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Sid: My guest in the studio Curry Blake. Curry supernaturally came into the notes and the manual that John G. Lake used to instruct others to pray for the sick. For those that aren’t familiar with John G. Lake he was a man that studied the word and said “I want to have the same results that Yeshua, Jesus, had when He prayed for the sick” and he achieved it.  I mean he had such results that they were over 100,000 verified healings in Spokane, Washington in the first quarter of the 20th Century. And the wonderful thing is he was able to instruct others to pray exactly the way he prayed because he prayed based on what the Bible had to say. Now we don’t see these results today. But Curry Blake has been following his instructions and he’s seeing the same results that John G. Lake saw and now he’s teaching seminars of this manual. How did you get this manual tell me the circumstances of it?

Curry: It was passed on from my Divine Healing Technician that Dr. Lake had trained through his family and then whenever the last member of his family died it was in the will that I receive it. The last member died actually in ’97 and I received the manual in late ’97.

Sid: Why you, I mean you’re a unknown why not give it to Kenneth Hagen, or Kenneth Copeland, or a Benny Hinn why you?

Curry: Well there is actually I could go two ways with that and say well first off I pursued it and that was one of the reasons Wilfred Wright John G. Lakes son-in-law passed the ministry to me because he said that all of the people that he had talked to I was pursuing the same anointing I wasn’t pursuing the man. I was pursuing the anointing to help the people.  And so probably that’s the primary thing but I searched out people that were still alive including his Youth Pastor at the church he pastured in Spokane where Dr. Lake had started a church Devine Healing Technicians I’ve talked to them, interviewed them, taken notes studied them out and I chased this anointing. And the main thing is that anyone can get it here. Now the other aspect is that the main thing is that anyone can get it. Now the other aspect is some people believe that it was for such a time as this that this is the time for it to come forth.  The family had actually kept it in their possession and most of the people that had anything to do with Lake are not very sociable in just talking about it and bringing it up. Lake has been very maligned by a lot of the denominational bodies and he’s been rejected and…

Sid: But the results that he got why would he be rejected? I mean he got the same results that Jesus got?

Curry: Right unfortunately most of the ministry today ministerial bodies are not as interested in results as they are image and position. We are still Pharisees today just like Jesus did.

Sid:  What is your understanding of healing why does God want us to pray for the sick what is the purpose to draw attention so that you can preach the gospel what is it just people called to a healing ministry that are supposed to pray for the sick?

Curry: No, actually matter fact I emphasize I’m not doing anything special I’m just fulfilling the ministry of a believer as a person that ministers to the sick. Now I operate in another office when I teach and minister the word. But as far as praying for the sick any person, any believer, any Christian can get the same results that I’m getting and that Dr. Lake got just by being a believer. That’s the only thing any believer can do it but as far as my understanding of why God heals, He heals because that’s God nature He is life. Secondly He heals and this will throw a lot of people because it makes his enemy mad.  It’s a demonstration of his authority and power over his enemy Satan. So He heals people that I didn’t even want to touch I didn’t want to lay hands on but He healed them anyway just because He wants to emphasize the victory that Jesus won over Satan and every time someone gets healed the Kingdom of God is advanced and the kingdom of Satan has to retreat. As far as a manner of why people get healed God will heal anybody anywhere anytime of anything.

Sid: Lots of people say that but the truth of the matter is as I do my detective work I see a very low percentage of people that have their healing manifested why is that?

Curry: Honestly the only reasons well there’s lots of reasons why people do not get healed in a sense a traditional reasons and excuses people use. What I found is that none of those excuses, none of those sacred cows hold any water they don’t hold up every one of them I destroy in our seminars and when we’re teaching.  They all there is no reason why any person should not be healed. There is like I would saw sacred cows will keep you in milk but they won’t give you meat until you kill them. And so what we do is we kill the sacred cows. Now the main thing about most people the things that set them up the reason that most people don’t receive healings is because we have set up the reasons, the excuses, and then we allow those excuses to stand we accept them. And we expect the excuses to stand more than the word of God. We expect them not to get healed because there’s un-forgiveness in their heart because there’s this going on their life, because of spiritual atmosphere is not clean. If we waited for the spiritual atmosphere to be clean we’d never do anything. It is our jobs as Christian soldiers of the cross to go in and blast the atmosphere to cleanse it by healing. Now you say is healing a calling card now I already called it a calling card to the gospel. In one way that’s true but in actually see our problem is the reason we don’t have a lot of healings is because people look at it is an add on. It’s one of those added fringe benefits you buy this and we’ll throw in this for free. That’s not what healing was healing is the gospel it is setting captives free, it is the physical manifestation of the life of God in a person’s body just like salvation is the manifestations spirit it’s the same thing. There is no difference between the two and healing is it is the gospel it is setting the captive free because as long as one person Christian or non-Christian is sick in body then that is a captive that still being held in bondage. Because even Jesus talked about the woman who Satan had bound low these 18 years shouldn’t she be loosed. So she was in bondage as long as any person is in bondage in sickness and disease then there is a gospel of proclaiming the liberty to the captives that’s what we do.

Sid:  Okay someone is sick they come to you to be prayed for are there certain requirements on their part to be healed that you state? Do they have to get rid of all un- forgiveness, do they have to say a prayer of salvation first? Do they…what requirements do you put on somebody? I have a better question you’re in a mall and you’re in a department store and you see someone limping you know that there’s something wrong with them. What do you do?

Curry: Well I’m human so generally I kind of all back and I watch them for a while and a lot of times I’ll go right up to them.  As I go up to them the first thing that I do is ask them I’ll tell them who I am I’ll say “Hello I’m Curry Blake this may sound crazy to you but I pray for the sick and God heals them; it has nothing to do with me has nothing to do with you just God doing what He does.”

Sid: But what requirement do you put on them?

Curry: None.

Sid: None.

Curry: No more whatsoever no they…I don’t expect them to pray I don’t… like with Dr, Lake. Dr. Lake said it is the worst type of coercion to take a sick person and demand that they become a servant of God before God heals them. He said that it’s a coercion that God wouldn’t use. And whenever you say you’ve got to get saved before I’ll pray for you if that was true then we would have all had to get saved before God would have sent His Son. Well God sent His Son while we were yet sinners so He heals them first. See the goodness of God draws man to repentance get them healed first and they’ll come to God that’s not a problem. So we don’t set up any type of requirements they don’t have to be sinners, saints, Gentile, Jew it doesn’t make no difference.

Sid: Okay let’s take something dramatic let’s have you walking in a mall and say there is someone with a deformity you can see this one sort of deformity. Think of one person that you prayed for like that.

Curry: We were in Dillard’s at Valley View Mall in Dallas, Texas my wife was exchanging a Christmas gift I was standing around bored I usually take a book with me I didn’t this time so I’m just standing around looking at people. And as we walked by there was a little Hispanic woman that probably her 60’s walked past. Had a young boy at probably or 7 years old. They were walking and she was limping one foot was twisted and it was turned back it’s not actually club foot but it’s twisted back. And you could tell that it had been that way for some time. I saw her and I started following her and no set reason and I notice sickness and disease it sticks out to me.  And I started following her around and I followed her for some time like I said I’m human I don’t just want to go up to stranger too and just start out the same thing that hit me and hit other people hit me also. But I learn to go through anyway because people need to be set free. So I followed her around and she notice it and I think she thought that I was store security in following. I stopped her and started trying to talk to her she didn’t speak English I had to motion to her that I don’t speak Spanish I tried to motion to her the best way I could that I wanted to pray for her foot. When she said “Okay I actually knelt down on the floor and sometimes when I pray I tend to get loud, no set reason, but it just works that way well I started praying for her and as I started praying for her your first thought is that everybody’s looking at you and they did people started stopping and watching and wondering what this white guy is doing praying for this little Hispanic woman here. And I had her foot in my hand and I started thinking okay I’ve got to pray quietly not to draw a crowd and then I started thinking no I’m not going to pray quietly I’m going to pray like I normally do so I just started praying. Asking I… what I generally do is I pray to God first and let the people know that in whose name I’m doing this. And then I don’t really pray for people for healing I minister healing that’s one of the differences we don’t pray we minister. We minister healing to them and I started praying and I laid hands on her and I commanded her feet to be well.  And when I turned lose there was no visible sign I told her to start walking she wouldn’t she start limping and I grabbed her by the hand and took off with her and kept walking with her until she walked normal.  When she walked normal she threw up her hands and started yelling “Gloria a Jesus” and she was instantly healed.

Sid: Can anyone pray like this and get the same results?

Curry: Yes.

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