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Peggy Joyce Ruth

Sid:  My guest by way of telephone is Peggy Joyce Ruth I’m speaking to her at her home in Brownwood, Texas. Peggy Joyce has spent the last 25 years studying Psalm 91 and you’d think, how can you spend 25 years studying one Psalm? Peggy Joyce how could you spend 25 years, why would you invest 25 years of your life studying one Psalm?

Peggy Joyce: Well I’ll tell you what it’s been the most exciting 25 years of my life. 25 years ago I honestly didn’t think that I was going to live to be much older because I was in so much fear. And I look back now and I think “Oh God I had no idea that life could be so exciting and so wonderful.” And what’s been exciting for me is not only to this work and appropriating for my family and for me but to be able to teach it and see other people get set free. Get that dream when God supernaturally gave this to me I was out in an open field asking that question when He gave me the answer…

Sid: For those that are listening for the first time would you explain the question and the answer.

Peggy Joyce: Yes, I had asked the Lord “Is there any way to escape all the evil things that are coming on the earth or do we have to just take our chances along with the unsaved world?” And I laid back across the bed and had a dream and in the dream I was out in an open field and God supernaturally gave me quotations out of Psalm 91. Now I didn’t know the Bible, I didn’t know it was Psalm 91, I didn’t even know that it was a scripture in the Bible. But He told me “In your day of trouble call upon Me and I’ll answer.” Well I was out in this open field and when I heard that something just leaped in my heart and I knew that God had supernaturally given me something. I didn’t know what it was or where it was found, I didn’t know that it was a scripture but knew that I was excited because I knew that I had the answer. And suddenly in the field there were 100’s and 100’s of people that just started appearing in the field with me and we were all thanking and rejoicing and telling God how much we appreciated the answer He had just given us. And recently when I started having so many people call and tell me what this had meant to them the Lord reminded me of that dream. And He said “Those people that kept appearing in the dream those are the people who have through the books or through the teachings have learned the answer to that question. They’ve gotten their answer to “Can a person be protected?” So they were added a few people at a time until the field was full of people rejoicing and praising God. And so it’s been so exciting to me to realize this has not been just 25 years of study for me but it’s been 25 years of study for the body of Christ.

Sid: You know with the War in Iraq with everyone know someone that is out there fighting with the various terrorist alerts that we have going on all of the time. What advice would you give us from Psalm 91 about the war in Iraq? There’s children they’ve really concerned about this too.

Peggy Joyce:   Of course they are and I have a close friend Chrystal, her son’s name is Jeffrey and we’ve known him since he was just little. And he’s probably about 19 and he was one of the first ones sent into Iraq and I mean she had heard my tape and had read the book and I mean she was standing every day on that Psalm. Of course Jeffrey took a book with him and it all marked up. His Psalm 91in his Bible all marked and every day she quoted that over him and said it out loud. And one day she got a letter from the United States government, I have a copy of the letter that she got telling her “That they were very sorry to tell her that her son had been killed in action.” And when she got that letter she just stood there stunned and for a little while she couldn’t even think what to do and all of a sudden this rose up on the inside of her and she said for 2 hours she walked the floor using, especially verse 10 “That no evil would befallen, nor any plaque, or calamity come near her household.” And she said after about 2 hours of quoting and walking standing, she said she just started praising God for her son’s safety. And she said she felt like the Lord told her to call the Senators office. And so she did she called the Senators office and she said “I think you’ve made a mistake, I know my son’s alive.” Well they thought she had talked to him and so but they didn’t realize that she was just telling them that because she had chosen to believe God’s word.

Sid: By faith she was speaking.

Peggy Joyce: Yes, and so they got all excited and not knowing what to tell her after the letter. And so we’ll call you back let us do some checking. And so 2 more hours went by and she said the devil really tried to get to her that second 2 hours, but anyway she was determined that she wasn’t going to turn it loose. And finally the phone call came and they started apologizing and just saying “We cannot believe that we made such a terrible mistake.” They found out that her son was indeed alive and well. And I want people to understand that when you trust God and refuse to let those fear thought change your mind you know you’re going to see God do miracles for you and your family. And to me that’s just one of the most miraculous stories and testimonies that I’ve heard in a long time.

Sid: And you know I’ve been saying this all week Peggy Joyce but I can see throughout the world literally families taking this book, although it says it for children it’s really for everyone.

Peggy Joyce: Yes.

Sid: I mean it can be read for a 4 year old, 9 year old or older could read it for themselves, but I want to see families come together. I mean we used this word on our broadcast Mishpochah it’s a word that God gave me so many years ago because we’re the Mishpochah of God but there are physical families and I can see mother’s and father’s and children discussing this rather than discussing what color is the terror alert. This literally will be a generation raised up of young people that will do such great exploits and I believe that your book is going to be part of that equation.

Peggy Joyce: I believe so too, I believe the Lord’s shown me that and I think that that’s being proved by so many people you know just being blessed by it.

Sid: You talk about arrows well you don’t Psalm 91 verse 5 says “You will not be afraid of the arrow during the day.” What is an arrow?

Peggy Joyce:   Okay, those are the assignments of the enemy. We’re going to have arrows that come against us. You know the fire that we talked about several days ago that was an arrow that came against us but He says that if we’ll trust Him that it’ll not put us under, it will not be able to wound us.

Sid: It’s easy to trust God when everything’s going good, but how do you trust God when all of the sudden there’s a fire in your attic?

Peggy Joyce: Exactly, and you know when that happened I mean the thoughts that went through my mind were “It didn’t work.” I mean everybody’s going to have those thoughts and for a split second we have to make our decision. It’s like when Crystal got that letter saying that her son had been killed in Iraq, you know there was definitely in that period of time where she had to make a decision “Am I going to believe God or am I going to believe what I’m hearing or what I’m seeing.” And it’s really easy to slip away from it at that point and that’s why it has to be done in the Spirit. That’s why it has to come to a place where we know that we know that we know.

Sid: Well you know the Psalm 91 book of yours will force people to get it into their spirit if they just go through the whole book.

Peggy Joyce: Exactly, I’ve had so many say that they keep it by their bed stand and they just read a chapter every night just to keep themselves reminded you know. The Lord said “Put me in remembrance of My word.” And this is one way of putting, it’s not that God needs to remember His word but as we remind Him what it does it reminds us and that’s so important to keep that flowing coming. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t go out and walk and thank the Lord. The way I do Psalm 91 now I don’t just confess it, I just thank God, “Lord I thank You that I dwell in You shelter, I thank You that I can say that You’re my God…”

Sid: But you couldn’t do that until you got it deep in your spirit.

Peggy Joyce: That’s true.

Sid: Oh, you could do it but it wouldn’t help you a whole right.

Peggy Joyce: That’s right and now it’s so exciting to be able to say “I thank you that it’s Your faithfulness, it’s not just my faithfulness and I don’t have to be afraid of the things that comes by man or these arrows that come from the enemy or the pestilence or the destruction. It doesn’t matter Lord that I may be seeing thousands fall at my side you said that it won’t approach me, it won’t come near me and it won’t come near my household.” And that there’s just…

Sid:  Now many people have prophesied that we will be fighting at some point in the United States of America for an invasion. If God forbid something like that were to happen and you wake up one morning and there’s fighting going on your backyard what would you do Peggy?

Peggy Joyce: Well that can be on a big basis like fighting in our backyard or it can be say a burglar breaking in.

Sid: Yes.

Peggy Joyce: We have a good friend Julie and I tell about this in the book that she had a man break into her apartment and for 45 minutes she was quoting Psalm 91 and you know basically doing spiritual warfare and that’s what it talks about there in verse 13 that’s what verse 13’s all about. And she kept saying “You cannot touch me, you cannot hurt me because I have the blood of Jesus over me and she said “After 45 minutes she was able to get out the door.” And when they caught him later they found out that she was the only person that he had not been able to assault. And he had assaulted numerous young women she was the only one that he had not been able to hurt or harm in anyway. And so it’s the same way whether it be in fact one of the illustration in the book shows an illustration of her with the man when he come in the house against her. But whether it be fighting in our backyard or whether it be an enemy that’s broken in her house it’s the same thing it’s the enemy working through those people and we’ve got to take authority, use our authority in the name of Jesus. And that’s a part of what Psalm 91 is that we’ll be able to tread upon the lion and cobra, the young lion and the serpent. Those are different… you know that’s just an analogy talking about the enemy the different ways which the enemy comes.

Sid: Okay Mishpochah consider yourself challenged do you know a young person that’s concerned that has fears? Do you know an older person that’s concerned that has fears be it sickness or be it terrorism.

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