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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. My guest Beni Johnson and her husband Bill Johnson have traveled the world, probably seen more miracles than anyone alive. Yet when you go into the average church that believes in miracles and you say, I want you to be honest, raise your hand if you’d like to be physically healed, 98 percent of the hands go up. Something is wrong. God spoke to my guest Beni and told her how to fix it. Are you interested? Me, too. You know Beni, I’ve interviewed your husband Bill Johnson several times here and I don’t know what it is, but I love the story of one night the fire of God comes on him, and he’s kicking up and down, and thrashing. Then the third night you wake up. What did you observe?

BENI: When I woke up I saw a man in our waterbed, my husband, kicking and jerking his limbs. He had no control over them. And I looked over at him and just started laughing because it was so funny.

SID: I mean, he is humiliated.

BENI: Yes.

SID: His wife is laughing at him.

BENI: And I lost all control. I just started laughing uncontrollably and then he started laughing, too, as well. It was quite the entertainment.

SID: But Bill has anointing, a fabulous anointing for miracles and you two were running a renewal for dozens, several dozen years or so.

BENI: Yes.

SID: And I’ve seen people that have run a renewal where the presence of God comes into their congregation. They wear themselves out.

BENI: Yes.

SID: And one day you went to the doctor.

BENI: Yes.

SID: And it was your wake-up call.

BENI: Yes.

SID: I imagine you were sleeping very little. You were eating all the wrong stuff. Am I right?

BENI: You’re right.

SID: So what happened with your wake-up call?

BENI: Well I went to the doctor. The doctor said, “You have high blood pressure and you know you’re going to have to take care of that.” And I was also overweight.

SID: And you also in your family line people died young.

BENI: Yeah. I have heart disease in my family line. But the thing that really cinched it for me was that I woke up one morning and God spoke to me, and he said, “I want you well for the long haul.”

SID: So you had to start somewhere. How did you start?

BENI: Well I walked into the kitchen. I said, “Okay Holy Spirit, what are you going to do?” Because he’s the one who told me, and that’s the great thing about it is partnering with the Holy Spirit. And he said, “I want you to get off of sugar, refined sugar.”

SID: Was that a problem?

BENI: Oh my goodness, yes it was. I was a sugar addict. I could literally eat a pound of chocolate in an afternoon and love every moment of it. I just said, “Okay, you’re going to have to help me.” And I started eating better, which always helps curb that craving, a lot of green vegetables and stuff, and it took two months to get off that addiction. And I began to feel better. Things began to happen and it’s just been this journey. But what I tell people is in this process I’ve given myself a lot of grace. And if there are times that I can’t eat the way I’m supposed to eat then I make up for it when I’m home.

SID: You call it partnering with the Holy Spirit.

BENI: I do, yeah.

SID: Explain that.

BENI: Well the thing is, is that we are a body, soul and spirit, and God, I believe, is just as interested in your body being well as your soul and your spirit. We are a temple of the Holy Spirit and the Bible tells us that. And it is our responsibility to cherish our bodies and to take care of us, and we need to learn the tools to be able to do that.

SID: Many believers don’t take care of themselves and they say, well I’m doing this for God, so he’ll take care of me. There’s something wrong in that thinking.

BENI: Yeah, there is because God has made us responsible and we need to love ourselves enough to take care of ourselves.

SID: A woman came up to you.

BENI: Yeah.

SID: In a hopeless, helpless state because Beni has been teaching on this area for a while since God spoke to her, and she weighed 450 pounds. What did she say and what did you say?

BENI: She said, “I’d love to meet with you.” She came and we met, and we just sat down. She goes, “I’ve tied every diet you can imagine.” And we know that diets don’t work. “Can you help me?” And I said, “Yeah, I can help you.” So I told her what to do. But then we started talking about soul issues because we are so connected body, soul and spirit that a lot of times this, our overweight, our obesity problem has to do with the emotional side, our soul, our mind. And when I talked to her about the spirit and the Holy Spirit partnering with her a light bulb went on to her. She goes, “I’ve never done that. That is a great idea. I’m going to start doing that.” And for the first time she started seeing results. And she actually, when I was talking to her, she had started journaling her process and talking to God through this whole process to help her. And that’s what I love. I love that God wants to partner with us in this. It’s important to him.


SID: Now when the doctor told you, you had high blood pressure and heart issues, overweight, he gave you a why, why you should do this.


BENI: Yes.


SID: I mean, it was life critical.


BENI: Yes.


SID: But you say everyone should have a why. Explain that.


BENI: Yes. That is the first thing I will tell people in this lifestyle change because it is a lifestyle change, is that you have to find out why you are doing this. What’s your reason? Because those days that I don’t want to go to the gym or I’d like to go to get a hamburger and French fries, and a milkshake, I have to remind myself of why I’m doing this, and it’s because God told me, “I want you well.” And in obedience to God I have to do that.


SID: Medical science is finally catching up to the Bible. You know, the Bible says, “A merry heart is good medicine.” Science has found laughing is good medicine.

BENI: Yes.

SID: It’s unbelievable. Tell me what you found out through your research.

BENI: Well I had adrenal fatigue. And I went home, and I started researching how to heal naturally from adrenal fatigue.

SID: What are the symptoms of adrenal fatigue?

BENI: Depression, exhaustion, totally overwhelming. I couldn’t even look at my emails. It’s just, you can’t deal with stuff. Every day I would come home and put my pajamas on, and that’s all I could do. So I just thought I’ve got to heal. And the doctor said it will probably take you six months to a year to heal. And one of the things that I found that helps heal adrenal fatigue is laughter. And I just love that. I went, well I can do that. And so I started watching funny movies, funny shows, anything to get me to laugh.

SID: What did you watch?

BENI: The Andy Griffith Show.

SID: Okay. I can buy that.

BENI: And I was so sad when it was over, the series was over. I just laughed, anything that I could do to find myself laughing. You know, a child laughs 400 times a day and a 40-year-old adult laughs four times a day on the average.

SID: And Jesus said, “We have to become like a little child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”

BENI: Yes.

SID: We have to laugh more.

BENI: That was a loaded answer Jesus gave.

SID: Yes.

BENI: That wasn’t just become like a child. That is in all aspects. And I hung around with my grandchildren a lot because they know how to laugh. Laughter helps you de-stress. It releases the happy hormone. It helps your heart. It helps all kinds of things. It’s just amazing.

SID: And you have to tell me about something that’s so important, worshiping God.

BENI: Yes.

SID: And tell me about that invisible clock.

BENI: Now that was another thing I found in my research only through a friend. I had a friend come in and speak at one of our conferences and I noticed that she was, she would kind of pause every like ten minutes or so. So afterwards, I asked her, I said, “What’s going on with you?” She goes, “I have an invisible clock on my pants that I just hook there, and I have it set to vibrate every ten minutes to remind me to worship God.” And my first thought was, well that’s kind of cheesy. I mean, why do I need to be reminded to worship God? Well life gets in the way. You know, we get busy and doing things. So I thought, well I’m going to try it and see if it’s going to help with my adrenal fatigue. So I ordered one and put it on, and for three weeks, I wore this thing every day except for when I was sleeping. It was an adoration inside of me, just this worship.

SID: Just thinking about it.

BENI: Yes. It’s just turning my attention to him and worshiping. I just feel the presence right now just even talking about it. So just turn your attention to the Lord right now and just receive that healing. But it worked really good. And after three weeks, I remember. I remember so much. I stepped out of bed and it felt like something lifted off of me and I was completely healed. And I know that what put me over the edge is worship.

SID: Well you know, a lot of college students say science is taking them away from belief in God. You say the opposite.

BENI: The opposite.

SID: Give me a couple examples.

BENI: Well let’s talk about the blood. Okay. The blood, you have red.

SID: I like to talk about the blood, the blood of Jesus.

BENI: Yes. The red blood cells, the white blood cells and the plasma, and they call it, the blood is called the river of life. That’s what scientists call it. And what’s so unique about the white blood cells, if you know this, whenever you get sick your white blood cell count goes up, and what it’s doing is it’s, it will run to the infection and fight the infection for me, for you. And the little, those little cells, they’ll squeeze into places that are really hard to get to, to fight that infection. And I just think that’s wonderful and you can spiritualize that and say the blood of Jesus is just like that. The blood of Jesus comes and it sets us free. It just sets us free.

SID: You’ve spoken about this, but speak just a little bit about it’s not just emphasis on the spirit.

BENI: Yes.

SID: It’s not just emphasis on the soul.

BENI: Yes.

SID: It’s not just emphasis on the body. There is a balance.

BENI: Yes. There has to be a balance. I’ve been around people that sway way over to the fitness and then they forget about the spiritual. Because we are a tri-human being, body, soul and spirit, it all needs to be balanced. And I think what helps, well I know what helps is depending on the Holy Spirit to give you balance because he’s like, he’s like the patrolman in your life. He’ll say, okay, you’re getting a little carried away here, so bring it back to the middle and be balanced. And that’s what’s so beautiful, once again, the partnering with the Holy Spirit.

SID: And I was fascinated by just two simple concepts. Very few people understand this, that if we follow it, it would change our health. One is hydration.

BENI: Yeah. People don’t know that how important it is to hydrate your body. Your body is made up of at least 75 percent water and the only way you’re going to get that water. And you may think you’re sick, but a lot of times it’s just because you’re dehydrated.

SID: Now you also talk about the need for moving.

BENI: Yes.

SID: And I’m going to tell you something. In fact, would you go to our makeshift gym right now and I’m a little worried about this. She’s going to teach me weightlifting exercises. And I have to tell you a quick story though. Oh about five years ago, I was walking down the street and I really tripped. I felt like something actually, a demon just pushed me down, and I really hurt myself bad. And then it happened again, and I thought, something is wrong. And I have to tell you, I started going to the gym and just some basic cardio and weightlifting, nothing, no big deal. And it has made, I stopped falling. And I’m going to tell you something, you don’t need a miracle. Maybe you need some just practical wisdom. So let’s go to the gym.

BENI: I’m going to show you today three basic exercises you can do with weights. And if you don’t have weights at home you can use soup cans. They work just as well. And you always want to start with something that’s lightweight. So Sid, come on, you’re not going to get out of this. You’re going to join us today. I’m going to show you, the first one I’m going to show you is a tricep move, which is this part right here. And this is a hard part to get fit. So we’re going to take one of the weights, Sid.

SID: Okay.

BENI: And you’re going to put this part of your arm hooked to your side. Keep it hooked to your side and the only part you’re going to bend is the bottom part. So we’re going to bend it this way. I’m just going to do this way, just like that. How’s he doing? He’s doing good?

SID: So far, I’m doing good.

BENI: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

SID: Okay.

BENI: Okay, so now let’s sit down on the chair

SID I thought I was done

BENI: ot yet.

SID: I was saying that’s easy.

BENI: Now I know some people can’t stand to do exercises. They may be in a wheelchair or whatever, but they can use their arms. So I’m going to do, you can do this standing or sitting. So the first exercise we’re going to do is a bicep curl. So we’re going, all we’re going to do is bring our arms up like this and we want to come down slow because working that slowly is just as well. Now why do we lift weights? To increase our muscle and what does muscle do? Muscle burns fat. Now I’m going to show you one more. Okay. We’re going to do a shoulder one. We’re going to bring our weights up like this and then all we’re going to do is bring it up and touch it, and bring it down. Now what you want to do is you don’t want to do a fast movement. Slow is better. And do about 10 of these, three times and you’re set. There you go, Sid. Look at you. Yeah, get it up there. Reach way up high. There you go.

SID: I’ll tell you what, when we come back God has such a sense of humor. Beni was laughing at her husband Bill. Wait until you find out what happened when she started to shake by the spirit of the Living God. Be right back.

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