ANA: So that child-like faith is so important for stepping into Heaven encounters, but it’s hard to teach. Right? But it’s something that you just believe with all your—

DONNA: It’s something so simple, but it’s hard to explain.

ANA: It sounds so simple, but really, when you believe and you know your Papa, Daddy, like you know Him on an intimate level, then you know that this is God, that it’s truly Him.

DONNA: You know, when I was reading your book “Seeing Behind the Veil”, I know that you have all of these wonderful encounters, you encounter Heaven, you encounter some other things, but you feel like that you are granted these encounters so that you can actually release them to other people. What did you mean by that?

ANA: Yeah, I don’t feel like this is just for me or that Heaven encounters are just for the elite people, you know. I feel like we can all experience Heaven. And as I share stories, my stories, I know other people start experiencing Heaven, as well. Like there’s an impartation on it that happens and people start—you know, in meetings as I’ve ministered, and I share, and I teach people how to do it, how to, I always ask people, “Did you see something new? Did you experience something different with God?” and they raise their hands and they get to experience, maybe, seeing Jesus for the first time, just His smile or His eyes looking at them or they see and angel or—So it’s not just for me. I want other people to experience Jesus like that.

DONNA: Mm-hmm. Now, I know you actually lead people through, uh—I hate to call it a process, but steps to experience this for themselves. Now, you do that in your meetings with people right there in front of you, live, people in front of you. Can you do that through a television camera and talk to people, as well?

ANA: Well, let’s try.

DONNA: Let’s try.

ANA: Let’s go for it! So viewers, if you’re at home right now, I just want you to do this. It’s simple. This is all going to sound super simple, but I pray that God will move. So right now, I just want you to close your eyes, like I’m doing, and Holy Spirit, we just ask for Your presence to come, right now, and touch each one of us, wherever we’re at. Be real still. Being still is the hardest thing sometimes. Just get really still. Get rid of all your fear. In Jesus’ name, I rebuke any fear from coming into this time. Thank You, Lord. Now ask this simple question: God, how do You see me? Now just wait. Now, some of you are going to start experiencing a picture; He’s going to show you something. Or maybe you’ll just hear a word and that’s it, but just wait for a second with it. Now, if you got your word or you got your picture, the second thing—these are just two simple ways that I lead people sometimes, but see if you can see a hand extended to you, because often, that’s how it started for me. I would see the hand of Jesus, like this, reaching to me. In the vision, or in that Heaven encounter, I would grab onto that hand and Jesus would lead me somewhere in Heaven. So you yourself, if you can see that hand extended to you, just believe right now that that’s the hand of Jesus extended and He wants to invite you today into an encounter with Him. Thank You, Lord. Now, right now—Donna, I just feel like, as I was leading people through that, that somebody, actually, as I did that thing with the hand, somebody, you just started experiencing the presence of God come down your body. Like you started feeling that tingling or warmth come over your body and I just want to encourage you, that is the presence of God. That’s what you’re experiencing right now. That is—you start knowing because you feel a shift in the atmosphere. Like I feel it in this room right now because I got warm and it’s actually cold in here [laughs]. But that’s the presence of God, right now, coming over you.

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