good for us Jewish people, but it had an effect on the world. What was that?

MARK: Well sure it did because they expelled all the Jews on the 9th of Av. And also in Portugal, in 1493, 1494, what happens, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella are taking all the Jewish wealth, but that is what helped finance the finding of the New World and all the Jews coming over to America.

SID: So in your opinion, if the Jews hadn’t been expelled and Christopher Columbus, who is Jewish, and you told me also, as were a number of his crew, who were Jewish. Why? Because they had to leave Spain, they might not have not founded America.

MARK: That’s right. That’s right. That’s exactly right. And you know what? As I went back further, at the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D…

SID: That’s going way back.

MARK: Way back. Solar-lunar eclipses all over the biblical holidays and then during the time Messiah’s death, 32, 33 A.D., solar-lunar eclipses all over the biblical holidays. And so I’m thinking, God is true.

SID: I tell you what I’m thinking. We’re out of time right now. But when we come back, so what does this mean to us now? What effect, what significant thing is going to happen? Because we know that these four blood moons are going to occur this year and next year. We know that. We know they’re going to be on the biblical feasts, but we don’t know what effect it will have on us. We’ll be right back.

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