ErrorException Message: WP_Translation_Controller::load_file(): Argument #2 ($textdomain) must be of type string, null given, called in /home2/bduvall3/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 838 Our Guest David Herzog

DAVID: Well this is like months like this. It was just like, “God! There’s got to be more”, because the more you get of God, then the more you realize you DON’T have; it’s hard to explain.


And you go, “Wait! There’s even MORE, but I don’t HAVE IT!” In Acts 4:6 – said, “Oh God! I have to have this!”, Sid. I was just – it’s desperation. And then I caught something from the Lord – supernaturally – in the prayer time. Then I met some other people like Ruth Heflin; she had carried a glory.

Um hm.

And I had received something from her really strongly. And then I went back to ministry, and suddenly signs and WONDERS started manifesting! The bald heads growing hair; the people’s teeth with no – no – people with no teeth, teeth appearing in their mouth. So it wasn’t just healings; it was creative.

You must have been SO SHOCKED –

I was!

when this started. I mean –

Gold teeth, and all this crazy stuff!

When that first started, [CHUCKLES] and you would go back to your hotel room at night –

I was shocked!

You must have been more amazed than the people that had the gold teeth and –

Oh, I was! I’d say, “What is going on here?”


And it wouldn’t even stop! He would go, “Now call out people that have white hair!”; their hair turned. I said, “Where’s that in the Bible, Lord?”


He says, “Well, I’ve renewed the youth like the eagles!” “Okay; not the bald eagles, hopefully!”


And then – then he goes, “Now,” after a few months of that that He goes, “Now bring it back to Israel; “first fruits” – bring it to THEM first.” So the right when I got it, after a few months I went to Israel.  spoke in a few places, and the signs and wonders started hitting Israel, and Israelis start receiving the Messiah, Yeshua! Then I come back to France, and God said, “Because you went AGAIN to Israel, now I’m going to enlarge the cords of your ministry.” And we were renting the same buildings that Benny Hinn, Morris Cerullo, Carlos Annacondia were renting. Every 3 months, we were just renting these huge civic centers, and just – and it was – then these guys from I think TBN Europe, they had 2 hours on Sunday night, and they gave us their 2 hours, and put the meetings up.

Um hm.

So God just kept blessing and favor because we received the glory, were hungry, but then He maximized it when we went to the Jew first.

but what is “the glory”?

The glory, it’s like if you died and went to Heaven, –

It’s the atmosphere of Heaven.

the atmosphere of Heaven; how you be – but while you ‘re on the Earth. It’s awesome.

Because I’ve been in David’s meetings, and it’s just like the glory just invades the meetings. And then he calls words of knowledge, and it’s, I hate to use the term. because It’s God, so no matter what happens. but it’s sure faster and easier in the glory!

It just [CHUCKLES] seemed that way, yeah! I’m – I’m HOOKED on His glory, because, it’s like someone – I never was a drug addict, but people that are, they say, well they start with marijuana, and then they go to higher drugs. If they’re hooked on a higher drug, they can’t go back to a lower drug. It’s the same with the glory of God. I’ve tasted of the greater glory; I can’t go back to just “normal” Christianity.

okay. h look, “normal” is everything the Bible says plus more.


Why do I say “more”? Because Jesus said normal is “you will do the same works I have done and even greater”, so that’s why I say plus more! And by the way, another – another thing that’s very important in the gospel of John. It said if all the signs and wonders and miracles that Jesus did were recorded in books, there wouldn’t be enough books to contain them; meaning everything in the Bible is true, but it doesn’t have ALL the miracles that Jesus did! So, tell me about your new book. I’m very excited about it, [VIDEO BEGINS] “Alignment with Heaven”.

Yeah, “Aligning With Heaven”. So basically, this book is about how to get that, [VIDEO ENDS] that glory I’m talking to you about; how do you align with Heaven, in such a way that’s there’s unobstructed glory coming on your life in God using you . And that’s what’s the book’s about, how to align with Heaven.

Well let me – let me read a few bullet points you have on the back: “How I can align my life with Heaven’s timeclock and calendar”; and – and that’s very important.

Um hm.

  “What are the ancient pathways that opened up the supernatural for Moses, Elijah and Solomon”; “What ancient wisdom allowed Solomon to be a king, inventor, writer, scientist, psalmist, businessman, and see the glory cloud firsthand?”; “Where are the forgotten geographical and seasonal portals?”; “What are the ancient secrets to world harvest?”.  I would have to believe that what you have in this book is what you have learned by operating in the glory all of these years. But I’ll tell you [CHUCKLES] one of the things that excites me the most [VIDEO BEGINS] is “The Courts of Heaven”

We’re going to talk about this. This will literally, as you understand it, totally change your life.

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