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DAVID: It’s only by the Holy Spirit. All true worship comes from revelation, not from information. Information makes you think. Revelation makes you worship. And when revelation comes from the Holy Spirit it’s not that you have to be coached into worshipping. It naturally overflows because of the revelation you’ve received. So He says true worshippers are going to worship me in spirit and in truth. Not by tradition, not by mandate, not by demands, not by structure, though structure has its place. But He is saying that true worship is going to overflow because of what the Holy Spirit does in our hearts! You know the scripture talks about holy beings flying around the Father 24/7 singing Holy, holy, holy is the Lord! You often notice in the scripture that whenever someone cries holy it’s because the Lord has revealed Himself. Do you realize that these beings for all of eternity are flying around Him singing holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy? That for all of eternity each time they come full circle they capture new revelation of God?


DAVID: And it brings out a response. They have– people say how can they worship for all of eternity? It’s because for all of eternity they’re receiving revelation. Worship moves the shift, it takes shift from your needs to focusing on Jesus. There’s a song, now to me it’s old, I apologize if it’s was one of the new ones back in your day for worship, but Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus?


DAVID: Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. It’s poetic, it’s beautiful, it’s true. And you’re looking at Jesus the light of His face is so brilliant everything else goes dim. So the prayer request removes the inner chaos, allows you to focus on the revelation which moves you into worship. Much easier than the way I was doing it. And then I won’t spend too much time on this one cause I want to, I want more time for the last one here. The third one is resisting. This is spiritual warfare. Now many of you know about spiritual warfare. But I will say this. Anything that sin and the devil does in this earth can be undone through prayer! When you’re praying in the spirit, when you enter that realm of intercessor you become an agent of God’s dominion and authority in the earth! And you, when you speak, you may be over here but someone over there can receive. You know the thing about prayer is it’s impossible to accomplish nothing in prayer. For every moment you are praying you are growing! For every moment you are praying you are accomplishing something whether you see it immediately or not! We’ll be praying for somebody and we talk to them and they seem so resistant to the Gospel. The truth is despite the faτade that they place before your eyes because of the faith that you have you can know with certainty that when you’re warring for somebody’s soul, when you’re warring for a situation that you are making impact!


DAVID: That’s spiritual warfare. John chapter 6, Jesus is talking in verse 53. Remember the fourth one is reading.       Let me show you something very powerful that happens when you’re reading the Word because it’s not just reading a book. It’s not a biography. You’re experiencing a Person! He is the Word and Jesus Himself says that this is a supernatural thing. I know the binding and the pages and the ink are of our earth but this is a supernatural experience every time you open the Bible! Okay. So verse 53. This is Jesus talking. Is this blessing you?


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