Dr. Paul Cox

Sid: My guest by way of radio is Dr. Paul Cox, I’m speaking to him at his office in Apple Valley, California. His ministry is Asland’s Place in which he helps Christian leaders in the area of developing discernment and breaking generational curses. Discernment is a gift of the Spirit that can be transferred and it can be developed. Paul how did you find out that this could be transferred?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Well we noticed that as I was praying for people that someone started discerning also. And one day I was ministering with some therapists and a lady who was with us was very prophetic and the thought went through my mind “Lord, I can’t do this by myself there’s just too many people.” And she turned and looked at me even though I had not said anything out loud and she said to me “The Lord says to you that you can pass this on.” And so it’s a great joy that we have to see the Lord multiplying discernment throughout the world.

Sid: Let’s go back to how this started you were originally a nice American Baptist Pastor minding your own business and things started changing.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Yes.

Sid: You had problems, or you did some research I believe it was on deliverance tell me about how you got into this.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Well the summer of 1989 people started coming to me as I pastored a medium size American Baptist Church in southern California. And they said to me “We’re seeing demons, we’re hearing demons. And I thought “Well the Bible talks about demons and spiritual warfare and maybe I should do some studying.   So I started doing some research on that summer and then a friend of mine gave me a book by John White called “When the Spirit Comes in Power.” And after reading that book I prayed a simple prayer to the Lord. And I said “Lord you can do with me whatever you want.” And so after…

Sid: Now that’s as simple and basic as you can get.

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   Yes, but it was life changing. In September I started a series of spiritual warfare which really began with us calling the church to 3 days of waiting on the Lord to do whatever He wanted to do. So the church in sense invited the Lord to come in power. I was 3 weeks into the sermon series and on a Thursday night a woman, whose a member of our church called me and said “What’s you’re talking about is my problem.” And since it was in the evening already and everything I’ve read about deliverance I knew that it would be 3 or 4 hours of prayer so we scheduled to pray for her on September the 7th, excuse me October the 7, 1989 at 1:00 on a Saturday. And she came in and I had all of my prayers typed up and I read the prayers, nothing happened and for about 20 minutes I did this and all of a sudden she started manifesting and a demon spoke through her.

Sid: Now when you say manifesting please describe.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: She started shaking, her body started shaking and she got a funny look on her face and then she told me first of all that “The voices in her head were repeating everything that I was saying.” And then after that a demon spoke through her mouth.

Sid: And how do you know it was a demon?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: It was very clear by the change in her facial expressions and her voice actually changed. She then immediately had a memory of being abused as a child, I should add that she’d been in counseling for 2 years. At this point she was not able to come to church or read a Bible or pray. And as the Lord dealt with that demon and freed her, another one manifested the Lord freed her from that one and she walked out of the office a different person.

Sid: Now, during this whole thing that occurred it must have been very strange and almost scary for you, were you afraid?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: I was not afraid and yes, it was incredibly strange. I had not experienced anything like this before. I had not seen anybody have a memory like this. The Lord obviously did it in His power and caused her to remember some things that were key. I remember going home and telling my wife that we made contact.

Sid: I mean something happened when she was a young child that resulted in the problems she had at that point.

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   Exactly, she was 2 years of age and had been molested by a relative.

Sid: And there was no way that she would remember something like that.

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   She had not remembered it in 2 years of counseling.

Sid: Hmm, well that would be really a neat gift if that would work more than once, has it?

Dr. Paul L. Cox:     Yes, it was like someone sent a memo out “If you want prayer come to our church” and people started calling and coming. What was very interesting we had a counseling center at the church. So therapists who were working with many people I the church started bringing these clients for prayer. And we found that people that had wrestled with things for years and everything that we knew how to do was not working. But when the power of God came they were being set free and lives were being changed. And of course that word was spread and more people would come.

Sid: Now tell me about lady I guess shortly thereafter that had multiple personalities that you prayed for.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Yes sometime after we had begun praying deliverance the Lord started bringing people who had what was then called multiple personality disorder. It’s now called disassociate identity disorder. And people… therapist would bring clients and then we’d pray for them. And at one point the Lord said to me through the woman said “Paul, do you want to see her totally healed?” And my respond was “Yes Lord.” And we’d been talking to an altar and immediately she came back to the host personality and she started repeating all of the prayers I had written down that were renunciation prayers and I had not said anything to her about these prayers and I was very shocked. That was probably the first time I felt discernment on my head. I felt electricity hit my head and run over my body.  

Sid: But first of all what do you mean by renunciation prayer.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Cancellation prayers renouncing the sins of the ancestors and renouncing different things that happened in the person’s life. In Leviticus 26:40 the “Lord says if you will repent for your sins and the sins of your fathers…” Then He goes on and says what He will do.

Sid: You know most people think in terms of repenting for their own sins but not repenting for the sins of their fathers. How important is that?

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   Well I think that it’s very important. Daniel did this he repented for the sins of the nation Israel. Nehemiah did this, in Leviticus we’re told to do this. So I think there is a great deal of Biblical support for repenting for ancestral sins.

Sid: I want to go back to that later on in the week but right now what did you mean when you said you felt electricity over your head or hit your head, what did you mean?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Being on staff as an American Baptist Pastor I did not see here or feel anything spiritually. I was a pastor who preached through books of the Bible, I was very…

Sid: To be quite candid with you most Christians and Charismatics churches if they were honest would say the same thing. But go ahead.

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   Yes. And as the Lord was working power in this woman’s life I felt this electricity come over me and not only did I but everybody in the room did, there was several in the room. I did not know what this was. The next day my secretary came and said “You need to go back in that room.” So I went back into the room and I found what I now know is anointing, I didn’t know it then. That same electricity was there and then I went to the sanctuary and the room right next the sanctuary I could feel what appeared to be a river of power flowing out of that room across the pulpit area.

Sid: Now when you say a river of power I can visualize this but can you be a little more graphic? I mean you… did it really feel like water?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Ah, I did not know that it was the river of God then but yes it felt like water. And we would… I called my wife and had her come down to the church, we brought several people in. We could actually walk into it and walk out of it and again I did not understand what the Lord was doing then, but…

Sid: In other words the river was like the river was in one place of the church and you could either walk in it or walk to another section of the church and you’d be walking out of it?

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Exactly.  

Sid: That sounds amazing. (Laughing) it sounds wonderful too.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: For an American Baptist it was very amazing.

Sid: Listen for a 21st century Charismatic like me it sounds amazing too! (Laughing) Anyway so what was this river?

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   I believe that God had unplugged a spring of His power. Like a spring of living water filling that room and it was filling across the pulpit area.

Sid: Now you had another experience that really is and this one’s even stronger. Some of them thought the first one was too strong, listen to this next one in October 1991. I understand someone just like in a wrestling match slammed you into the wall.

Dr. Paul L. Cox: Yes.

Sid: What happened?

Dr. Paul L. Cox:   We were with good friends of ours, a good friend of ours in the San Diego area who is also an American Baptist Pastor. And we had been at his house several days each week because I was an Interim Pastor down there. And this October date I had been on the phone with a friend and I started feeling this same electricity come over me. Instead this time it did not stop it kept on increasing. So I excused myself for a phone call and I was able to walk about 5 to 10 feet. And literally the power of God hit me and I fell to the floor with my back against the wall in the hallway and it was like rivers of power of God started flowing over me probably for about 1½ or 2 hours. It was so powerful I could not move or get up. And the river first of all flowed from the back over me and then shifted and flowed from the front. And I noticed that after that at any time I start worshiping I felt this same anointing fall all over me.

Sid: I can tell you I can feel a river of God’s Spirit just as we’re talking right now.

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