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Sid:  Do you know what happens when a Jewish person from an Orthodox Jewish background, or a Muslim from a fundamental Muslim background turns to Jesus? We’re not lukewarm 21st century American variety but we’re red hot for Jesus. I have a former Muslim Samuel Lee, that’s not his born name. I’m speaking to him at his office in Amsterdam, Holland. Now Samuel Lee was born in the Middle East, we can’t mention the country for security reasons. On yesterday’s broadcast we found out that age 6 he saw an artist’s conception of Jesus hanging on the cross. He began… he got fascinated, then his parent’s put him in a Christian school and one of his schoolmates said that “Jesus even though He died He’s still alive.” He continued to be fascinated with this Jesus, but then things radically changed in his country and the Christian schools were shut down and he had to go to a Muslim school. He was told some untruths about Jesus. For instance, he was told Jesus really didn’t die on the cross. He was told actually that it was Judas who died on the cross and people thought it was Jesus. So his faith in Jesus was crushed and at the same time his faith in Islam was crushed. So he turned to things like communism and he got into radical groups. To save his life his parent’s moved from the Middle East to the west. What was your first impression of the west Samuel Lee when you saw it? It must have been so different than your country?

Samuel: Yes exactly. Well the west the first I saw is the people are taller than me and I’m the short Middle East boy. That was for me the first impression. Then…

Sid:  Now you thought you were pretty tall by Middle East standards.

Samuel:  Yes exactly. For the Middle East I thought I’m tall but as soon as I came to the west I saw that “Man I am short.”

Sid:  So you did not go out for a basketball team (laughing)?

Samuel:  No. In my country I was playing basketball for a while but not in the west.

Sid:  Okay what else did you see that was so different?

Samuel:  Well I saw also the freedom that the people have in a way. It is like people are dressing a little bit floozy and they are so free. I saw something really shock me I saw 2 men, and I’m talking about 2 boys they were kissing one another. I say “Good Lord where am I?”

Sid:  What would have happened in your country if that happened?

Samuel:  Can I say that?

Sid:  Please.

Samuel:  They will stone you.

Sid:  Really?

Samuel:  They will stone you.

Sid:  Hmm.

Samuel:  They dig a hole and they put you in that cover your head and stone you.

Sid:  Now when you came to the west you got a girlfriend and her name was Sarah and was a Christian. I’ll tell you something that intrigues me, in your book, and by the way Mishpochah his book is just off the press called “Soldier of the Cross.” You had quite an unusual experience at the post office. Tell me about that.

Samuel:  Yes when I was studying, so in the nights I was working in the post office. I was not a Christian at all, I mean at that time you know I didn’t believe in any religion and I had my own ideologies. There was this man working in the post office and he told me that… I asked him “What are you doing?” He said… he’s singing for the Lord. I said “Which lord are you talking about?” He said “Jesus.” I say “God again I’m hearing Jesus.” Then he looked at me…

Sid:  You just can’t get away from this Jesus can you?

Samuel:  I couldn’t. I mean I went everywhere to run away from this Jesus. From my childhood until that post office day, Jesus is still running behind me to catch me to save me.

Sid:  What did you say to the man after he told you about Jesus?

Samuel:  I’m not a believer. I said “I don’t want anything to do with this Jesus.” Then he told me that “You young man one day you will be working for the same Lord as I’m working for Him.” I was shocked and I said “I’m not even a believer how can I work for the Lord that I don’t believe in Him?” He said “I bet you’re going to see one day you’re are going to be working for the Lord.” Next day when I went to the post office I didn’t see the man again. I asked to my boss “Have you ever seen a man like this?” She said “Never.” So this is my question, was he an angel or not?

Sid:  I think he was, but then you had a very strange dream that troubled you tell me about that.

Samuel:   Yes I had this dream that I was dressed in a very beautiful suit and the sun was to my back. I was walking somewhere in the streets of Jerusalem. Then there was this beautiful lake, water, and outside this lake there was this old man behind old table with a lot of books was studying behind this table. Then this old man has white hair and long beard and he was studying. I saw the water, I saw the lake and something deep in my heart said “Jump into the water jump into the water.” I didn’t know what is this. I just with the my Samsonite bag and my suit I just jump into the water.

Sid:  This is all in the dream?  Go ahead.

Samuel:  All in the dream.

Sid:  Yes.

Samuel:  Then suddenly my foot touched a cup. I took that cup I took it from the water, it is in the water, and I look back you know the backside of the cup and I saw Jewish letter but I don’t read Jewish so I didn’t know what it means. So I went out and I show to the old man. This old man when he saw that he jumped from that chair and he started to kiss me. He said “All my life I was looking for this.” I said “What is it then?” He said “This is the cup of John the Baptist that he used to baptize people.” I don’t whether this is theologically correct or not but that is what he said to me in the dream. He said “All his life…” his turned white he was looking for this cup he didn’t find and I am there as a young man jumping in the water less than 5 minutes I found it, then I woke up.

Sid:  What did you think about this dream?

Samuel:  Well at that time I didn’t know what it means, really I didn’t know what it means.

Sid:  Today what did that dream mean?

Samuel:  Today it means something great. Today the Holy Spirit revealed to me what the meaning of that dream is. That old man represents the people who try to do the work of God by their own efforts and they turn old in that without reaching anything in their lives. Then me jumping into the water the Spirit says that water represents the Holy Spirit. I jumped into the water and then I took that cup, that means the ministry for Jesus Christ. Now this is my message for the people that are listening right now on the radio. It doesn’t matter how much theological degrees you have, it doesn’t matter how many things you have studied in your life, and how much knowledge you have. If you don’t jump in the river of God, if you don’t jump in the Holy Spirit of God you will approach nothing just manmade things and manmade projects. In order to be able to be used by God we must give ourselves to the Holy Spirit, Ruach Kodesh, the Holy Spirit. We must jump in the river of life and let that river of life use us for His glory. Then you’re going to see that the things that people achieve in let’s say 30 years you are going to be able to achieve it in 3 years. Because the Bible says “It is not by might, nor by power it is by My Spirit that He can do it” He is able to do it only by His Spirit.

Sid:  Samuel what you have just said if people will just take this to heart… I mean look what Jesus accomplished in 3 years. So much of 21st century Christianity is just manmade. Will God find one man or one woman that’ll jump in the river and be a human living sacrifice to do what God wants them to do? Well you ended up marrying a woman who was from Korea. Her name is Sarah and she was a real Christian why did she marry you? You weren’t a Christian.

Samuel:  Well actually when she saw me for the first time you know she was already born again Holy Spirit filled. There was this little voice in her heart who said to her “This man is your husband.” But at that time she thought I’m a Jewish man she didn’t think I come from a Muslim country. Actually that voice kept ringing in her ears that “This man is your husband.” Later on when she realized that I’m coming from a Muslim country still she stood on the word of the Holy Spirit who said to her “This man is your husband.” That is exactly for other people. It doesn’t matter what other people says or tell about you whatever the Holy Spirit says it is going to pass and that happened to my wife.

Sid:  Well I have to interject something though, a Christian should not date should not marry a non-Christian. However, you’re saying God knew something and that’s why He did that. But on your wedding night…

Samuel:  Yes.

Sid:  …you couldn’t sleep and all of a sudden you hear a man’s voice. What happened?

Samuel:  Yes well I was in Spain, to be exactly Costa Brava very beautiful place. I was in this hotel room laying in my bed. I was not sleeping I was awake I was thinking about my life “What am I going to do when I go back to my city? How my life is going to be?” My wife Sarah was sleeping as usual because she can sleep very sweetly, but for me I couldn’t sleep. Suddenly there was this voice in my room. I tell you I have never heard such a beautiful majestic voice in my whole life. It seems as if the whole room is a big, you know box that the voice comes out from it. Then the voice called me by my name, He knew my name. Then He said to me “I stand behind the door of your heart and I am knocking. If you open the door I will come in I will eat and drink with you.”

Sid:  We’re out of time.

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