
Sid: Now if you’re like me you love studying Bible prophecy. From a supernatural perspective it is second to nothing because before things occur God says there going to occur, and in the same book that He states these things will be says that if a prophet comes in my name and has a prophesy and it doesn’t come to pass there’s one thing that you know for sure I did not send him.  I require 100% accuracy, why does God require 100% accuracy because He’s seen the events before they happen because He’s in a realm called eternity where there’s no time.  That’s why Bible prophesy is so wonderful but God has timing for us to understand certain aspects of end-time Bible prophecy.  And I get so excited when I find someone that has got a new understanding of these prophecies that from our perspective look like they’re about ready to happen, and that is Dave Brennan. Dave I find it really interesting you had a Catholic background.  You didn’t understand the scriptures too well, but in around 1992 you had a terrifying dream, tell me about that.

David: I did and just to give a little background I was going through some marital issues at the time and I was in an apartment in Florida and my family was in New Orleans; we did business in Florida and I was by myself. There was a Bible on the shelf and I tried to read it, I had never tried to read it before it had been given to me by somebody going door to door and I just took it and put it on the shelf and forgot about it.  I certainly wasn’t saved and I tried reading it and Sid it made no sense to me. It was odd the sentences the way they were designed didn’t make any sense to me what so ever.  And I had heard if you read the Bible you’d get some comfort and I needed comfort right then and that was the whole purpose for doing it.  And I made the effort and it just didn’t work out.  So I went to bed that night and in the middle of the night I had a dream the like of which I’d never before had in my life the vividness of it was different.

Sid: Were you just observing something or were you actually in the dream?

David: Well, I was observing and what I observed was terrifying. It was red and then it turned toward me it was a huge dragon just the head and very, in the typical sense that you see these dragons in Biblical sketches which I was not familiar with at that time.  And it turned and began coming after me and I awoke at that moment and I was in a puddle of perspiration which had never before happened and my heart was racing so fast that I began to become concerned about my physical wellbeing.  And eventually as I sat up in bed and I’m all wet from perspiration I begin to calm down. I began to think about it and it really concerned me.  And I had heard people these words and then I decided I’m going to say these words. And I looked up in the bedroom in the dark of the night and I said “I accept Jesus Christ as my Savior.”  And eventually, you know, went tried going back to sleep and eventually I fell asleep.  The next morning when I woke up the dream was very fresh and I remember it like it was yesterday even right now. When I picked up the Bible that morning I gave another shot and it was completely alive like I’ve never read anything before in my life.  And the meaning just jumped out at me and I couldn’t put it down and from that point forward I just began devouring the Bible; and before that I had an interest actually in Bible prophecy because a friend and I used to listen to tapes on it.  But I was not saved and I can understand people having an interest in supernatural events which certainly prophecy is but not being saved yet.  And I tell you what the transformation when I would read the Bible was absolutely mind blowing.

Sid: It sounds to me like you’re in your DNA was to understand a prophetic understanding, you had an interest.  What about Israel, even before you knew the Lord did you have any interest in Israel?                                   

David: I did I liked Israel from a political standpoint I received my degree in college in Political Science. In 1984 I was a Campaign Manager in the Reagan-Bush election effort in Louisiana and met the President. I always had an interest in politics, but from a political standpoint I was a big fan of Israel. When a friend of mine began getting these tapes on Bible prophecy and I started listening to them with him.  It absolutely fascinated me that how can this be. I guess that also probably softened up my heart for the moment a couple years later you know when I had that experience.

Sid: Well, I have no doubt that you have been anointed to reveal and end-time missing understanding of prophecy. Now one of the things that God put into your hands and I’ve never heard of this you have information about an ancient Egyptian scroll that actually sounds very much like the judgments that came on Egypt in the exodus.

David: It is and it just amazing I came across this. It’s referred to as Leiden 344 that’s the catalog entry in the museum of antiquity in the Netherlands. Well, what does that mean?  It’s an ancient Egyptian papyrus and it was written about 3500 years ago.  The short name for it is the papyrus ipuwer. Ipuwer was a fellow that lived 3500 years ago and he was obviously a character that was an adviser to pharaoh just like we have today the president has an array of counselors and advisers.  Well this fellow Ipuwer was an adviser. Something happened though for him to write the papyrus that we’re talking about.  Something very big happened in Egypt and in fact he writes in such a manner as to be in admonition against Pharaoh which one did not do back then but he apparently did.  We don’t know if he got away with it but he did it because something really big seemed to happen.  The papyrus was found in 1822 around the pyramids. What it relates Sid is just specific details recorded from the Egyptian perspective of events that transpired long ago in Egypt that are eerily similar to what happened and is recorded in the Book of Exodus.

Sid:  In other words it’s the same judgments you’re reading about. So he was just recording what occurred.  What did this mean to you?

David: Well, it was so fascinating I really delved into it and it showed me actually something I personally didn’t need to see but I can understand the need on the part of many others that it just reconfirms the book that we call Exodus even as old as it is, is actually confirmed from a secular perspective.  For example we know in Exodus that the river waters were turned to blood; well some people try to say that that was just figuratively speaking.  But let me tell you in this papyrus he talks about blood is everywhere; the river is blood he talks about.  He talks about men this is his quote this is from 3500 years ago on the papyrus; “Men shrink from tasting human beings and thirst after water.”  In other words the blood is in the water and they can’t drink the water because there’s blood in it exactly what Exodus tells us happened.

Sid: And what I find fascinating is you then piggyback to today and you see parallels  of when Egypt went against Israel, and when the US or nations of the world go against Israel.

David: Yes, an you know we look at the book of Exodus and we think in terms of well the pharaoh was trying to prevent the Jews from leaving, therefore these events these very unusual events unfolded.  But there’s another angel to that perspective you know it was the land that the Lord was sending the Jews to possess so essentially pharaoh was preventing the Jews from possessing the land, and the Lord took very strenuous actions.  And we see today and I know we’ve talked about other individuals who have been on your show who have talked about these strange coincidences and I use that term now kind of tongue in cheek of historically significant disasters unfolding at the like of which would include 911 and Hurricane Katrina with timing to the day usually then an effort begins against the promise land.

Sid: Well, you see I see the count down and you do too of when someone orchestrates dividing up the land of Israel that’s what releases all of these judgments again.

David: Yes and we’re seeing that unfold…

Sid: Whoops we’re out of time. When you see his revelation from Zechariah it’s what’s happening today. My friends in Israel that are Jewish believers in the Messiah they’re lives are being preserved because no weapon from against them can prosper; I want the same for you.

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