Dale and Pearl Raatz

Sid: The Jew and Gentile are One New Man, and that is what Paul refers to as the glorious church in the book of Ephesians. Why? Because there’s something when the Jewish anointing attaches with the Christian anointing all in Jesus that releases the fullness of the glory of God. It’s called the glorious church because it’s so pregnant, so electrifying with the power of God. I tell you I read a book called “The God of Now” subtitled “Pearl Will Live and Not Die.” It’s short it is only 85 pages, but it is so filled with victory over disease. It will electrify, it will charge your faith to the max. I have this couple on the telephone; they’ve paid the price, they’ve tested the word, they have learned how the devil operates, they have learned how to manifest that healing in this life. Yes it’s going to be fine when we get to heaven we won’t deal with the devil, we won’t deal with sickness, but in this life with an imperfect devil, and an imperfect world we deal with sickness. It’s time for God’s children to walk in divine health, but even more important than that to walk in the supernatural, to lay hands on your neighbor see them recover then lead them to the Lord. I spoke yesterday to Dale and he carries such a powerful anointing for healing. I’m gonna turn him loose a little later in the week to pray for you. I have his wife on the phone right now, actually they’re both on the phone. Pearl in 1975 you had an attack that the doctors said you should have died. What happened?

Pearl: Well in 1975 I was 32 years old, I was an active mother with 3 children, and we had just come back from a vacation out in California, which had been a dream vacation. The one thing we need to realize is that when things are going good the devil is going to attack and we need to recognize his attack. So it was about 2:00 on a Thursday morning and I woke up and I had such a pain in my heart. I said “Honey my heart, my heart!” He took me downstairs, he carried me downstairs of the parsonage and he laid me across the couch and he was looking for life in my being. He could not find a pulse and started to say “Lord you can’t take her God, don’t take her.” He was ignorant at that time and did not know his authority. God in His mercy wrote on the wall supernaturally a large area that said “If you will apply the blood over your household the death angel shall depart.

Sid: Dale, you really saw this before your eyes?

Dale: Yes sir.

Sid: Had you ever seen something so supernatural like that before?

Dale: No I haven’t that was supernatural.

Sid: That is amazing, and what did it say?

Dale: It said “If you would apply the blood over your household the death angel shall pass over you.”

Sid: Sounds good to me. What does that really mean?

Dale: It means that he has to leave. The blood is our life giving substance our protection.

Sid: So what did you do when you saw that on the wall?

Dale: I spoke it. I said “In the name of Jesus I apply the blood over pearls life. You death angel you must go in Jesus name.” Immediately she leaped in my arms and she said…

Pearl: And I said “Honey read the word.” That’s what we did for the rest of night is we read the word and we praised God. We had no idea what had really taken place. Two days later it was Saturday morning and I woke up with a pain in my leg, and Dale being the avid trout fisherman that he was could hear the fish calling for him to come fishing…

Sid: [Laughing]

Pearl: So he laid hands on me and he went fishing. While he was gone for a couple of hours it got worst. So I called a lady at the church and she gave me the name of her doctor because we didn’t have one in that area yet. When he came home I said “Honey you’ve got to take me to the hospital.  I called the doctor he said ‘Lady it sounds like you’ve got a blood clot in your leg get up here as soon as possible.’” So Dale took me to the hospital and it was confirmed that I had a blood clot in my leg. They put me on a blood thinner and put me in the hospital and I wasn’t allowed to get out of bed or anything. Then Monday morning came and my doctor with 4 other doctors and 7 nurses came into the room. My doctor sat on the edge of the bed and took my and the rest stood around and he said “Young lady you should not be here, you should be dead.”

Sid: Hmm.

Pearl: I said “Why” he said “Because you have had one-third of your kidney explode, that means that the meat particles and blood clot had to go through your heart and brain. It is impossible for you to be alive.” I said to him “When did this happen?” he said “I don’t know but it was a very short time ago.” Then I knew what happened on Thursday night. They left and it was about an hour later and a young man came to my room and said “Are you Pearl Raatz?” and I said “Yes.” He said “I Merlin Roberts from the funeral home here in Ashland and the doctor called me and told me I had to come and see a miracle” because I was in his hospital when I should have been in the morgue. I led him to the Lord and it wasn’t an hour later and his wife come and she said “I am Sharon and my husband told me about you.” I led her to the Lord and we became good friends with them.

Sid: Pearl what actually happened to your kidneys?

Pearl: Well when they took the x-rays they found that one-third of my left kidney had exploded ripping off that third leaving meat particles and blood clots in that mess of my body, only it was gone. Several years later I went to the doctor again and they did x-rays and they found out that my kidney had not only regrown back on, which they said was impossible to be done, but God used His signature and it has cross stitches all the way around it, and I have 2 full kidneys.

Sid: Cross stitches? Who stitched it?

Pearl: God. I believe that was His signature.

Sid: Huh! Well…

Pearl: God did a creative miracle. I didn’t do it just good but I left My signature on it.

Sid: [Laughing] You know Mishpochah it’s wonderful that Dale and Pearl have had these wonderful physical healings, but what is even better is they are supernaturally equipped because of the experiences they have gone through. They are seeing so many miracles, but I have to think this was all in preparation Pearl for the big one because on February 15, 1997 what happened to you?

Pearl: On February 15, 1997 I had a brain aneurism, which at the time when it happened doctors said “97% die instantly of the 3% that are left 95% of them will die within a very short time, and if there’s anybody left after that there never coming out of a coma. If for some rare reason they will come out of a coma they will never know anybody, they will never know anything they will be a vegetable.” My children and my grandchildren were prepared that if I should ever come to which was impossible that I would not be there mother and grandmother as they knew me.

Sid: Dale tell me from memory what you observed when this first happened.

Dale: When this first happened it happened in a church and she screamed out “My head! My head! My head it just blew off!” as I was standing by her. She went into convulsions and into a coma. The first thing came out of my spirit was “Pearl you not die but live declare the works of God.” The next thing I remember saying “In the name of Jesus I apply the blood over you, you death angel must go.” I didn’t realize how serious it was till she laid across that pew that we could not find… you know she laid there as a dead woman. I thank God for the word. I remember they took her to the hospital the ambulance finally came, and the doctor met me at the ambulance, he came out of the ambulance.  He said “Oh my gosh she’s totally paralyzed.” What happened immediately that she had the brain aneurism that exploded in the center of her brain that totally paralyzed, gave her a massive stroke. She had no life in her from her neck down she was totally paralyzed. Then from there they said “We have no facility our facilities are too small here we have to take her to a bigger hospital.” That’s when he transported her to the Green Bay Hospital. I remember it was about 10:00 at night when we finally got down there. This brain surgeon that met me he talked to me and he said “Really there is nothing we can do.” I said “Aren’t you gonna operate on her?” he said “We’ll see.” So we realized sometime if we don’t be persistent with our faith we will agree with him, but I knew what the word said to me. The following Sunday morning, this happened Saturday I met him Sunday morning and I said to him “Doc you’re gonna operate on my wife.” He said “The operating rooms are all full.” I believe it was a testing for me was I going to walk off, or was I going to be persistent and walk in the love of God? I believe faith operates through love. So I was persistent. In the afternoon the same message, and the evening they finally took her and said “We’ll see what we can do.” When they operated on her it took about 4 hours that evening. They had to cut her from ear to ear put her scalp back and take a 3×4 plug on top of her head. When they went in to operate another vessel broke…

Sid: I’ll tell you what we’re out of time right now…


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