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Sid: My guests by way of telephone from Proclaiming His Word Ministries are Chester and Betsy Kylstra. I’m speaking to them from their headquarters by way of telephone at Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. And they’ve been able to identify 4 problem areas and when these areas or one or more of them are ignored then it can undermine the entire healing process whether it’s a physical healing or an emotional healing, whether it’s a spiritual healing, whether it’s a healing between fathers and children, whether it’s a healing between husbands and wives, whatever the circumstances if identified these foundational areas. And before we went on the air I explained that… I would like to understand one of these foundational areas in depth and that is the Sins of the Fathers and the resulting curses and how these curses actually operate in someone’s life and how to break these curses. Chester could you give me an example of this?

Chester: Well one curse that’s very common is as we’ve been talking over the previous programs would be fear. Another one would be the sexual sins, another one might be accident proneness, financial problems…

Sid: Divorce?

Chester: Divorce yes that would be part of the abandonment, isolation that we have. Obviously our own sin our own flesh gets into this but it’s like the Sins of the Fathers set a platform if you will into the context of our lives and we get born…

Sid: How does this work for instance the Bible talks about it can go back 4 generations? Could it be that it’s not so much a spiritual thing but a learned thing from 4 generations?

Chester: Well I’m sure that the behavior learning enters into it but unfortunately the way it works is it usually ends up being more than 4 generations. You’re of course referring to the second commandment which is in both Exodus 20 and also in Deuteronomy 5. The second commandment God says He’s going to visit the inequities of the fathers of the third and fourth generation of those that hate Him. And before that He’s basically saying I hate idolatry and not to worship, serve or bow down depends on which translation you read. Essentially He hates idolatry and the curse that comes out of participating is this passing on of the iniquities which we like the iniquities of the heart tendency to sin and we certainly all see that. We see that in little children who seem to know how to get in trouble a whole lot easier than they know how to be good. And so that heart tendency to sin is there right from the beginning as it occurs. So it comes down 3 or 4 generations and when you say sit here, if I say sit here as myself and look back up the generations a generation and compute how many people are say in 4 generations. Two parents, 4 grandparents, 8 greats and 16 great great there’s 30 people in 4 generations if you have a normal family, no divorce or remarriage or things such as that whose sins who’s inequities of their hearts is impacting your life. Now the curse there doesn’t mean we automatically enter into those same sins but it’s more like a pressure that just eases us into that same pressure. Now yes growing up in our household we can learn to do the same sins but I think that there’s more to it than that there’s a pressure there. Well that’s sort of the bad news, they say good news bad news. The good news is that God knew we’d need a Savior and provided a way out. And I like to start with the first mentioned principal and we have to come to Leviticus 26:40 down to 42 God gives us the first mention as to how He’s going to provide a way out for us. He’s just finished a long list of all of the awful things that are going to happen to the Israelites if they’re not obedient, obedient to His word. And the He has one of these if then kinds of promises one of those conditional kind of promises. “IF they will confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers.”

Sid: Now most people know about confessing their own iniquities but they haven’t heard much about confessing the inequality of our fathers.

Chester: That’s right now we get a lot of argument about it’s not needed but New Testament Christian and I can’t say that we have the definitive word on that but I do know this that if we do confess the sins of our fathers and I think God’s just asking us to acknowledge that His judgments against them was appropriate because they had sin. If we do confess it and confess our own we see tremendous freedom coming into people’s lives.

Sid: Well when I was looking over the information on this show there was a thought that crossed my mind because I’d just written a book on this subject. And there’s a group of people called “The Fathers of the Church” who had such anti-Semitic statements that were made. And many people say “Well I wasn’t anti-Semitic but does that principal hold forth that if church fathers were anti-Semitic we in the church today need to repent for their sins.”

Chester: I think it’s a very valid thing to do. Of course in modern terminology that’s going under the phrase of the identification repentance. To us it’s just standing in the gap or making up the hedge in repenting of past sins.

Sid: Give me an example of someone that had a generational curse and how it manifested and how it was broken.

Chester: Well I’ve got one testimony of a man who went to one of the healing houses he said “Breaking strongholds of past occultism caused hurts to be healed in his heart and dealt with issues of adultery.” And he said “There’s a major lifting of heaviness of my spirit and a closer feeling with the Lord as I pray and no smoking for the last 4 days and none of the usual feelings of panic or anger because of breaking the strongholds of past occultism.” That’s pretty neat!

Sid: Betsy why don’t you give me your example.

Betsy: Yes this was a couple who came to the healing house to go through ministry for a week and they had strong divorce both of them had divorce in their family line and sexual sin. And they said “We’re coming here for help even though we believe that it’s probably too late.” And that couple went through got those generational sins and curses broken and went through the ministry and the last day she came dressed in a wedding dress and he in a tuxedo to make their wedding vows again and they said “This time we’re coming with a clean foundation in Jesus to make our commitment and it’s going to be lasting.”

Chester: Yes.

Betsy: That was several years ago and they have gone from almost being bums to being leaders in the church where they serve.

Sid: Now how does someone know we just talked about how many people were involved in our ancestors say going back 4 generations how does someone know what those sins are?

Chester: Well usually you just have to look at your life and look at what you’re doing.

Sid: Give me an example.

Chester: Well I know in my case I guess my biggest sin was avoiding other people because of my fear and expectation of getting rejected. Of course when my dad died when I was 2 he didn’t deliberately abandon me but of course at age 2 we can’t figure that out.

Sid: But then there are many fathers that are in houses that are abandoned emotionally their children and maybe even worse.

Chester: Well we see that too yes sir even worse than not having a father is a father who’s negative that abuses one. Yes emotional abandonment is really the key here.

Sid: How do you really break that curse?

Chester: Well we just meet God’s conditions we have a wonderful example in Daniel 9 as he does the identification repentance when he saw that the end of the 70 years of exile was at hand. And he has a tremendous prayer things like “I make my confession.” And then he identifies and he says “We have sinned.”

Sid: Even though he hadn’t he still had the corporate identification.

Chester: That’s right he was repenting for all of the fathers of Israel. “All Israel has transgressed they law…” excreta excreta, “therefore the curse is poured out upon us and the oath that was written in the law.” And he gets down to end of it and he says “Well I was speaking and praying and confession my sin and the sin of my people Israel and presenting my supplication before the Lord” excreta, excreta, and then Gabriel comes to them. So we have that model there, the Nehemiah model of course and Ezra and we do it today even though people say “It’s Old Testament” we find God’s the same yesterday, today. Today when we acknowledge our sin and ask for forgiveness and forgive those that sin against us we’re in a position then to receive the power of the cross in our lives.

Sid: One of the things that I’ve notice I’m sure Chest and Betsy you have too is that when a parent has a sin and the child judges that parent they normally end up having a repercussion as a result of the judgment. People as listening right now that have judged their parents for perhaps for lack of love or perhaps being alcoholic or perhaps for being unfaithful to their spouse. What can they do?

Chester: Well the first place to do is to confess the fact that they have judged it’s in the area of ungodly beliefs it’s an action of the mind. And so they need to repent of it and set their parents free even, if they’re dead. And by setting them free I mean no longer holding them accountable for the problems they have had as individuals. And then they’re in a position to break the power of judgment and the curse by appropriating what God did for us on the cross. It says in Galatians 3:13 Jesus said the words says “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us.”

Sid: It seems so basic and so simple are you saying that when people do this they really get free?

Chester: I’m saying it’s true, it’s free.

Betsy: We’ve seen it over and over Sid.

Chester: The only thing that’s complicated about it is that we don’t do it.

Sid: Well on tomorrow’s broadcast would you pray for people to break these curses?

Chester: We’d be happy to lead a prayer in that.

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